October 22, 2015 23:23
October 22, 2015 23:15
October 22, 2015 23:09

I win.
I got introspective one day and sketched out a 6 panel comic. It sat in a folder for a few days before I expanded it to 10. Then it sat for a week. After which, I moved on. The expiration date had passed, and the comic joined the rest of the half-drawn files in the very same folder.
I still don’t like it anymore, but I’ll take the victories where I can.
October 22, 2015 22:57

I pretty much ignored the Boycott Star Wars VII ordeal because it sounded like a bunch of trolls and people giving them attention. Then I saw a couple people who actually think that this film is anti-white.
White people are so used to being the default and seeing themselves at the forefront of literally EVERYTHING that the minute they AREN’T they want to feel oppressed and ‘omg white genocide.’
White people are so WEAK.everyone who is able please go buy tickets. Fuck, go see it twice. Take ya momma with you.
These idiots are missing out on what looks like it’s going to be a really badass installment to the franchises … I’m surprised there hasn’t been also been a Furiosa-esque grumpiness about there being a female protagonist involved as well (I guess if bigots can only pick one battle at a time, and it’s always going to be towards the POC…)
October 22, 2015 22:51
October 22, 2015 22:48

October 22, 2015 02:49
October 22, 2015 02:46
Anonymous: Relating to a previous ask, I want to put out there something that I noticed. I am an NDP supporter however, I did run into a LOT of liberals supporter. When engaged in conversations with them, I found that a lot of the points they stated were actually NDP platforms. Especially since the Liberals have been moving more right (as most others parties have), I find that some people believe the liberals to be more left than they currently are. Stay updated and informed people!
October 22, 2015 02:44

hahahah i saw this on my phone and i’m totally bawling because it’s like “hahah cute like the movie” but he has parkinsons so like…those shoes would be really useful for a guy like him where tying your shoes is a pain in the ass?? hahaha *bawl* @_@
edit: “ Nike said proceeds from shoe sales would go to the actor’s charity for Parkinson’s research” hahahah *cries forever*
October 22, 2015 02:43
On the upcoming Trudeau majority rule
Look guys, I appreciate the humour in the whole “our new PM Trudeau is hot ayy lmao” thing but he has a majority and a bad track record in delivering on promises for political convenience. (PS I make note of federal because the same party at federal and provincial/territorial levels can be shockingly different beasts.)
His most infamous flip flop is probably how he voted through C-51 with the promises of amendments, at a time his party was not even the opposition. Why did he do this?
“I do not want this government making political hay out of an issue … or trying to, out of an issue as important as security for Canadians,” Trudeau said. “This conversation might be different if we weren’t months from an election campaign, but we are,” he added. [source]
In other words, he sacrificed social rights of non-”Old Stock” Canadians, the privacy of all, and granted government law enforcement agencies unprecedented power, all so he wouldn’t face criticism over weak security in the elections. He should have know Harper would exercise the powers of this bill in the interim but it was of less import to him.
Probably his most famous promise leading up to this election is the decriminalization of marijuana. Yet when the Conservatives introduced Bill-15 which would make amendments meaning mandatory prison time for possession,
Quebec MP Justin Trudeau, now the front-runner in the race for leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada, voted in favour of the measure in 2009. [source]
Then, just in July this year,
“I’ve committed to continuing to run balanced budgets,” Trudeau told Liberal supporters at a rally in Markham, Ont. earlier this summer. “In fact, it is Conservatives who run deficits, Liberals balance budgets. That’s what history has shown.” [source, as with quote in paragraph below]
But as he drove home in the debates to Canadians he knows are sick of austerity measures, “He’d run deficits of up to $10 billion a year until 2019.” What history has shown is that the federal Liberals campaign to the Left and act to the Right. They are widely considered Centrist but in practice, looking to the evidence, this is false and they are right of centre at best.
All this is to say, enjoy the afterglow of post-Harper Canada! Rejoice in the fact that our country’s leader will be the handsomest in the room at summits! But don’t give him slack for it either. Watch him just as hard as (or even harder than) you have with Harper. Or if you weren’t a watcher of democracy before the gross vulgarities of the Harper regime came to light, now is a great time to start*. Trudeau has important promises to keep. He will probably have to meet the official Tory opposition halfway at times (bleh!) and you will have to decide whether these concessions are acceptable to you or not.
Best case scenario, he did what he had to to gain power and will now be honest and progressive because he can. I certainly hope so.
*I personally recommend The Tyee and the Council of Canadians’ Newsletters. Full disclosure, Tyee has a leftist bent that much of the time favours the NDP & Green parties.
October 22, 2015 00:28
(Source: Fast Company)
Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of Antifragile, on keeping your day job. In the book he advocates a “barbell strategy,” or “a dual attitude of playing it safe in some areas and taking a lot of small risks in others” (via austinkleon)
This is interesting.
October 21, 2015 20:16

some of my favourite tags about justin trudeau and this hot new pm fad
I genuinely hate this shit
October 21, 2015 20:14
October 21, 2015 19:47

Better reblog this while you can.
this is one of those times that fucks with ya head
(Source: babeimgonnaleaveu)
October 21, 2015 19:46

The Cast of “The Thrilling Adventure Hour”
by Mindy Tucker
October 21, 2015 18:25
Anonymous: Why do you trust Mulcair? To me he's just another politic playing low life who'd sell his children off for votes. His arrogant little smirk pisses me off. I admit he's a better than who we have now, but people's support for him (and the NDP in general) irritates me. Not a fan of their policies.
Because he did not vote for C-51 and actually fought against it (unlike the Liberals).
Because he has held consistent opinions, and only changed the opinions when the public demanded it (repealing C-51, repealing C-24, etc).
Because he voted against the China FIPA investor protection agreement (which is hugely damaging to Canada); the Liberals voted for it.
Because he voted against the Europe CETA investor protection agreement (which is hugely damaging to Canada); the Liberals voted for it.
Because he voted against the Xenophobic ‘Barbaric cultural practices act’; the Liberals voted for it.
Because the Liberals recruited a disgraced conservative Eve Adams (and her husband Dmitri Soudas who was Harper’s former right hand man).
Because the Liberals recruited Bill Blair (behind the largest mass arrests in Canadian History and a supporter of the racist carding policy).
Because Mulcair isn’t just talking about the middle class; he’s talking about income inequality, high student debt, people with disabilities & mental illnesses, unaffordable housing and low income Canadians.
Because Justin Trudeau is making National Unity an election issue, when its not an issue at all. He’s fear mongering.
Because the Liberals have the worst record in keeping their election promises. Why should I believe anything they promise?
Because I identify more with Mulcair’s upbringing than I do with Trudeau’s. I come from a lower middle class family where my parents had to work hard just to make ends meet. I cannot identify at all with the privleged life of Trudeau. Its no wonder that he only cares about those that are well off (the middle class).
October 21, 2015 18:22
October 21, 2015 04:07
I don’t know how this guy did it, but someone isolated the musical score from the Force Awakens trailer. I’ll pretty much be having this on loop for the next two months.
This is beautiful.
(Source: youtube.com)
October 21, 2015 03:39

Inktober 20. Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends.
About This Blog
Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.
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I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at www.lemon-inc.com.
I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.
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