
Calendar November 18, 2015 01:40

Calendar November 16, 2015 20:09

Calendar November 16, 2015 20:05

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that shirt you’ve always wanted is now 





(Source: freebensears.com)

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Marvel’s JESSICA JONES Movie Clip - All In (2015) Netflix Series HD

(Source: youtube.com)

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Calendar November 16, 2015 19:57

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Octopus Pie is posted here but there’s a website too. You can read the whole comic at Octopus Pie Dot Com!

that’s it, cartooning’s over, this was its pinnacle

I’m extremely far behind on OP and have no context for this but it’s good to know that Eve has magical fairy powers now.

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Calendar November 16, 2015 19:54

Calendar November 16, 2015 19:44

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The assignment was to write about a time you worked with someone to accomplish something together. What Henry wrote, spelling corrected, beneath the drawing of the math devil fighting boba fett in his thoughts:

Last night I worked on my homework. It was hard and I thought it tricked me. I was frustrated. My dad was giving me tactical advice. I may or may not have been drifting away thinking about Star Wars.

OK I was thinking about Boba Fett. His blaster, his jet pack, his mask, his armor. But I got my homework done with my dad’s help. Finally it’s done.

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Calendar November 15, 2015 23:56

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This is everything I know about being an adult. You should share this with other adults.


(Source: dieselsweeties.com)

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Calendar November 15, 2015 23:51

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There's no shame.


A quick point I wanted to make– if you’ve gotten out of school and are working in retail to make ends meet until you get your foot in the door, there is absolutely no shame in that. Do NOT let that make you feel bad. Do not let that eat away at you. Just keep working on making your artwork better, and strengthen your skills. You’re working hard to ensure you can do what you love– creating. Paying the bills with retail or similar work is allowing you to continue getting better and trying to get your foot in the door.

I graduated with an MFA in animation and had a BFA in Animation and it took me four years in retail before I got my foot in the door. Four years. Every night I went home after work, I had the goal in mind to get better. That’s what I worked on– drawing, coloring, painting, Storyboarding. I worked hard at it and it finally paid off when I got out of retail and into a small studio. Later on I was hired by Disney.

Keep working on making your skills better, and you’ll get there. I know you can 💙

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Calendar November 15, 2015 23:45

Calendar November 15, 2015 23:40

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concept: me, well-rested, getting up just after sunrise before work. the sky is that golden pink, I am sleepy but content. I pour myself a cup of coffee and read the newspaper. I like my job and it pays the bills.

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Calendar November 15, 2015 23:36

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Someday we’ll find it
The rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers, and me.

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Calendar November 15, 2015 14:22

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The Best Patronus.

If I could conjure sparkly spectral otters I would have got zero other wizard studying done.

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Calendar November 15, 2015 14:19

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NaNoWriMo - The Evil “0″


I’m taking a break from writing (even though I am behind and I really shouldn’t be) to discuss something that’s come up for me within the last few days. We’ve just about concluded the second week of November, so we should be about halfway through our novels by now. Unfortunately though, if you’re like me and you’ve fallen just a bit behind (or you’ve fallen a lot behind), it can be difficult to find the motivation to continue. 

During this month, I’m always obsessed with the number 0. I think 0 is both a motivator and a deterrent for the exact same reasons. Whether it’s one or the other doesn’t just depend on who you are, but where you’re seeing this 0. 

My biggest excitement on Day 1 of NaNo is changing my word count from 0 to anything really, even if it’s just 50 words. But even if the 0 is gone from your overall word count, it sticks around for daily word counts. Until you write on any given day, your daily word count is 0. And while I was so excited to banish that 0 on Day 1, throughout the rest of the month, the 0 lures me into this false sense of security. It’s complicated, so let me explain. 

I have a calendar on my fridge keeping track of daily word counts, and I don’t live alone so others can see my progress. Though I haven’t logged a word count of 0 on any day so far (my lowest was I think 72 words), I find myself almost ashamed when my word count is extremely low, to the point where I’d rather write 0 words than 72, and I didn’t really get why that was. So I thought about it and came to the following conclusion. 

A word count of 0 could indicate a lot of things on the surface. Sure, it could mean that you opted to play video games or binge watch on Netflix, but it could also mean that you had a long, rough day at work, or you had a million appointments, a lot of homework, or even things like family emergencies, a sick pet, a friend that needed you. Life can create lots of valid reasons that you didn’t have time to write. A daily word count of 0 could mean that your schedule just didn’t allow for it. 

As soon as that 0 becomes anything else, the perception suggests something new. It suggests that you sat down to write at some point during your day, and a measly 50 words is all you could come up with. You clearly had an opportunity and motivation enough to open the document and type something, so the fact that you could only get 50 words feels pathetic. It feels like failure. You clearly started, and then stopped. So either you got bored with your story, which is source of extreme panic during NaNo, or you got bored with writing, which is a source of extreme panic for writers every single day of our lives. 

