
Calendar March 6, 2017 23:08

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Carl Barks & DT Reboot Paintings~

This is just the beginning of how much the new series will be based on the works of Carl Barks,

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Calendar March 6, 2017 22:44

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My Ducktales 2017 theory that probably no one cares about



At the beginning of this series, Donald and Scrooge are NOT on good terms with each other.

The nephews are surprised to learn that Scrooge McDuck is their uncle, and by the looks of the trailer Webby informing them that Donald is apparently a famous adventurer is also a surprise to them; since they’re under the assumption that they’re a normal boring family

I feel like Donald was once Scrooge’s partner in all his crazy adventures, and at some point he just got sick of it all and wanted to just settle down and be normal.

The two haven’t spoken to each other often since then and Donald getting all dressed up to go see Scrooge is probably his way of at least trying to be civil

Why he has to leave the boys with Scrooge this time however is beyond me, but I feel like Scrooge was more or less his last option. The look on his face when they’re about to go there says it all

That is the look of someone about to go see a relative they dread seeing

Or maybe I’m over analyzing a near two minute trailer because I’m over hyped for this series

Actually this theory might hold some water (Get it, cause they’re ducks).

Anyways, there is one particular detail I noticed during the trailer, that being this scene.

In this scene you may have noticed a ripped up issue of the Duckburg Daily with what looks to be plot important text.

“McDuck Hangs up his Spats After-”

Now obviously we can theorize that Scrooge gave up on adventuring after a certain event happened. However we have yet to see any more hints related to what might have happened.

That being said there is a good chance that this could involve Donald somehow, though I have a feeling that it wasn’t Donald wanting to give up adventuring, but rather Donald causing some huge mistake that ended up loosing Scrooge his treasure and thus Scrooge blaming the failure on Donald. If you haven’t noticed the duck tends to be a little accident prone (see several of his cartoons and the scene with him getting his butt stuck in the wall seen in the original post above).

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Calendar March 6, 2017 22:42

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Why Ducktales is important




At least…If you like Disney Television Animation.  

Which I do.  Oh so much.  

If you’re a fan of Gravity Falls, or Star vs. The Forces of Evil, or Wander Over Yonder, or Kim Possible, or Gargoyles, or any Disney Television show, then gather ‘round because I’m about to teach you some history.  

“Never forget, that it all started with a Mouse,”~~Walt Disney.

Great things come from humble origins.  Never forget that Disney TV…All started with a Duck.  

It was the 1980s.  Disney Television Animation was a new department at Walt Disney Studios.  And Disney was suffering.  These days it’s easy to think of Disney as a mega-giant, but back then, Disney was suffering.  Movies were being produced on shoestring budgets, and animators (such as Don Bluth) were jumping ship to find work at studios that were paying better and producing better content.  The Little Mermaid hadn’t yet hit theaters, sparking the Disney Renaissance.  The fledgeling animation department had produced two shows prior, “The Wuzzles” and “The Adventures of Gummy Bears”.  

Disney was in dire straights from Walt’s passing in 1966 left the studio suffering up until the 80s, when they started to take a few risks.  Risks that paid off.  The studio gambled on the idea that investing more money into quality animation would pay off in the long run if the show went into syndication.  It was something that worked well with live action, but had yet to be done with animation to that degree.  Cheap animation with tons of shortcuts could be syndicated, but something high-quality had never been done before.  

Ducktales was the first show that attempted this, and it paid off handsomely.  Not only was the show a hit with audiences (and a merchandising cash-cow) but it changed the game.  It set the stage for the Disney Afternoon a few years down the road, and paved the path for every show I mentioned at the beginning.  Without Ducktales, there would be no Gargoyles, no Star vs. The Forces of Evil, no Gravity Falls.  

Heck, I take it even one step beyond that…Without the inspiration of proof-of-concept, I’d wager that even OTHER studios cartoon creations wouldn’t exist.  No Animaniacs, No Adventure Time, no Steven Universe (and don’t think I missed the shout-out to Ducktales in “Onion Trade”) 

Ducktales was important because it raised the craft of animation to another level, combining storytelling with good, non-repetitive animation to produce quality TV.  For a time, Ducktales was Disney’s Flagship TV series, waving the banner and representing the company in the realm of television animation. 

And even today, the classic Ducktales series holds up rather nicely.  Sure, some things are a little dated, but at the end of the day, I enjoy watching Ducktales without reservations.  That’s why I own the DVD sets.  

