July 3, 2014 11:27
July 3, 2014 11:17
July 3, 2014 11:15

I was struck by sudden and overwhelming inspiration to draw the Piemaker. Just finished Pushing Daisies for the first time!
Morning reblog!
July 2, 2014 00:51

Happy Canada Day! Here’s a sketch of one of my favorite fictional canadians. #canada #logan #bub
July 2, 2014 00:45
July 1, 2014 23:36

Hi Gigi! I wanted to ask you a question about colors! I have a problem with choosing colors when there is drastic lighting, whether its really bright light or if the characters are in a really dark, dimly lit place. I’m not sure how to choose the colors that fit the characters (that make them look like they’re themselves, and not different. I hope that makes sense!) So, how do you choose your colors when doing that sort of lighting in your comics?
— waddledoopsI hope this is a little bit helpful!
I’m JUST now getting into Cucumber Quest, and it’s like a whole world of color and light is opening up to me! Thank you, Gigi!
July 1, 2014 21:13
July 1, 2014 21:09

got my first batch of prints! super happy with how they turned out, especially like the how well the red printed for the gurren print!
these will be available at fanexpo in august, and a few of them might be available online too!
anyway, this is about half of what i’ll have with me at fanexpo, time to start on some new ones!
July 1, 2014 21:04
July 1, 2014 21:00

I’m making posters to sell at cons and now I’m wondering what I’m gonna do with all this money I’m gonna be making.
I really hope you’re serious, because I will buy the hell outta some of those.
July 1, 2014 12:32

HAPPY CANADA DAY! For Canada Day, read this short Superhero Girl comic I made last year for the True Patriot anthology! It was based on a true experience I had when someone asked me “what makes Superhero Girl a Canadian superhero?” and I was like uhhhhh?
The League of Villainous Canadian Stereotypes was my boyfriend Tim’s idea. He is a great idea man!
Enjoy my Canadian comic and have a great Canada Day! I am celebrating by working a lot. ;)
June 30, 2014 22:14
June 30, 2014 22:09

Hannibal (TV Series), Variant (grey) and Regular (red) Color Version - Mondo - Official Film Poster
From my show with Martin Ansin at the Mondo Gallery in Austin, TX during SXSW 2014. Limited edition, 24 x 36 inch screen printed poster.
June 28, 2014 23:39
June 28, 2014 15:27
June 28, 2014 15:14

Toronto Indie Art Market is now accepting vendor applications for our August 21st Summer Sunset Market, an evening market taking place at the Gladstone Hotel from 7pm - 11pm.
This event is in the Gladstone Ballroom only and will be free admission. Due to increased venue rental fees and free admission, tables are priced at $45/3ft spot or $90/6ft spot. A VERY few 4ft spaces are available for $60. While the official hours are 7 - 11pm, vendors will have the option of remaining set up until midnight if they choose to do so.
All vendors are welcome to submit an application for this event, however vendors who have been accepted for July will go to the bottom of the list for acceptance.
To submit an application, please visit the Toronto Indie Arts Market website.
Hey folks! Just a reminder that this call for vendors ends at the end of this month.
Those are good table prices but Thursday night from 7pm-11pm are weird hours. We’d probably do better at the December 13th Holiday Small Press & Literary Festival.
(Source: torontoindieartsmarket.com)
June 28, 2014 09:55
faithfire-writes: Do you have any suggestions for how to outline a novel? I feel like if I try to write it without outlining it first, I lose my motivation and everything sounds like crap.
Anonymous said to characterandwritinghelp: I’m trying to start writing a book and I have a vague idea of the plot but I can’t figure out how to arrange my thoughts in the right order so that the story flows better. Could you help me out?
Anonymous said to characterandwritinghelp: I’m personally very bad at organizing myself and my thoughts on paper. I usually lose my notes or forget they exist, and I was wondering if you had any resources online that I could use to keep track of my notes, short stories, etc. Thanks!
I AM ALL ABOUT OUTLINES, MY FRIENDS. Things to remember when you outline:
- It does not have to make sense. Your outline is for you and no one else. My outlines usually contain a mess of words thrown down in a rough approximation of sentences. The important thing is that you understand it.
- Use every tool at your disposal. Get highlighters and sticky notes to help you track story arcs. Use a procrastination sheet and a bookmark word to keep track of things that need extra work. Sketch things out on a timeline or a mind map. Nothing is stupid if it helps you get your story written.
- Do not be afraid to change things. The beauty of outlining is that you can take a look at your story as a whole. If you outline it all and take a step back to see something that looks like it no longer works, change it (but do not get rid of it, paste it on a clipboard somewhere and squirrel it away for later).
Sites and tools:
- LitLift (free, web based)
- Hiveword (free, web based)
- My Writing Nook (free, web based)
- Storyist (paid, Mac only, my weapon of choice)
- Scrivener (paid, Mac and Windows)
Useful tags:
Reblogging this for later.
June 28, 2014 09:19
June 27, 2014 17:30

They Might Be Giants have a very special gift for you http://www.theymightbegiants.com/firstalbumlive/
We respectfully request that all you fine folks on tumblr reblog this free offering. We would sincerely appreciate you spreading the good word of this project.
They Might Be Giants’ first album, or “pink album,” was a turning point for both the band and for the burgeoning world of indie rock. Performing in downtown NYC clubs, the band had become a fixture on the East Village scene where performance art and music flowed together in a vivid late night club scene. In those earlier years, the band was making recordings for their Dial-A-Song service and their demos were actively passed around town. While the album’s release in late 1986 was met with raves from critics (including the rare “A” rating from the Village Voice’s Robert Christgau), with no major label push or immediate radio interest, it seemed destined to settle comfortably into the Miscellaneous T section within a number of months. All that would change quickly when the band collaborated with video director Adam Bernstein, on a series of original clips that would get serious play on MTV…
June 27, 2014 15:31
About This Blog
Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.
About My Work
I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at www.lemon-inc.com.
I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.
My Sites
Ink Bomb Comics
Other Comics I Like
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