The wonderful gothic art deco American Radiator Building, New York
The fact that this building is as magnificent as it is and yet I have never heard of it before now tells me both that it is occupied by some sort of mind-controlling and possibly time-traveling covert organization and that their power is weakening.
Debuting at TCAF 2017 - Toronto Comics: Yonge At Heart by Various Artists
Toronto Comics: Yonge At Heart is 210 colour pages of all-new comics, brought to you by 40 local indie veterans and first-time creators. From world-saving TTC controllers to secrets hiding between the shelves at Honest Ed’s, from giant robot battles over overpriced condos to the true heritage moment of the Clown Brothel Riot, this anthology celebrates everything we love about Toronto (and some of the things we don’t). With a foreword by Jeff Lemire (Moon Knight, Essex County, Justice League United) and a new nostalgic cover by Adam Gorham (Rocket!, The Violent), this is our most ambitious work yet.This is a standalone anthology, so you don’t need to have read any of our previous books to enjoy the stories. Whether you’re a long-time fan or a first-time reader, this is a book for you.
One of Justin Trudeau’s first actions in office was his approval of the sale of 15 billion dollars worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia–one of the worst human rights violators in the world, a country that kills its own dissidents in the streets, and supplies funds and weapons to achieve the mass murder of Shia Muslims and other minority sect Muslims worldwide via terrorist groups–despite promising during his campaign that he would cancel the whole deal altogether.
So I don’t really fucking care that he wore a pink sweater for ‘anti bullying day’ or that he takes selfies with people at the beach or that he listens to the Tragically Hip because there is NOTHING this man can do in his time during office, no promise he can fulfill as prime minister that could even begin to compensate for the human devastation we are about to cause in countries overtly and covertly besieged by the KSA or within Saudi Arabia itself where dissidents and activists are kidnapped, tortured and killed every day.
Stop celebrating the pointless fucking non-victories of his campaign as if they mean something in comparison to the war crimes we are facilitating in Yemen or the indoctrination that we are now funding and complicit in spreading. The Canadian government is no less evil than its notorious neighbour and it’s such a huge disservice that we are selling it and our war-crime-supporting leader as anything but.
do you ever think about the fact that there are people who just…don’t like musicals…like, if you asked them if they wanted to see a musical, even a really good musical, they’d be like…’no thanks I don’t like musicals’…they live their entire lives…not liking musicals…getting no enjoyment from musicals…I just think about those people sometimes and I feel so terribly terribly sorry for them…
the US is unreal like girls cant wear shorts to school, you can literally lose your job for being gay, and unarmed black children are brutally murdered on the regular but old white ppl r still like “what a beautiful country. i can freely carry a gun for no reason and some of our mountains look like presidents. god bless”
I know pirates gonna pirate, but seeing artists talk about torrenting night in the woods is crazy offensive. Like, you expect others to support your art when you’re ripping off individual artists? NITW is made by literally three people (Scott,
Bethany, Alec) and their publisher is a mom and pop shop run from somewhere in Michigan like come on. In Scott’s own words:
If you can’t buy Night in the Woods just yet, consider tiding yourself over with Longest Night [] & Lost Constellation []!
They’re both pay-your-own-price aka FREE AS SHIT and are part of the NITW universe!!! Longest Night directly deals with Mae & friends while Lost Constellation is a ghost story in the canon.
Indie game devs really don’t make any money even if their games blow up and become mainstream/popular and risk a lot by even releasing games in the first place. Support your artists.
don’t torrent games people have busted their asses making for years and years. Pay the twenty fucking dollars for the game. Or worst case, wait for a Steam Sale when it may get a discount.
If you like content like this and want to see more of it, it has to be profitable. So buy it.
(ALSO thanks for the reminder that this is out, I need it.)
Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.
About My Work
I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at
I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.