Into the Spider Verse is finally doing what mainstream CGI animation should have been doing for years: creating visuals only possible BECAUSE of the chosen medium.
CGI is a modern crutch. It’s cheaper than 2D by a landslide, and easier to churn out with the support of a studio.
But the actualization of a medium clicks when the medium is being used in ways that only it can. Focusing on rendering every hair, on recreating beautiful photo-realistic landscapes, that’s fine. It’s impressive. But the approach reaches a point where we’re left wondering:
“Why didn’t you just make a live action movie?”
Spider Verse brings the aesthetic, the aim, and the FUN of comics to the screen in a gorgeous way. I’m fucking thrilled that Miles is getting such a beautiful, unique, and frankly revolutionary introduction to the big screen.
As you all know, we won the Senate CRA vote! Here’s the issue. Our battle is an uphill one.
The net neutrality repeal goes into effect June 11th, because there has not yet been a vote in the House of Representatives. That vote is coming soon—but the HOR is harder to win.
This means: USE THE BACKLASH. Take the opportunity to inform family and friends about what the repeal will do. They’ll hate it no matter the party—nobody likes paying extra. This will assist. VISIT BATTLEFORTHEWEB! EDUCATE YOURSELF ON WHAT YOU CAN DO!
my goodness look at the amount of detail on this one. the colors, the shading, everything is just spot on. you can almost make out the individual feathers. truly a marvelous mallard. 10/10
i see they went with one of those brown varieties of duck. while this is a bold move on their part, i feel as though it loses a bit of its personality. i’m just not really feeling this bird. 7/10
this looks like a modern colorization of the famous duck from the hieroglyphs. i am absolutely in awe of their dedication to the medium and commentary on the transformative nature of art. 10/10
look at this good boy! he is patiently awaiting a treat and i wish to reward him with a multitude of gifts. 11/10
yuck. 2/10
ohoho, what a dynamic three quarters angle! the artist’s ability to capture the essence of duck in 3d space is so refreshing to witness. 10/10
this bird’s looking a bit sickly, i think it has to do with the highlights being in weird places. hope he feels better soon. 5/10
a bit more minimalist this time around. the lack of legs makes it seem as though he’s resting on the surface of the water, and i really admire how it sets a scene and makes me feel like i’m really there. 9/10
i’m really digging the positive energy coming from this bird. i can’t explain why, but i feel like that animal’s my friend. 10/10
this is a goose. 0/10
I’m crying at the pure rage I feel from the last one
lads, literally the very first rule of web design is READABILITY.
you have to have contrast between your background and your text.
like…….you pretty much can’t have a dark background if you have black text because it’s super difficult to read; if i have to highlight and puzzle out what your text says because it’s two shades different than your background? i and 95% of people looking at your page are going to hit that back button REAL fast
It’s BPD Awareness Month! so I drew a comic for it!
It got rougher by the end, but I don’t mind, really. I’m not really sure what to say here, other than things can and will get better, and I’m rooting for you.
Man found the stoplight cameras were activated during yellow lights and decided to cut the wires of it.
STOP SCROLLING!!! Please take a moment to read the article about what this man is doing, the criminals he is exposing, and the deaths of so many poor and middle class families at the hands of the greedy. Yellow lights with Xerox cameras were shortened from 5 seconds to 3 seconds in poor and middle class neighborhoods to surprise drivers and generate more revenue. Many deaths ensued. This story is already a couple months old, but there isn’t enough talk about it. Please signal boost this.
Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.
About My Work
I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at
I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.