
Calendar December 6, 2016 02:43

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Have some faith in humanity!

Because sometimes we need reminded that there is still a lot of good in this world

this is the shit I need to see more often… sometimes we all need a reminder that there are good people in the world. 

I really needed to see this today

Sometimes, you need to see that there are good humans in the world.

the one with the construction workers and the pigeons is at the Granville Island Public Market in Vancouver where I work……i do not know how the construction workers were not being attacked by seagulls

(Source: dumpaday.com)

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Calendar December 6, 2016 02:39

Calendar December 6, 2016 02:38

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You’re supposed to stop before you are at your wits’ end. You need to know your limits.

[Green, black and red text that reads: Doing your best does not mean working yourself to a mental breakdown]

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Calendar December 6, 2016 02:36

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If you want to see more goodness like this they were collected from here, here, and here!

I needed to see these this year.

I honestly got a little teary eyed

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Calendar November 28, 2016 22:55

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seriously every line of this movie is gold

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Calendar November 28, 2016 22:49

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yknow theres a lot of pressure to be successful, particularly on artsy kids whose professions are seen as useless unless theyre famous, but life is fucking hard and sometimes things dont turn out

but i think thats not bad. my dad has wanted to be a musician forever, and hes rly pretty good. but then he joined the military to get away from an abusive family, and then he got married, and then he got divorced, and a lot of horrible shit HAPPENED. he has ptsd and severe anxiety and he could never really get back on the horse. and he never made it as a musician, and now hes 53

but i grew up in a house full of instruments, and he can play all of them, and some of my earliest memories are of him playing guitar on the front porch and me thinking there wasnt a better musician in the world. so. even if you dont get to the stars, exactly, what you do isnt worthless. its not a waste of time if life is difficult and you cant make it, or if you arent famous, or if your work doesn’t influence thousands of people. it will influence someone

there are a million ways to be happy and a million ways to be a successful artist. we create what we do to enhance the human experience and relate to each other and improve ourselves. theres something to be said for just doing that,,,for the sake of doing it, yknow

^ And let’s always remind ourselves how intrinsically ideas of success, fame, influence, ambition, achievement and performance are tied to capitalist society anyway.  Always examine your own goals and wants.

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Calendar November 19, 2016 01:23

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i drew one of the stickers for @gfzine! available on its own here ♡

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Calendar November 19, 2016 01:14

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The pie-maker helped his friends in need. Not by pretending he was something he was not, but by embracing the very thing he always was.

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Calendar November 18, 2016 19:37

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Rep. John Lewis wins National Book Award 60 years after he was barred from entering a library


A national treasure.

Hosting Rep. John Lewis and Andrew and Nate at SPX has been one of our proudest moments.

(Source: mic.com)

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Calendar November 14, 2016 22:37

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I am proud of him.

He got there through nepotism, but fair enough.

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Calendar November 6, 2016 21:10

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Dear Students,

I’m still in Australia, missing you all.  Here are some pictures taken the other night at the Sydney Opera House.  Matt G and I were giving a talk called “Love, Hate and Comics” – I showed some of your work, including drawings you did of Marge Simpson while you had your eyes closed.  Matt asked me to to give it a try and you can see the result in the photos above. The top photo is of Matt’s mother, Margaret whom Marge is based on.  Matt’s mom claimed she never had tall hair. Then Matt found this passport photo.

It was a wonderful evening and i wish you had all been there.  I would have called you all onto the stage and everyone would have clapped for you.

Love, and no worries,

Professor Drogo?

PS These pictures were taken by Australian photographer, Prudence Upton

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Calendar November 4, 2016 01:05

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So this is 8 ½ minutes long but i guarantee you it’s the best 8 ½ minutes of TV you’ll see this week.

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Calendar October 25, 2016 23:22

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Big small helps small small

would you risk everything to save the ones u love?

(Source: weloveshortvideos.com)

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Calendar October 14, 2016 21:08

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A friend told me they fired themselves from comics & illustration work ....


A friend of mine stopped doing the small press comics circuit in 2015, and it’s made me think a lot about how we need to be more careful about ‘encouragement posts online’. You might say something that would kick yourself into action, but there’s actually people out there who don’t respond in the same way, and it can actively discourage them. So yeah, I think it’s important to tell you about what happened (because other wise you’d just never find out about this stuff, right?) ….

So it started with arguments over fan art which caused the scene to get sour and hostile to new people. To me it highlighted a divide in attitudes. Relaxed ‘zinesters’ who believe in using self publishing to make whatever you want, whatever the quality VS. those pursuing a professional career, striving for the very best they can achieve and ultimately trying to use self publishing as a stepping stone to greater things. 

