October 21, 2015 02:48
October 21, 2015 01:53

“Really? You’re going with jeans?” “Just watch me.”
October 21, 2015 01:46

“You can’t seriously be buying all of these…” “Just watch me.”
October 21, 2015 01:44
"Barbaric Cultural Practices,” you say.
So I was reading through Bill S-7 (the Zero Tolerance For Barbaric Cultural Practices act) and I noticed a thing.
(2) Section 150.1 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (2.2):
Exception for transitional purposes
(2.3) If, immediately before the day on which this subsection comes into force, the accused referred to in subsection (2.1) is married to the complainant, it is a defence that the complainant consented to the activity that forms the subject-matter of the charge.
tl;dr: S-7 explicitly enables the marital rape of 14-16 year old kids. It ensures there won’t be any more, but the ones that already exist? Fuck ‘em. Literally.
How’s that for “barbaric cultural practices”?
Friendly reminder that the Conservatives and Liberals both voted for this bill.
October 21, 2015 01:41
October 21, 2015 01:00
cant help but feel this whole “justin trudeau is so sexii lol” stuff thats coming out of other countries is yet another instance of the trivialization of canadian politics ugh
October 21, 2015 00:59
Anonymous: If re-elected wasnt harper gonna get rid of lgbt rights or something or are those just rumours? i tried looking it up but i only got hundreds up articles on why harpers a prick to the community so would you happen to know something about that?
I always thought the rumours of Harper’s anti-LGBT sentiment were mostly overblown, especially because Laureen Harper has been so outspoken against LGBT bullying and his government has done some legitimately good things to protect the rights of LGBT people abroad. I guess the Conservatives really are still very regressive on these issues in some aspects.
October 21, 2015 00:52
October 21, 2015 00:41
My friend Luke Savage’s assessment of the result of the election last night:
A lot of people I know are happy about last night’s election result, and I understand. Stephen Harper’s autocratic and malicious rule has finally come to an end, and I agree that this is worth celebrating.
But I hope those of you happy about the words “Prime Minister Trudeau” will try to understand why some of us don’t feel like celebrating today, and why even the defeat of the Conservatives rings hollow.
The Liberal campaign embraced a lexicon of positivity, unity, and tolerance. But the Liberals voted for Stephen Harper’s “Zero Tolerance for Barbaric Cultural Practices Act” only a few short months ago. They also voted for Bill C-51, which risks the criminalization of people who protest oil pipelines and threatens artistic expression (and will not repeal it). The likely Minister of Justice in Prime Minister Trudeau’s cabinet is a former police chief who defends openly racist policing and presided over the largest set of peacetime arrests in Canada history. The co-chair of Trudeau’s campaign was a wealthy oil lobbyist who, before the election was even finished, was already trying to help his friends at TransCanada Corp get a pipeline built.
Behind the selfies and the theatrics, behind the vague but flourishing invocations of “hope” and “change”, behind the crowds of smiling patricians, behind the formless nostalgia for 60s Trudeaumania, some of us see a politics as calculating and ultimately uninterested in social justice as that which today’s Liberalism sets itself against.
In many parts of the country last night, environmentalists, trade unionists, and social justice crusaders were unseated in favour of corporate lawyers, bankers, and insurance brokers. The business of hyper-professionalized politics - temporarily disrupted by a new political dynamic - will now reassert itself with a vengeance.
The new government is going to temporarily invest billions in new (though largely unspecific) infrastructure, after which it will make billions in (also unspecific) cuts. It will not create any new social programs, and has instead promise to adopt a means-tested approach to social policy that simply helps some low-income earners navigate unjust market structures with bigger cheques than they were getting before. It will not set targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It will sign a trade deal that will decimate what remains of manufacturing in Ontario, undermine Canadians’ privacy online, make life saving drugs unaffordable by creating a cartel for pharmaceutical giants, and erode the democratic sovereignty of the country by enabling multinationals to sue our elected governments when they dislike our laws and regulations.
Throughout its entire democratic history, Canadian politics have basically oscillated between two parties which do not seriously threaten the status quo or the injustices it contains. Against this, a third current has always insisted that fundamental change is necessary to build a truly just society. It was this ethos that gave us medicare - an institution built from the ashes of war and depression on principles of universalism and social solidarity. Neither sweeping platitudes nor bureaucratic conservatism will ever deliver us social progress of this kind, eradicate poverty, or save the planet from economic structures which may eventually destroy it.
From where many of us stand, what happened last night cannot be read as anything other than a setback, and a major one, for these efforts. It’s time we stopped marginalizing social justice, or patronizingly relegating it to the fringes. Democracy isn’t a spectator sport. Elections aren’t meant to be affirmative infotainment. Achieving social progress requires more than just a perpetual return to the traditional, professionalized politics which continues to leave one in seven of us in poverty, tolerates people having to sleep on the streets, and allows thousands of children to wake up hungry and badly housed every day in one of the richest societies in the world.
We have to demand better. And plenty of us believe and hope that, one day, we really will.
This is a really good explaination of how I feel about Trudeau.
October 21, 2015 00:30
Anonymous: What are your thoughts about people who say Mulcair is actually right wing and just with the NDP as a power grab? I know he said questionable things about Thatcher in the 80s but that was 30 years ago, is that still relevant is that to what he does today or has he changed?
He’s not right wing. He’s a more centrist leader of the NDP, a centre-left party. Mulcair had promised expansion of existing social programs (like healthcare) and creations of new social programs (affordable childcare) along with taxing corporations more. I’d hardly classify that as right wing.
This is a good article on the subject:
Are the Liberals really running to the left of the NDP? Oh, please.
October 21, 2015 00:29

Sean is the con organizer and i ma YELLING AS FUCK
October 20, 2015 13:52

This photo of me in a Liberal thong is totally going to come back and bite our new Prime Minister in the ass
October 20, 2015 03:12
Anonymous: Got to listen to some women at the polling station say how they're voting for their daddy Trudeau only because he's handsome and for no other reason.
October 20, 2015 03:05
October 20, 2015 03:04

With 97% of polls returning, Canada did have an increased voter turnout. Not an amazing difference, but turnout was up.
In 2011 voter turnout was 61.1%
Currently in 2015 voter turnout is at 65.71%
With 99.4% of polls reporting turnout is now at 68.02%.
That’s better. :)
October 20, 2015 02:59
I’m just mostly worried that when/if the liberals fuck up, everyone is gunna be like “damn we were fools to vote out the conservatives” and boom we’re back to square one with, once again, absolutely NO ONE FUCKING CONSIDERING THE NDP AS A VIABLE ALTERNATIVE
October 20, 2015 02:32
Anonymous: Do the people who act like a liberal government is some kind of radical "change" not realize a) we've had liberal pm's before and it wasn't all picture perfect, and b) there were options that actually COULD have been new and different?
October 20, 2015 02:10
October 20, 2015 00:27

tfw your country is so sick of its prime minister that it throws a nation-wide going away party
October 20, 2015 00:12
cheesymang: What do u think is the future of Bill C51 under the Liberals?
I have zero confidence that they will put in the proper safeguards with regards to this bill. Almost the entire bill is garbage. You can’t fix something that is so completely toxic.
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Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.
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I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at www.lemon-inc.com.
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Regardless of the ideology of the original poster this is a good example of how two-faced and political Justin Trudeau can be.