
Calendar September 23, 2014 12:38

Calendar September 23, 2014 12:33

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Can you tell what’s wrong with the official gubernatorial portrait of Arnold Schwarzenegger, which was officially unveiled in Sacramento earlier this month? Look at his lapel.

Originally, Arnold asked the artist to depict himself wearing a large pin with the face of first lady Maria Shriver on it. But as we all know, the Schwarzenegger marriage went sour shortly after the Governator left office, and the couple is currently in the midst of a multi-million dollar divorce. But apparently the portrait was finished before all that started to go down, so as the New York Post reported, Arnold had to get someone to do a crude touch-up after the fact. According to statehouse staff, a “sloppy mess” is what resulted.

It’s another wonderful case study in the dangers of cramming your official portrait with lots of myopic nonsense. It’s got to be up there with Mitt Romney asking for his official portrait to feature a copy of the Romneycare act. 

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Calendar September 18, 2014 22:36

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My Least Favorite Trope (and this post will include spoilers for The Lego Movie, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Matrix, Western Civilization, and—cod help me—Bulletproof Monk*.) is the thing where there’s an awesome, smart, wonderful, powerful female character who by all rights ought to be the Chosen One and the hero of the movie, who is tasked with taking care of some generally ineffectual male character who is, for reasons of wish fulfillment, actually the person the film focuses on. She mentors him, she teaches him, and she inevitably becomes his girlfriend… and he gets the job she wanted: he gets to be the Chosen One even though she’s obviously far more qualified. And all he has to do to get it and deserve it is Man Up and Take Responsibility.

And that’s it. Every god-damned time. The mere fact of naming the films above and naming the trope gives away the entire plot and character arc of every single movie.

Elizabeth Bear - My Least Favorite Trope (via feministquotes)

I couldn’t agree more. I liked those films, but it would have been awesome if Peter Quill had been played more like Jack Burton in Big Trouble in Little China. A P.O.V. character who only thinks he’s the protagonist.

(via unatheblade)

See also: Harry Potter.

I think with GotG specifically, they were going for a real Indiana Jones homage by making him somewhat hapless, but they forgot the most important part of Raiders - that Jones accomplishes absolutely nothing except for leading the Nazis to the macguffin.

(via indigo-k)

I feel like this critique misses the point of those movies, at least in the case of GotG and The Lego Movie. The protagonists are intentionally imperfect people. It’s not as interesting to watch an already perfect person continue to be excellent. It’s more interesting to see an imperfect person grow as a character. A better way to solve the gender imbalance would be to cast an imperfect, interesting female character as the protagonist rather than shift the focus onto an already proficient female character.

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Calendar September 16, 2014 19:39

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radioactivesmog: Hi! I'm a junior in high school right now and your art is so inspiration (i've finally been able to track down your blog after seeing it all over tumblr). I'm interested in animation as well! I had wanted to go to SVA for awhile but lately I've been hearing some mixed reviews. I also am getting little to no help from my family with paying for colleges so I have no clue what to do basically. Any advice you can give would be godsent. Thank you so much!!


Hello! Hoof that’s a tough situation. I hope this can help.

The thing I learned after spending 4 years at SVA and over 100k in loans is that… You don’t need to go to college to become a successful artist. Well fuck! Wish someone told me sooner. What you DO need is the discipline to spend your time productively (to build just as good of a portfolio as any other graduating student) and a proactive attitude. There are plenty of courses online that will teach you the basics of storyboarding, character design, gesture drawing, digital painting, etc at a FRACTION of the price from any school. (check out http://www.schoolism.com/school.php or if you’re in SoCal, http://conceptdesignacad.storenvy.com!) Look to see if your town offers any figure drawing classes (because that will always be your most important class), again MUCH cheaper than paying for school, or just ask your friends to pose for you.

One thing you could do is hit up some people who go to schools you like and ask about their courses. Most people will be kind enough to respond haha. I used to incessantly bother people from Gobelins or CalArts ;;; But hey it resulted in some pretty rad friendships! We’re all just trying to learn, here. Start giving yourself weekly assignments based off of what you hear. Challenge yourself! Find online communities that do weekly challenges, or daily challenges like Sketch Dailies. It’ll be super important to make yourself an online presence because even though you won’t be around industry folk in person you could still be in their MINDS. Doing a film once a year, like what is required of both CalArts and SVA students, and debuting it online will help a TON. Think about it! That’s four films to show potential employers that you know your shit and you’ve done your research. And the tools to make films are so easily.. downloadable. TV Paint and Flash for 2D animation, After Effects and Final Cut for compositing (those two take some getting used to but there are enough youtube tutorials to teach you everything you need to know), Photoshop for your pretty paintings (unless you’re all traditional in which case more power to ya). I don’t condone pirating but… OkayyesIdo. At least until you can pay for it yourself ; )

Clearly I’m not an expert on what to do if college isn’t an option for you but from what I’ve gleaned from coworkers and friends who went down that path it’s entirely possible to do it. 

Good luck! 

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Calendar September 15, 2014 09:59

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Construction and proportions for Jasper and Kyoko. I have to square off the ball and pear for Kyoko to show off her boxy hips.

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Calendar September 15, 2014 09:56

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Figuring out Tech’s basic proportions and construction

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Calendar September 15, 2014 09:43

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Aoi Honoo is Too Real

Me at job. 

my editor sent me this and was like “it’s you!”

… yes. :F

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Calendar September 14, 2014 11:25

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Calendar September 14, 2014 11:04

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A fun style guide I made for the "gore" in the game.

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Some paintings to show how textures should blend together along with the small plants that get painted with the texture.

