August 16, 2013 21:29
August 16, 2013 21:28

how i’ve been feelin’ lately
It’s a bit comforting to know that someone else feels the same way.
Oh man, 19-year-old-me totally relates to this. And as a former worried-19-year-old-artist turning 30 at the end of the month I gotta say DON’T BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF GUYS!!!! If you keep drawing, practicing, learning, putting your stuff out there and working towards your goals, you’ll get there. Maybe not right this minute, maybe not as fast as you’d like, but the more life you live, the more people you meet, the more experience you gain, you’ll find those doors opening when you’re ready for them. And if they don’t, you’ll start building your own doors. Don’t beat yourself up if you’re not there yet. Keep drawing, keep learning, and try to enjoy the ride!
When you’re 19, 19 feels super old. But you’re really, really not. You don’t have to have your path set by then. I remember being 19 and thinking if I didn’t meet my future wife that year, I’d be alone forever. If I didn’t have a major book deal by then, I’d never make it. If I didn’t go there or do that or meet so-and-so, I never would. Fuck, 19. I was still a wee thing, making mistakes that didn’t ruin my life and missing opportunities that ended up being replaced by other opportunities.
If I’d have my life set in stone by the time I was 19, if I had to follow that path forever, I wouldn’t be doing the awesome things I’m doing now. They only happened because of brand new things I picked up long after I left my teens.
I’m 24 and barely know what I’m doing. I stress about it sometimes, but all you can do is just keep working.
I’ve been feeling like this a lot lately.
August 16, 2013 21:26
August 16, 2013 21:25

rebloggable version of this answer for you
I’ll never understand why people continue to ask questions like this about anything.
August 16, 2013 21:23

Vincent Van Gogh - ‘In spite of everything’
this is beautiful
I have a lot of deep and personal feelings about this. It is going to take me a minute, the wind has been knocked form me.
August 16, 2013 21:22
Kevin Smith: Criticism vs. Creation -S.I.T
This is worth watching if you’re an artist because you can decide, as imperfect your work is it’s yours, you used your time, put your personal thought to it and you decide the rules, If you don’t like something then just go and create something you like instead, why do you need it to be canon? You just need that something to exist so you can like it and you can make that happen, just create and share it if you work on your own stuff and create, and equivocate and emote someone, that’s the greater gift and if it comes with money, the merrier ;) So, This sums my thoughts exactly. I’m glad that guy (who’s name I’ve no clue) asked about it, thanks man!
Thanks to my friend Hyoga for sending me this.
I haven’t seen any of Kevin Smith’s movies or read any of his comics but this sure makes me have a lot of respect for him.
August 16, 2013 21:17

guess who’s rewatching Pushing Daisie (it’s me)
I love these two. They just like, get stuck together because they’re the only two left.”Hi Emerson!” “Hi Olive……”
August 16, 2013 21:15

Early Hotel Transylvania character design by Fabien Mense.
Oddly enough I really love this bold design much more than the later execution. This seems more like Genndy’s gig
Oh man, these designs are amazing.
August 16, 2013 21:13

Ah! I understand these because I like drawing and Photoshop! This is FUNNY and CUTE! <3
August 16, 2013 21:12

August 16, 2013 21:10

Katie Shanahan

Gigi DG

Vera Brosgol

Meredith Gran

Anthony Clark

Scott Campbell
Advice Mondays, Weeks 7-12
It’s like all my favourite cartoonists are giving me advice. I would actually totally like to own pictures of my favourite cartoonists giving me advice. The guy who commisioned these had a good idea.
August 16, 2013 21:08
August 16, 2013 21:07

Joe Pitt has been sharing a bunch of his Wreck It Ralph concept art on his tumblr. I love seeing the evolution of the character. Nice balance of graphic and 3d shapes.
Blogspot (retired, but there’s lots of older work on there still)
August 16, 2013 21:04

Letter Of Note of the Day: Pete Docter joined Pixar 22 years ago, and since then he’s had a major hand in hits including Toy Story, Toy Story 2, Monsters, Inc., and Up.
Middle school teacher Martin Kelsey wrote to Docter in 2009, asking for some advice to pass on to his students.
Docter’s reply was all encouragement:
What would I tell a class of Middle School students?
When I was in Middle School, I liked to make cartoons. I was not the best artist in my class — Chad Prins was way better — but I liked making comic strips and animated films, so after High school it was no surprise that I got into The California Institute of the Arts (CalArts), a school that taught animation.
CalArts only accepts 25 students a year, and it attracts some of the best artists in the country. Suddenly I went from being one of the top artists in my class to being one of the absolute worst. Looking at the talented folks around me, I knew there was no way I would make it as a professional. Everyone else drew way better than I did. And I assumed the people who were the best artists would become the top animators.
But I loved animation, so I kept doing it. I made tons of films. I did animation for my friends’ films. I animated scenes just for the fun of it. Most of my stuff was bad, but I had fun, and I tried everything I knew to get better.
Meanwhile, many of the people who could draw really well kind of rested around and didn’t do a whole lot. It made me angry, because if I had their talent, man, the things I would do with it!
Years later, a lot of those guys who probably still draw really well don’t actually work in animation at all. I don’t know what happened to them. As for me, I got hired at Pixar Animation Studios, where I got to work on Toy Story 1 and 2, direct Monsters, Inc., and Up (due out May 29th this year).
So, Middle School Student, whatever you like doing, do it! And keep doing it. Work hard! In the end, passion and hard work beats out natural talent. (And anyway, if you love what you do, it’s not really “work” anyway.)
Good luck,
Pete Docter
This is Fantastic advice.
I teach children 6-20years old cartooning, comics, manga, and a bunch of other after school classes. And every class I have the inevitable parent that comes up and asks “Is my (8) year old good enough to be professional?” and the answer I always give is “YES”. Because it’s true. Art is a very competitive field, but the people who succeed are the ones who try hard, and keep on trying. Success might not come to you in the first month, or the first year, but you never really fail until YOU decide to give up.
August 16, 2013 21:03

Some good art rules from Mr. Sam Alden, for me rule #3 is one I really need to hammer in. Also, it’s his b-day today, HAPPY Day of BEES SAM!
August 16, 2013 20:57
August 16, 2013 20:52

August 16, 2013 20:50

#Fanartfriday for @boltcity Kazu Kibuishi’s “Amulet.” A fantastic adventure comic.
Check out the group fanartfriday tumblr for more goodies!
YES! I love it when one of my favourite artists draws one of my other favourite artist’s characters!
August 16, 2013 20:48

“You’re pretentious, this club sucks, I have beef. Let’s do it.”
My two favourite Scotts!
About This Blog
Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.
About My Work
I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at
I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.
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