Stephen Hillenburg, the creator of Spongebob Squarepants, has passed away. Thank you for creating this wonderful show. We are sending love to his family.
One of the first times a movie made me cry was the goofy goober sad song in the first Spongebob movie. For a creator of a cartoon that has made 2 generations laugh and strive for optimism and to always remain positive, I hope he rests in piece.
just a reminder of my favorite thing on tumblr and its existance
New killer reveal
I want one,
these are room guardians!! also known as the star of that one fuckin meme that went around a while ago aka this
they were (are?) made originally by anyaboz on dA! they also make a lot of other fantastic stuff I mean I am in love with fuckin everything they do their work is stunning
$1 Billion dollars is nothing to get Saudi Arabia’s Blood off our hands. I’d be happy if the Federal Government paid 10X that as the price to pay for having a Human Rights based foreign policy.
Don’t forget the part where that oil pipeline, purchased for $4.5 billion, was actually worth less than $1 billion. The price was so egregiously inflated because the purchase also included the (by the time of closing)
permits for construction of its twin.
The more important issue, I think, is that Trudeau is saying that Yemeni and dissident Saudi lives are worth less than all of that.
I’m ashamed that Trudeau and Freeland have put our country up for sale, and that our sacred “values” that they talk so much about are sold so cheaply.
Anonymous: Just a quick comment on a reblog that suggested Conservatives &!Liberals are the same. It’s a real point of privilege to be able to make that assertion. I fall the left of the political spectrum. I am also a visible minority + a Muslim woman who wears the headscarf. I don’t love all of Liberals positions on key issues but one party has members in their caucus that want to administer values tests, support a barbaric cultural practices hotline, and banning the burqa. Hint: it’s not the Liberals.
The point of that comparison is that when you really grind down the two parties to their essentials, they are running the same core, economic ideology.
Yeah the Conservatives are worse, but the Liberal policies are inherently Conservative in nature.
The only difference between these two parties is how quickly they will resort to austerity and the speed in which they bow down to big business (or in Trudeau’s case, Big Oil).
Both parties are parties that regularly use austerity, putting fiscal matters ahead of the most marginalized people in our society, and both parties privatize public infrastructure which leads to a loss of revenue and inevitable cuts to social services; which guess what hurts the poor and marginalized.
It is the Trudeau government that is maintaining mandatory minimum prison sentences, Harper’s cuts to Healthcare and Harper’s woefully inadequate climate change targets. It was the Liberals that voted for Stephen Harper’s draconian Bill C-51. It was the Liberals who are maintaining billions of dollars of tax loopholes for the rich, and whose middle class tax cut benefits the top 10% earners the most while giving those earning less than $40,000 NOTHING.
These do not sound like LIBERAL policies.
And yeah the Liberals will say that they care about LGBTQ rights and Women, but at the same time their economic policies are exactly the type of policies who hurt groups that they claim to be allies towards.
I mean, Trudeau has stated openly that he will not be challenging the CAQ on their policies regarding either the banning of religious symbols or immigration, so like, yeah he’s not openly advocating for that shit, but he’s also not openly speaking out against it even though he absolutely should.
Then there’s the fact that Trudeau has yet to repeal C-51, still sells arms to Saudi Arabia, still won’t repeal the third country agreement, has done very little in terms of actually advocating for the refugees who are currently indefinitely detained, has reneged and turned his back on indigenous and First Nations people and their concerns….the list could keep going.
Like, it’s really weird to say that knowing there are very few differences between Liberals and Conservatives is a “point of privilege.” The people who criticize the Liberals are often visible minorities who face the brunt of the policies the Liberals make.
In The Lion King, unlike the other lions, Scar’s claws are always displayed throughout the movie.
In The Little Mermaid (1998) when King Triton is introduced, you can see Mickey, Donald, Goofy and Kermit the Frog in the crowd, underwater.
In Cars, the flies are actually tiny cars with wings.
In Hercules (1997) the Fates tell Hades all the planets will align but only show 6 planets aligning. These are the 5 planets plus Earth that the ancient Greeks were aware of and could see with the naked eye.
In Zootopia, while Officer Judy Hopps is ticketing cars around the city, she never crosses the street illegally. She always uses a crosswalk and looks both ways before crossing.
In monsters inc, sully’s chair has a hole in it to accommodate his tail.
In The Brave Little Toaster, all of the walls in the cottage are cleaned only as high as Blanky can reach.
In Cloudy with
a Chance of Meatballs, during the food storm the president’s of Mount
Rushmore get pied in the face but Abe gets hit in the back just like his
In Cars the truck stop advertises “convertible waitresses” i.e., topless.
In Finding Nemo, Bruce the shark starts crying when Marlin starts talking about Nemo, saying “I never knew my father”. Male sharks mate with the female then leave, so baby sharks never actually meet their father.
The Magic Carpet from Aladdin makes an appearance in Moana.
In UP, there are craft supplies on the table by Ellie’s hospital bed when she gives the Adventure Book to Carl.
The hold up scene in the Incredibles is actually an homage to a similar scene from Die Hard with a Vengeance, which also starred Samuel L. Jackson.
In Toy Story 3 (2010) Buzz Lightyear’s batteries are exposed showing the Buy n Large brand, the same company responsible for making WALL·E.
In Ratatouille (2007) Anton Ego’s typewriter resembles a skull and his office a coffin.
In Monsters, Inc. (2001), there are multiple sizes of coffee cup for each of the different sized monsters.
In Toy Story 2 (1999), as the restorationist is going through his equipment, he opens a drawer filled with chess pieces. This is a reference to the Pixar short “Geri’s Game” where a similar looking man plays a game of chess against himself.
In Inside Out (2015) while going through Imagination Land a game box can be seen in the background with Nemo on it called Find Me.
In Cars, you can spot Sully and Mike in cars form!
At the end of Ratatouille (2007) Anton Ego is a little bit fatter. This is especially poignant since he states, “I don’t like food, I love it… if I don’t love it I don’t swallow.”
In Coco we can see The Incredibles poster.
the company that offers “car life insurance” to the cars in Cars 2, is
the same company Bob Parr works for in The Incredibles.
In Inside Out (2015) two of the memory orbs on the shelves contain scenes from Up (2009). One features Carl & Ellie’s wedding, while the other shows their house.
Toy Story Woody is trapped in a crate which is stuck under a ‘Binford’
tool-box. Binford is the fictional tool company in the TV show Home
Improvement which starred Tim Allen, the voice of Buzz Lightyear.
The Incredibles, in Bob Parr’s home office, there’s a photo from a
fishing trip where it appears he caught Bruce from Finding Nemo.
Cars 2 (2011) while in a pub in London there is a tapestry on the wall
that is the DunBroch family tapestry from Brave (2012), except they are
portrayed as cars.
In “Ratatouille” (2007), Linguini has to hide Remy before his second
day of work. He offers to hide him in his pants, revealing his briefs
covered in The Incredibles logo.
After the plane is blown up in The Incredible, Helen (Elastigirl) knows the plane debris is going to fall on them due to seeing the reflection in the water.
Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.
About My Work
I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at
I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.