
Calendar March 29, 2017 20:33

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And if you have any questions just ask here or email me!

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Calendar March 29, 2017 20:30

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Ah, the world is full of creeps. That’s what I’m banking on.

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Calendar March 29, 2017 19:10

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i keep seeing the gif set so here’s the video

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Calendar March 29, 2017 19:07

Calendar March 29, 2017 19:06

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New American Gods character posters

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Calendar March 26, 2017 22:57

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so the moment where malfoy cursed hermione’s front teeth to grow and snape just looked down and said “I see no difference” is one of the moments where I realize I really don’t care how hurt he was by his unrequited love for Lily and how much he went through to keep Harry alive; he was needlessly cruel to a whole lot of innocent kids and teens and how in his twisted mind did he seem to think that was what would have made Lily more attracted to him if she had lived?

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Calendar March 26, 2017 22:42

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The Polybius Mystery:

Polybius is an arcade cabinet described in an urban legend, which is said to have induced various psychological effects on players. The story describes players suffering from amnesia, night terrors, and a tendency to stop playing all video games. Around a month after its supposed release in 1981, Polybius is said to have disappeared without a trace. There is no evidence that such a game has ever existed.

The game has shown up in movies & tv shows like The Simpsons and Wreck it Ralph.

I want to believe

absolutely my favorite urban legend by far, I used to follow a forum dedicated to just pooled information about cabinet sightings in old scrapbook photographs and family members who claim to have seen or even played the game. most claims on the forum say the can’t really remember anything about the game down to even what kind of game it was.

I still love this

The Polybius legend is so fricking creepy because it seems like it could actually be true O.O

i have never heard of this

it is SUPER creepy though wow

Real life is full of so many CREEPY MYSTERIES O.O




Real life Creepy Mysteries are one of my fave things!

tho I have too often made the foolish mistake of reading about them when alone in the house when it is dark ;_;

The really fascinating thing about the Polybius urban legend is that most of the individual elements are confirmably true.

For example, some early arcade games really did have a tendency to induce brief amnesiac episodes in players, owing to the fact that they triggered photosensitive epilepsy; prior to the advent of arcade games, bright flashing lights in rapidly cycling colours were rarely encountered in everyday life, so most people with photosensitive epilepsy didn’t know they had it, and there was little public awareness of the condition, creating the impression that the games themselves had some sort of mystical power.

Likewise, many early video arcades really were subject to covert monitoring by law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, though it had less to do with unauthorised medical experiments and more to do with the fact that video arcades were suspected - sometimes correctly - of being fronts for illegal gambling rings.

Basically, a whole series of unrelated events added up to a single freakishly plausible conspiracy theory. Taken by itself, each claim made by the theory could be independently verified - it’s just the connections between them that were spurious.

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Calendar March 26, 2017 22:38

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Attention non-artists who commission artists: don’t fuckin do this???

Actually had someone do this to me too. Was doing a art stream, it took me over 2 hours to do his inked commission, he got a refund cause ‘it took too long’ that he figured I wasn’t going to do it after I gave him the file.

Don’t do this. Do not.

I’ve had this happen to me with a $350 comic :/ I had already finished it, it was full color, 6 panels and had a full bg in every panel. I was lucky in that I didn’t spend him money yet, but it left me without funds. I’ve also had the above happen to me as well.

Don’t do this shit to artists. We’re people too. Drawing for you is more than a hobby. It’s a job.

Use Paypal Invoices. 

I cannot stress this enough. That shit helps A LOT when it comes down to Paypal refunds/disputes.

There’s a description box that let’s you put in what the product is/how long it’ll take/yadda yadda, and then there’s another little memo box that only you and paypal can see where you can say it’s a digital commission and doesn’t require shipping (So Donald Mcfuck can’t say that they never got their commission).

And there’s also a box for your Terms & Conditions where you can say, if you have any conflicts/want a refund - email me, or you can actually tell the user that this is a digital commission and they won’t be getting a hard copy of it.

