February 8, 2014 11:09
February 7, 2014 15:30

I just came back from it - it’s AMAZING. I was so happy throughout the entire thing! What an absolute joy. Brought to you by the team behind Clone High, even.
I need to see this movie.
February 7, 2014 14:33

Here’s John and Sherlock framed - I think the contrasting warm and cool colors work really well! I think I’ll make a habit of doing a couple of those gouache / watercolor paintings every week - a really good exercise in color control and technique :)
February 7, 2014 14:30

Corpse Bride behind the camera
this will always be the most incredible type of film making to me
February 3, 2014 15:46

February 1, 2014 01:53

Tonight, I met Mads Mikkelsen, Hugh Dancy and Bryan Fuller.
Bryan Fuller was amazing. We (I’m the one in the hat, with my friend Eleanor) were awkwardly standing just to the side of the set as they filmed outside in downtown Toronto. After we watched a shot with Hugh, Bryan, who’d noticed us, brought him over, saying, “I think they’re too nervous to say hi.” Hugh shook our hands, I asked him about shooting in Toronto, we took a picture. It was amazing. After he went back, they did a scene with Mads and we watched him adoringly from afar. That was the last scene at that location so they began to pack up and Eleanor and I were about to leave. Before we could Bryan, once again, brought Mads over to us for a picture and a hello and took a picture. There was also a hilarious man working on set in a truck who made a joke about them “getting hungry” and everyone was simply lovely. A fantastic experience and I respect Bryan Fuller SO much. It took me a moment to realize who he was because he made such a point of talking to us and introducing us to the stars, I thought he must just be working on set until I recognized him. Know when you watch Hannibal that these people are truly wonderful, laid-back and care so much about their fan base. They really do.
January 31, 2014 20:57

a dumb quick boywitch that’s bad flying at for witchsona week
(i may do another one, this one is stupid and cliche)
I don’t know what witchsona week is but this is a pretty bitchin’ witch.
January 31, 2014 16:04

B.A.P Fan Gift - Pt. 2: Pages
DeviantArt || VyVy Doan
Although this is a gift from me as a fan, this project showcases the many photoshop skills I have. The characters called Matoki do not belong to me, but the rest of the pages, including the stylization of the Matoki, belong to me (with the exception of the art for ‘Rain Sound’ that reference a scene from ‘My Neighbour Totoro’). This is the result of a season’s worth of work, and the pages were made into a CD booklet to be sent to a K-Pop group called B.A.P. The Matoki are their mascots. The CD also consisted of acapella covers that I made, which can be found below:
01. 비밀연애 (Secret Love)
02. 전부 거짓말 (It’s All Lies)
03. 음성메시지 (Voice Message)
04. 대박사건 (Crash)
05. 하지마 (Stop It)
06. 빗소리 (Rain Sound)
07. Coffee Shop
09. I Remember
10. 다 예뻐 (Everything is Pretty)
January 31, 2014 12:04

(Source: pinterest.com)
January 31, 2014 12:02

Character design semester 2 assignment 1- we basically had to convert a classmate into a caricature based on the style of a tv show of our choosing… and then we were randomly assigned an occupation for them. I got “Crazy Vampire Slayer” and the show I used was (if you can’t guess) Little Witch Academia.
I did a little research and, along with garlic, stakes, etc- vampires don’t like fire, which would go perfect with a little witch in training. Yeah idk what’s up with the large stakes on her back either. It’s just an idea I sort of went with.
I kinda went too much with the shading I think… I don’t think we really had to but I was having fun with it.
This sounds like such a fun assignment!
January 29, 2014 09:40

“Let It Go” animation process (❄).
Storyboards by Dean Wellins. Draw-overs, blocking, and final animation by Wayne Unten!
how people animate in 3D.
I hope folks gain some perspective here.
January 29, 2014 09:37

(Source: ambird)
January 27, 2014 09:57

sorry for my bad hand writingThe point I’m trying to drive home, is that draw things the way that best suits you. How-to-books had me all mixed up in my teen years, but then I decided to break the rules and do things my way.
January 25, 2014 16:26
January 25, 2014 11:58

dinner’s ready
My favorite pet in the world. Want them so badly!
January 25, 2014 09:29

I was trying to figure out why the sisters’ relationship in Frozen never felt quite real to me, and I realized that it was because all their interactions were so polite. Even their fights were very cordial, all things considered. I would have killed for just one scene when they seriously went at it.
But I mean, I’m not stupid. They are Disney Princesses etc etc.
January 25, 2014 09:25
ninonightmare: Do you have favourite colours or colour schemes that you like to use? I have difficulty breaking away from my favourites and when I try to branch out I often accidentally shift back to the ones I like and use a lot. Do you have any tips to prevent this?
Everyone has their favorite colors, but if you want to branch out, you have to make yourself branch out. Find a photograph you like and narrow its palette down to three colors, then use those. Or, assuming you’re working in Photoshop, open Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation and mess with the sliders until you see something that makes you think “Oh, that’s kind of cool.” Better yet, just invert the picture you’re working on, because if it has a nice color palette, it’ll create something interesting on the opposite end of the spectrum.
What I’m saying is, please don’t be afraid of experimentation! This is really the only advice I can offer.
Every single hue looks good with every other hue under the right circumstances, and messing around until you find those circumstances is what makes color work interesting. Don’t be afraid of gaudy colors, don’t be afraid of dull colors or black and white, and don’t be afraid of “mismatching” colors because they’re not complementary or analogous or whatever. Colors are nice and they want to be your friends, but you have to play with them.
January 25, 2014 01:02
January 24, 2014 23:53

January 23, 2014 20:30

been working on this all night; i officially give up.
this is rendered like shit, i know.
About This Blog
Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.
About My Work
I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at www.lemon-inc.com.
I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.
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These look great.