 And it’s why I’m so happy about this reboot.  

This isn’t just a revamp of an old show.  This is Disney returning to its roots, reclaiming a bit of it’s history and polishing it off for the next generation.  I’m a little misty eyed.  I had some initial misgivings when this was announced, but the cast announcement melted those fears away, and now, seeing the trailer that dropped less than 24 hours ago…I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited for a TV series ever.  

Breaking down this trailer, we finally hear David Tennant as Scrooge McDuck.  I’ve actually been aware of Tennant’s presence in the voiceover scene for a few years now (Most notably, he plays bit parts in the How To Train Your Dragon franchise from Dreamworks) But hearing him as Scrooge…I really feel it works.  He’s got a certain quality the echos the late, great Alan Young, and I feel like he couldn’t have been better cast without some of that good old fashioned Disney Necromancy (And as we know, they used up their allotment of Necromancy on Christopher Plummer for Rogue One) 

I love that the Nephews are getting unique characterization and personality. I loved Russi Taylor’s performance way back when, but one Nephew was really interchangeable with another.  Dani Pudi, Ben Schwartz, and Chris Moynihan really bring an awesome chemistry to their roles, just from the trailer.

And then there’s Webbigail.  Oh my God, I love how they’ve rebooted Webby.  She was always the annoying load back in the classic series.   Making her a Donald Duck fangirl is freaking GENIUS (and Kate Micucci is perfect for this role too) Bonus points given for Webby’s infamous “Quacky-Patch Doll”  being used for dart practice in the background of her room.  Webby has gone from outright “The Load” territory, to one of the most fun-seeming characters present in the reboot.  

And all of this from one minute and a half trailer.  I can’t wait for this series, even though I know I must.  I know it’s gonna be something special, I can feel it.  Maybe even Disney’s Flagship show, once again.  Stay tuned to my Tumblr, for much, much more.

One thing I know for certain that I’m going to do when the pilot for this airs…A side by side comparison of the Classic Pilot and the new one.  

Peace out, 

Disney Wizard

This is why art and animation is important;it inspires people to their core. 

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Calendar March 6, 2017 22:32

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Back in March 2016, I was brought onto Season 2 of PPG. When I started, I was given the task to create a new design bible of our beloved little girls; remolding their designs, creating libraries of poses, and trouble shooting their design language by figuring out the “Do’s and Don’ts” for our animators over seas It was very intimidating to tackle such iconic characters but I was thrilled and had a lot of fun doing it. Be sure to check out the new season premier on Cartoon Network tonight!

This is a great example how if you want to be a character designer for animation, you have to not only be able to draw but you need to be able to articulate the design philosophy of the show and put it into constant practice.

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Calendar March 6, 2017 22:29

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Today is the only day you can share this meme. Precisely 2000 years prior to March 6th 4017. The day Squidward trapped himself in the freezer. March 6th 2017.

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Calendar March 5, 2017 22:01

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hey guys friendly reminder from your fave Canadian that esk*mo is a slur so please don’t use it!

I see it usually in the context of “esk*mo kisses” which may pop up when people talk about their ships and their headcanon, but it means “snow eaters” in cree and is a slur against Inuit people so please just don’t use it!

and I would appreciate if u reblogged this because people outside Canada don’t seem to know this for the most part

Yeah, they teach us really young in Canada that it’s a slur. I’m happy for that, because our government and education doesn’t take for granted that our parents aren’t using the slur, because it was common pre 1980s.

Now when I hear the word used by non Inuit people, I have the same reaction to hearing a non black person using the n-word. It’s really… wrong and comes from a long history of violent racism and oppression.

I am Canadian and honestly never knew this.

Like I said in the tags, I’m not sure about other provinces, but BC covers Inuit history and contemporary issues in some form or another in grades 2, 3 and 4, plus grade 11 civics. Depending on the teacher, there may be additional curriculum on Inuit culture and tradition in other grades.

It’s perhaps because northern BC has contact with Inuit people, while other provinces have less contact.

My grade 3 textbook, on Canada’s first peoples, is still used in elementary schools here (say what you will about not upgrading a text book in 25 YEARS), and it specifically discusses on why we don’t use the slur. I know this because I still have that textbook, plus I teach after school programs in elementary schools and my students have discussed the textbook with me. It’s amazing really, that my students and I, with a 25 year age difference, can talk as if we’re peers on the material they’re learning 😂😂

That is amazing! I was actually homeschooled so I am not especially reflective of the Canadian public school system. It’s good to know this though.

