
Calendar June 27, 2014 14:06

Calendar June 27, 2014 14:03

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I did things in my 30s that were ignored by the world, that could have been quickly labeled a failure. Here’s a classic example; in 1974 I did a movie called Phantom of the Paradise. Phantom of the Paradise, which was a huge flop in this country. There were only two cities in the world where it had any real success: Winnipeg, in Canada, and Paris, France. So, okay, let’s write it off as a failure. Maybe you could do that.

But all of the sudden, I’m in Mexico, and a 16-year-old boy comes up to me at a concert with an album - a Phantom of the Paradise soundtrack- and asks me to sign it. I sign it. Evidently I was nice to him and we had a nice little conversation. I don’t remember the moment, I remember signing the album (I don’t know if I think I remember or if I actually remember). But this little 14 or 16, whatever old this guy was… Well I know who the guy is now because I’m writing a musical based on Pan’s Labyrinth; it’s Guillermo del Toro.

The work that I’ve done with Daft Punk it’s totally related to them seeing Phantom of the Paradise 20 times and deciding they’re going to reach out to this 70-year-old songwriter to get involved in an album called Random Access Memories.

So, what is the lesson in that? The lesson for me is being very careful about what you label a failure in your life. Be careful about throwing something in the round file as garbage because you may find that it’s the headwaters of a relationship that you can’t even imagine it’s coming in your future.

(Source: nerdist.com)

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Calendar June 26, 2014 21:56

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This variant is for that dude on reddit that whined that Bane wasn’t “comics Bane”.

PS - In 2012, the Dark Knight Rises and Wreck-It Ralph came out 4 months apart, and I created the original a couple weeks after Ralph was released. So that should explain why the original was rendered as movie Bane and not comic Bane, but nevertheless, here’s comic-Bane

Also: CHARACTER UNLOCKED! Build-It Bruce! HE CAN BUILD IT (with millions of dollars)!

Hope you’re happy now, “android151”.

“I am Bane, and that is good.”

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Calendar June 26, 2014 21:46

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I had the pleasure to spend this year working on Gravity Falls as a revisionist and storyboard artist with an insanely talented team. Check out the second season airing August 1st, everyone worked really hard on it! 

YAY, we can’t wait!

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Calendar June 26, 2014 21:45

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Ready to start the… nope…

Literally me.

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Calendar June 26, 2014 21:37

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For all the artists out there. xoxo

I Really need to do at least something everyday. >__

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Calendar June 26, 2014 18:26

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top 3 most devestating blows you can inflict upon an art major



  • its like a tim burton thing
  • very anime! 
  • reminds me of scott pilgrim


I can’t even count the number of times people have said that my art reminded them of Scott Pilgrim.

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Calendar June 25, 2014 23:47

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Ray Bradbury is always here for me when I need him.

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Calendar June 25, 2014 09:32

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At the height of production LAIKA had 50 to 60 artists working with 160 to 170 different puppets across 52 individual sets.

Paranorman (2012)

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Calendar June 25, 2014 09:22

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Just put in the time, and don’t be too precious about things. Work with your friends. And maybe, eventually, you’ll get paid. (Laughs) If you’re doing it for the money, then just forget it. When you sit at your computer and think, I’m going to write something really political and interesting, it’s like, Okay, good luck with that!

People quit because it’s really hard. It’s hard to not have a house, hard not to have money, hard not to have insurance, hard not to be married, hard to have your parents ask you every day what you’re going to do with your life. It’s hard to wait tables while you’re doing improv shows. It’s hard to get up onstage and bomb. It’s hard to lug your props around everywhere. It’s hard to submit things that get rejected.

It’s not easy! Good people make it look easy, and a lot of people want to do it because they think it looks easy. If you stick around, if you’re a good collaborator, if you’re open to new ideas and you keep trying, then you’ll find there’s a lot of different ways you can work as a writer.

From Amy Poehler’s Advice to Comedy Writers, from the new Mike Sacks book. (via twiststreet)

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Calendar June 25, 2014 09:11

Calendar June 25, 2014 08:55

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The Grand Budapest Hotel for birds


which fucking idiot didn’t call this the Grand Birdapest Hotel

(Source: clinic212.com)

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Calendar June 25, 2014 00:38

Calendar June 24, 2014 15:29

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I want to go to this but I don’t want to go to it alone. Somebody go to this with me please.

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Calendar June 24, 2014 13:49

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Calendar June 24, 2014 13:45

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A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person.
Dave Barry (via timmysenpai)

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Calendar June 24, 2014 00:10

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Part 2 of “Toys that Never Were!” THE BLOO SUPERDUDE! 

Back when we were developing Foster’s toys I was in a meeting with our manufacturer to brainstorm ideas for what would make a great Bloo toy. After some frustrating back and fourth on the difficulty of making toys for comedy cartoons, I suggested that if Bloo was sitting in this meeting he would have no problem coming up with what would make a great toy of him…  


So I developed Bloo’s heroic fantasy version of himself: The Bloo Superdude! My thought was that you could make a toy for a comedy by making a comedic toy! I thought it would be funny to turn Bloo into one of the most absurdly stupid (but awesome) action figures ever! Just make him a pumped up warrior/robot/superhero/rock-star with tons of useless (but awesome) gadgets, weapons, and accessories! 

Each Superdude set would come with a basic removable Bloo figure (each with a different expression) and one of the members of the Foster’s gang.

So the Superdude would come with a Mac, his jetpack could come with an Eduardo, additional weapons for his robo-arm could include a Coco, and his chopper came with a bendy Wilt.

That way, if you collected all the sets you would not only have all this Superdude stuff, but you would also have the basic Foster’s gang as well!   

Cartoon Network and I loved this idea so much, that in an attempt to convince our manufacturer to make The Superdude, I made a couple of cartoons with him in it and CN made the amazing prototype pictured here.

Despite our best efforts, it didn’t happen. But at least CN was nice enough to let me have the prototype as proof of how absurdly stupid (but awesome) this toy could have been.


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Calendar June 23, 2014 20:36

Calendar June 23, 2014 12:14

Calendar June 22, 2014 18:15

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About This Blog

Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.


About My Work

I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at

I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.

 uploaded image 

My Sites

Lemon Inc.

Lai Guys Comics




Ink Bomb Comics

Ink Bomb Site


Stale Bacon 

Zoo Dot Com 


Other Comics I Like

Woody After Hours

Cucumber Quest

Boxer Hockey



Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name 



Artists & Designers

Shane Kirshenblatt

Sean Mclean Art 

Ryan Estrada

Matt McCray

Kevin Coulston

Paul Westover