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Since I’ve been playing Wildstar so much here lately, I thought I’d celebrate with a little concept art dump!!  Some of the many random things I drew during my time at Carbine.  Also I’m sure Andy Cotnam, Mindy Lee, or Johnson Truong probably had a hand in the concepting of more than a few of these.  What a super talented team I had!  


(just kidding never stop)

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Calendar September 13, 2014 14:50

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Two Weird Old Men! (And their puppets)

Me & Matt Chapman goofing around between takes for the credits tag in Sock Opera. For those of you that don’t know, Matt Chapman writes on Gravity Falls (Co-wrote “Into The Bunker” with me) and also makes a hell of a good McGucket puppeteer. (Oh, and he’s also Strong Bad, incidentally) 

Puppets by Puppet Extraordinaire Nicole Mitchell (Her blog: http://dearquatty.blogspot.com)

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Calendar September 13, 2014 14:47

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Aziz Ansari is like the king of callouts.

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Calendar September 13, 2014 14:34

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In my view, the entire purpose of a comic script is to communicate what you’re thinking to your artist!  So anything that supports that will do the trick.  I’ve seen some of Alan Moore’s scripts for Eddie Campbell on From Hell and he’ll have parts where he’s like “Okay this actually won’t show up on the page at all but here’s some cool backstory and here’s where I’m going with this” which I love: the more an artist knows your intentions, the better the two of you can work together.

My scripts are pretty straightforward: usually just a listing of panels, a scene description, and then dialogue, like

Panel 1:

Marceline is standing (well, floating) with her hands on her hips, clearly upset.  In the background zeppelins are crashing out of the sky and into the Candy Kingdom.  Candy citizens are running around, screaming.  Buildings melting like candy, liquid sugar pouring out of water towers, etc.  A candy disaster!

MARCELINE: I thought I said “NO RAPPING ALLOWED”, Jake.  Now look what’s happened!

Panel 2:

We pull back to see that Marcy’s floating behind Jake, who was clearly in the middle of beatboxing, not realizing she was there until just a minute ago.  He’s frozen in place, eyes wide, hands still in front of his mouth.


Panel 3:

Jake turns around to face Marceline and shrugs, smiling weakly.

Panel 4:

Marceline, hugging Jake.

MARCELINE: Aw, I can’t stay mad at you.

A lot of people do scripts differently: some include lots of panel layouts (I generally don’t unless it’s critical, since the artists I work with are AWESOME and always come up with really great ideas), some write it like it’s a screenplay, etc.  There’s no wrong answers here: as long as your script communicates clearly to your artists what you’re talking about, it’s a good comics script.

One final piece of advice is to write out your script, then leave it for a few days and come back and read it again.  If what you read isn’t like what you remember imagining, add whatever detail you need to your script until they match up!

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Calendar September 12, 2014 18:22

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Agito Cosmos t03/ work in progress ! Fights, palmtrees, pirates, monkeys, guts, blams, everything’s in it !

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Calendar September 12, 2014 09:55

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King Baby says No

I’ll be honest here, I don’t know if the proper word is Lay or Lie

edit: it’s lie!

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Calendar September 7, 2014 18:15

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in the tumblr tagging system, unsourced artwork is considered especially heinous. on this blogging platform, the users who source these felonies are part of an elite task force called the source your fucking artwork unit. these are their stories.




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Calendar September 7, 2014 01:42

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“The Butter Thief” I did this comic a while back for “Explorer: The Mystery Boxes”

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Calendar September 7, 2014 01:35

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Marvel Anti-Bullying variants for November

Oh my god.

Oh my GOD.

These are beautiful. I’m buying all of these.

EDIT: Here’s the full list of October/November Marvel titles with Anti-Bullying variants: Rocket Raccoon #4, Hulk #7, Guardians of the Galaxy #20, Avengers #36, Inhuman #7, Captain America #25, Legendary Star-Lord #4

the Gamora one ;_;

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Calendar September 7, 2014 01:32

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Watch out for each other. Love everyone and forgive everyone, including yourself. Forgive your anger. Forgive your guilt. Your shame. Your sadness. Embrace and open up your love, your joy, your truth, and most especially your heart.
Jim Henson  (via thatkindofwoman)

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Calendar September 5, 2014 08:18

Calendar September 4, 2014 22:33

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By Matt D. Wilson

In a speech at the National Book Festival at the Library of Congress last weekend, The Shadow Hero writer Gene Luen Yang threw down the gauntlet.

Yang challenged comics creators to overcome their fears of bring criticized for inaccurately portraying characters who are different from them — in terms of race, gender, or other identifying factors. In brief, he told writers to do some research and get it right, but first and foremost to step outside themselves.

Here’s a brief excerpt:

We’re afraid of writing characters different from ourselves because we’re afraid of getting it wrong. We’re afraid of what the Internet might say.

This fear can be a good thing if it drives us to do our homework, to be meticulous in our cultural research. But this fear crosses the line when we become so intimidated that we quietly make choices against stepping out of our own identities.

After all, our job as writers is to step out of ourselves, and to encourage our readers to do the same.


(Source: comicsalliance.com)

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About This Blog

Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.


About My Work

I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at

I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.

 uploaded image 

My Sites

Lemon Inc.

Lai Guys Comics




Ink Bomb Comics

Ink Bomb Site


Stale Bacon 

Zoo Dot Com 


Other Comics I Like

Woody After Hours

Cucumber Quest

Boxer Hockey



Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name 



Artists & Designers

Shane Kirshenblatt

Sean Mclean Art 

Ryan Estrada

Matt McCray

Kevin Coulston

Paul Westover