And to: the people who do this to artists – Fuck you. It’s okay if you change your mind and want a refund. But freaking TALK to us and let us know what’s going on. Let us WORK with you.

ALSO A HUGE TIP: Invoices paid will automatically set up a shipping notice which, if not fulfilled, can land you in SERIOUS hot water with PayPal. Since a lot of artists don’t print and ship the commissions, this is a huge problem.

However! Totally manageable. Just go to your PayPal, scroll down to find Seller Preferences

>> Shipping Preferences

>> Display Ship Button. Make sure all the boxes are unchecked. Then you’re all set!

As a big supporter of artists, don’t you ever fucking dare fuck over an artist like that. Like don’t. And if they take their time to do a good job, don’t shit all over them for it! Don’t be a fucking ass hole. Just don’t. These people put a  LOT of work and time and effort into their artwork. Just don’t be that guy. Often times these artists aren’t even getting what they deserve in compensation. 

If you can’t wait a couple of hours for someone to finish a commission then you shouldn’t be commissioning art in the first place. What fantasy land does this guy live in where quality art takes less than an hour?! Ugh.

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Calendar March 26, 2017 22:31

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Justin Trudeau talks like Jack Layton, but acts like Stephen Harper.

(Source: allthecanadianpolitics)

Guy Caron in the second NDP debate (via allthecanadianpolitics)

This, except he isn’t even as good at talking as Jack Layton.

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Calendar March 26, 2017 22:07

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I hope my man Patrick is doin alright 😕

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Calendar March 25, 2017 22:58

Calendar March 25, 2017 13:26

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Calendar March 25, 2017 13:25

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Calendar March 25, 2017 13:24

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call-out post for principal seymour skinner



  • his hamburgers are quite similar to the ones they serve at krusty burger
  • calls them “steamed hams” despite the fact that they are obviously grilled

Won’t let me see the aurora borealis localized entirely within his kitchen.

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Calendar March 25, 2017 01:33

Calendar March 23, 2017 00:22

Calendar March 22, 2017 23:25

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Go for the thing you actually want to do.  

Many students, teachers and family told me studying 2D animation in school from 2009- 2013 was silly because there were already no more 2D jobs, and that I should study 3D animation. But I hate rigorous, technical work, I honestly hate computers all together. I’m not built for that kind of thinking, and I’m not interested in it. I was and am far more interested in drawing and film making than mastering technology. I’m almost four years out of school now, and have now had far better career opportunities than many of my 3D classmates because I am passionate about what I do.

My senior year of college,  I narrowed the parts of the animation process that I am most interested in to writing and storyboarding. But, I was afraid to pursue those jobs because I knew from interning in studios that they were highly coveted positions. So, I went for cleanup and animation jobs, hoping to work my way up. I even got lucky and landed character design work down the line, though I’m not particularly interested in design. It was only when i started taking storyboarding classes, making storyboards in my spare time, pursuing storyboarding jobs, calling myself a storyboard artist, that those opportunities started to become available to me. And it turns out, I’m far better at storyboarding than I was at those other positions, because it’s the thing I enjoy the most. This is not to say “don’t take that cleanup job that pays the bills.” Take that job, and do online storyboarding classes at night, and read storyboarding blogs on your lunch break, make storyboard samples and comics in your free time on nights and weekends… Then, ask for storyboard tests, and test and test and test. It might take a while, no worries. Go ahead and put ‘storyboard artist’ on your website in the meantime instead of ‘illustrator’ or ‘cleanup’ or whatever your more accurate fallback job is. Don’t work in a studio and wait for someone to give you the opportunity. You might think because you are hard working at your compromise job, the management will reward loyalty with the job politely asked for, or maybe were even too polite to actually ask for. They won’t give you that job. They probably won’t even help you get that job. So test within that studio if they’ll let you, and apply other places in the meantime while you keep paying the bills with that job.