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Calendar March 5, 2017 21:35

Calendar March 5, 2017 21:34

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hey guys friendly reminder from your fave Canadian that esk*mo is a slur so please don’t use it!

I see it usually in the context of “esk*mo kisses” which may pop up when people talk about their ships and their headcanon, but it means “snow eaters” in cree and is a slur against Inuit people so please just don’t use it!

and I would appreciate if u reblogged this because people outside Canada don’t seem to know this for the most part

Yeah, they teach us really young in Canada that it’s a slur. I’m happy for that, because our government and education doesn’t take for granted that our parents aren’t using the slur, because it was common pre 1980s.

Now when I hear the word used by non Inuit people, I have the same reaction to hearing a non black person using the n-word. It’s really… wrong and comes from a long history of violent racism and oppression.

I am Canadian and honestly never knew this.

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Calendar March 5, 2017 21:33

Calendar March 5, 2017 01:14

Calendar March 4, 2017 21:26

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homework: I'll do it later chores: I'll do it later replying to messages: I'll do it later sleep: I'll do it later life: I'll do it later

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Calendar March 4, 2017 20:25

Calendar March 4, 2017 20:22

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Anonymous: I'm not the biggest Trump fan either but aren't other countries and politicians contributing to the problem as well? How much of a long term effect can he alone cause in 4 years?


Considering the USA is the #2 CO2 producing country in the world, responsible for almost 20% of all CO2 emissions on earth, yes it matters what Donald Trump does.

He’s only been in power about a month and he’s acting quickly to dismantle programs that have reduced or slowed CO2 emissions. So I think a great deal of harm can be done in 4 years.

Also the #1 CO2 emitter in the world, China is massively investing in renewable energy. 

So, even the worst polluters are working towards a cleaner future. Trump could drag a lot of the progress we’ve made on combatting climate change backwards.

The earth is a closed system. If 1 nation causes an increase in greenhouse gases, it will effect the entire world.

The world is right on the edge on reaching the temperature threshold of 2 degree warming, which could cause catastrophic damage. Its going to be very hard to keep temperatures below this target without the US also cutting emissions. 

We simply do not have much time to prevent the Earth from shifting into a very dangerous climate. What we do in the next decade in response to Climate Change could effect how liveable the planet Earth is for the next century.

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Calendar March 4, 2017 20:21

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Cartoonist pro tip: The Jim Woodring/Dan Clowes “last 5%” rule.

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Calendar March 4, 2017 20:19

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10am: ok I'm ready to be productive today 6pm: how did this happen

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Calendar March 3, 2017 19:34

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If you want to vote in the NDP leadership race you have to buy an NDP membership before August 17th, 2017



Just an FYI:

a) Every member of the NDP, in good standing 45 days before the closing of the first ballot (August 17, 2017) is entitled to cast a vote for the Leader in our upcoming election. 

The price of an NDP membership varies by province/territory. It ranges from $0-25 a year.

You can buy an NDP membership here.

I just realized that if you’re under 26 years old (or underemployed) you get a large discount on the price of membership (i.e. $0-10 for a year vs $0-25). I’m 28 so I didn’t realize there was a discount.

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Calendar March 3, 2017 04:32

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And I also love that, in the last 5 hours, 9,500 people liked or loved this post. Here’s to a world in which we can all be our favourite characters when we dress up, just as we can be in our heads, when we read…

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Calendar February 27, 2017 01:55

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don’t let the gender binary determine how you draw people.

I want to rip that first one out of every single ‘how to draw’ book.

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Calendar February 27, 2017 01:50

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Lin-Manuel Miranda & Auli'i Cravalho perform ‘How Far I’ll Go’ at the 2017 Academy Awards

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Calendar February 25, 2017 22:59

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About This Blog

Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.


About My Work

I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at

I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.

 uploaded image 

My Sites

Lemon Inc.

Lai Guys Comics




Ink Bomb Comics

Ink Bomb Site


Stale Bacon 

Zoo Dot Com 


Other Comics I Like

Woody After Hours

Cucumber Quest

Boxer Hockey



Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name 



Artists & Designers

Shane Kirshenblatt

Sean Mclean Art 

Ryan Estrada

Matt McCray

Kevin Coulston

Paul Westover