At that time people would say things along the lines of ‘if you can’t afford to table at a convention without the fanart, then your work isn’t good enough to be here.’ … I think the thought behind this was to encourage people to ‘STEP UP YOUR SMALL PRESS GAME.’ but it’s completely without context right? You know if you’re not trying your best and it’s ok to tell yourself to up your own game. But we’re all coming from wildly different backgrounds! You don’t necessarily know who is working full time with 3 kids and drawing comics whenever they possibly can, and who is working part time with no responsibilities to anyone. What if I’m already regularly crashing from the work load and I can’t work any harder? my comics could technically be at a high standard, but the ideas aren’t mainstream enough (we are self publishing them in the small press after all.)  (this is also ignoring that both comics and illustration industries have fashion styles which change over time - you could just be unlucky with how you prefer to draw)

My friend responded to the situation with ‘well if I’m not good enough, I guess I’ll stop self publishing comics and zines then. I’d be making a loss without the fanart anyway.’ … my heart broke a little bit.

And this unhealthy ‘STEP UP YOUR GAME’ attitude towards work seems to pop all all the time online. People beating themselves up over not working hard enough. Kicking themselves loudly in public (online) and everyone agreeing with them. Reinforcing this weird idea that we could all always be doing more and that we definitely have to become some sort of crazy obsessed comics machine that does nothing else. Sell your soul to the comics gods or GTFO.

I’m actually guilty of doing this myself. I’ve mellowed out over the years though. When I was being treated for an unrelated anxiety disorder, my therapist pointed out that I was regularly working myself up if I thought any amount of time had been wasted rather than used efficiently. We’re people, not machines and we don’t have to work all day every day, it’s perfectly ok to take breaks. In fact it’s probably healthier to regularly take scheduled breaks than to work until you burn out.

My friend read some more posts recently which have lead them to quitting freelance comics and illustration work altogether. Which is just crazy because they’re very skilled at drawing (better than I can draw). I think we need to remember that you can’t just write something like ‘be prepared to give every ounce of your being to your comic project or you may as well just give up right now’ without considering that someone with a different disposition to you might read the same thing and think ‘Welp. OK. Bye.’

Keep kicking yourself into action if it works for you, but consider whether or not you need to air it publicly? And choose words carefully if you do decide it’s important to you to share it.

I really hope that my friend ends up coming back to the small press world some time in the future. But until then - please be kind to each other - AND TAKE BREAKS <3

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Calendar October 8, 2016 20:19

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Falling update a day early, because this weekend is a bit busy!

Hark makes a sales pitch.

[new reader? start from the beginning!]

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Calendar October 8, 2016 20:07

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John Legend criticizes Republicans like Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz for their responses to the video recording of Trump admitting to sexual assault

John Legend continues to live up to his last name in every possible way.

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Calendar October 6, 2016 22:57

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Hasn’t Mark Hamill been playing The Joker for 20 shitzillion years? How come he never got “consumed” by the role?

cause hes not an ass

seriously–that’s one of my favorite things. while jared leto is over there talking about how playing a PG-13 Joker has irreparably turned him into a dark and twisted psychopath, mark hamill, who has played the meanest and scariest versions of the joker for years, is running around being an actual ray of human sunshine.

nothing makes you be a dick. you decide to be a dick, then find an excuse. 

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Calendar October 5, 2016 02:41

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What’s wrong with Tim Burton’s terrible explanation for why he excludes people of color from his movies? Oh, let us count the ways

“Nowadays, people are talking about [on-screen diversity] more,” Burton told the site. “Things either call for things, or they don’t.” So, a movie either calls for diversity in its casting or it doesn’t? How does one decide when a film calls for casting nonwhite people?

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Calendar October 5, 2016 02:40

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“It’s a nod to Trayvon, no question, Trayvon Martin and people like him. People like Jordan Davis, a kid who was shot because of the perception that he was a danger. When you’re a black man in a hoodie, all of a sudden you’re a criminal. That’s something we shouldn’t have to deal with, but we do. It’s a double standard. We can’t cover our head when it’s cold and raining because God forbid someone sees us and puts our life in danger. We wanted to pay homage to that—it’s not something we were shying away from.” ~ Colter

Luke Cage was filmed in 2014, at the same time Eric Garner was killed, and Colter spoke about the lack of justice that was served.

“When we were filming this, there were different things going on, Eric Garner, the policemen were acquitted. No one was brought to justice. There was no handing out of any sentence. There are a couple of other things that happened during the time we were filming. We were watching the news, and it was always someone being shot who was unarmed, and there is no justification for it. It’s mind-boggling.”

Holy shit Netflix originals. Jessica Jones approaches mental illness and rape culture. Luke cage going for black lives matter. This is awesome.

(Source: theroot.com)

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Calendar October 4, 2016 00:43

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About This Blog

Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.


About My Work

I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at

I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.

 uploaded image 

My Sites

Lemon Inc.

Lai Guys Comics




Ink Bomb Comics

Ink Bomb Site


Stale Bacon 

Zoo Dot Com 


Other Comics I Like

Woody After Hours

Cucumber Quest

Boxer Hockey



Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name 



Artists & Designers

Shane Kirshenblatt

Sean Mclean Art 

Ryan Estrada

Matt McCray

Kevin Coulston

Paul Westover