There’s no excuse to me. Even people who want to direct can direct their own animated shorts in their spare time and build up a commercial directing portfolio from those shorts. You can do the same thing making crappy live action films with borrowed equipment in your spare time. It’s costly and time consuming, but you can throw your musician friend a couple bucks for the score, get a compositor buddy to assemble it in exchange for some animation she needs, and buy a bunch of friends pizza to help you clean up scenes or hold lights or whatever. I’ve done it before.

I used storyboards as an example above, (read blogs during lunch, etc.) but apply that same tenacity towards whatever you want to do: vis dev, character design, comic penciler, stop motion fabricator, 3D modeler, whatever. I want to be a writer now, that’s the next hurdle for me. I’ve written two pilots and I’m taking it seriously, going to writing events, talking to people, refining my work and writing new material, and generally conducting myself as a writer. I have no idea how long or even if this will take, but I’m pursuing it like it’s real because I enjoy writing, so I think I’d be good at it. Please don’t be one of these people that talks about all the stuff you’re “working on”, when you are really just thinking about working on that stuff. Too many of those in the world, please just go and get things done. “There are those who write, and those who talk about writing.” An adage I like. Apply it to whatever “There are those who design characters, and those who talk about designing characters…”

So please, everyone, go for what you want, don’t stop short now. You’ll be a lot better at your job when you’re doing the thing you like.

Reblog for those who walk in the daylight

GUYSSSS!!!!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

What a great opportunity it is when someone says you can’t do something. Simply light their words on fire in your mind and let it fuel your passion!

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Calendar March 22, 2017 05:10

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So for all you feminists out their who think that all men should die, remember, you are not a feminist.

reblogging for the last comment


Legit question, I’m not trying to hate on feminists or anything. Why is it called feminist if they’re for equality?

That’s a very good question and thank you for asking so politely. 

The word feminism was coined by Charles Fourier in 1837, a French philosopher who advocated for the emancipation of women because he believed society treated women as slaves. We weren’t allowed to vote, own anything, or work a real job. Women were ruled by their fathers/household patriarch until they married at which time they’d be under the rule of their husband. If a woman did not belong to male household she was shunned by society and had very little means to make money, most of them unsavory. You know the idiom “rule of thumb”? That comes from a running joke that started in the 1600s, and was still around in Fourier’s time, that said it was okay for a man to beat a woman with a stick as long as it wasn’t any thicker than his thumb. 

The point of the word feminist, and the feminist movement, has never been to say that women are better than men. The point is that women and things associated with women have been given a lesser place in society and we want to bring those things up to a place of equality. The focus is on the feminine because that’s what’s being pushed down. However, focusing on the feminine does not mean we’re focusing only women. Men are belittled and called “less of a man” anytime they portray a trait that is associated with femininity. If women and the feminine were equal to men and masculinity then that wouldn’t happen. Feminism is about raising up things associated with females to have an equal place in society as the things associated with males. It’s called feminism, not equalism, because the focus is on raising up not tearing down. Equalism would suggest that male things need to come down to a lower level so that female things can meet it in the middle. That’s not the point. The point is to raise up the feminine so that it’s on the same playing field that the masculine is already on. We don’t want men to lower themselves, we just want them to make room for us.

This needs to be spread far and wide to everyone on tumblr. 


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Calendar March 22, 2017 00:16

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enjoy these two bats in love on the first day of spring!!

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About This Blog

Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.


About My Work

I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at

I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.

 uploaded image 

My Sites

Lemon Inc.

Lai Guys Comics




Ink Bomb Comics

Ink Bomb Site


Stale Bacon 

Zoo Dot Com 


Other Comics I Like

Woody After Hours

Cucumber Quest

Boxer Hockey



Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name 



Artists & Designers

Shane Kirshenblatt

Sean Mclean Art 

Ryan Estrada

Matt McCray

Kevin Coulston

Paul Westover