This isn’t how it should be. We shouldn’t look at small progress as pathetic. But for some of us, this is how our brains naturally operate. And because we’re so critical of making our stories perfect, we can translate that perfectionism to the writing sessions themselves and feel like if it doesn’t go flawless and we don’t get at least 1000 words, then it’s a huge waste of time and it’s not even worth attempting. 

I can’t stop myself from feeling shame when I write daily word count totals of less than 500 words on my calendar, but what I can do is acknowledge this shame and tell it to GTFO. Because when I think about it, what I really see is this: I wrote on a day when writing was the last thing I wanted to do. When I felt like crap, when I hated the world and myself, when I was too busy to even think about my story, when I had people that needed me and I still managed to be there for them, when my day was packed so full that there was no time for a dedicated writing session…I wrote something. Despite all those odds, I got into my characters heads for the briefest of moments and said to my story, “You matter to me.” Even if I only have a few minutes today, I’m going to give some of it to writing. 

Because it’s not the days where we write thousands and thousands of words that make us productive writers. It’s when we’re able to write on days when it’s difficult to. Even if it’s just a sentence, it keeps you engaged in the story and with the characters, and it makes it easier to keep coming back to it day in and day out. 

So if you feel like your pathetic daily word counts are a waste of your time, think again. Because this month is not just about writing 50k words. It’s about developing loyalty to your story, to your writing, so that you can’t go a day without thinking about it and tossing even just one sentence at it. 

Good luck WriMos! Keep writing and do not give up!  


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Calendar November 15, 2015 13:15

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My new mantra

This makes me very emotional for some reason.

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Calendar November 14, 2015 10:02

Calendar November 14, 2015 09:59

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“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of ‘disaster,’ I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world.”

—Fred Rogers

(Source: humanoidhistory)

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Calendar November 14, 2015 09:55

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Introducing Character Drawcember!

This is a series of drawing prompts I designed for myself to get into a better rhythm of art production and also to think in depth about my characters. I’m posting this in case anyone else would like to work through the list too! :) I purposefully designed the workload to be relatively relaxed, since December is a busy month for a lot of people, myself included.

RULES: Use whatever of your own characters you want to use. You can stick to the same couple of characters or use all different ones. Any medium, and they don’t have to be consistent in style or technique. Basically there are no rules, just use this as a fun opportunity to work on your cast of characters. If you do decide to do this challenge, use the tag Character Drawcember!

WEEK ONE (Dec 1-7)


…a protagonist

…an antagonist

…an old character you don’t use anymore, and then redesign them.

Finish one of these into a full-color piece.

WEEK TWO (Dec 8-14)


…the inside of your character’s room.

…your character as a child, adult, and senior.

…an alternate universe version of one of your characters.

Finish one of these into a full-color piece.

WEEK THREE (Dec 15-21)


…a big group shot of your characters.

…a fake screenshot, as if your characters had their own movie

…your character’s favorite place

Finish one of these into a full-color piece.

WEEK FOUR (Dec 22-28)


…your character in someone else’s style (credit who you were inspired by!)

…three different outfits for your character

…free day- you choose what to draw with your character

CATCHUP (Dec 29-31)

If you’re not done yet (it’s okay!!), use this extra time to finish!


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Calendar November 13, 2015 01:12

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My mom just sent me this picture of my dog…I guess we got a lot of snow, then


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Calendar November 13, 2015 01:05

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I get sick of tumblr’s version of self care, which 90% of the time threads into this beautifully: go pet a fuzzy cute animal! pile up your favorite blankets from childhood and watch disney movies! take a nap! play a game from this list of cute soothings games! 

More realistically: go take a shower because it’s been three days. Wash the dishes that have been in the sink since last Friday that you can smell as soon as you open your door because rotting food stinks. Pick all your clothes off the floor because that’s where your entire wardrobe is and you’ve already cried today because you tripped over a sweater and realized the cat puked on it. Call someone who can give you enough courage to pay that bill you’ve been ignoring. Put away the crackers because that’s all you’ve eaten for two days straight. Apologize to the friends who are worried sick about you, and if you can’t at least let them know you are ok and need space. 

One of the most empowering types of self-care is responsibility, but tumblr just wants to sit in a closet strung with fairy lights and read their favorite fic.  

“Cute” self-care for “cute” mental issues. That’s not reality. 

Finally someone said this

This is what bothers me about so much self care stuff. It’s not self care, it’s just avoidance and it doesn’t solve anything.

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About This Blog

Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.


About My Work

I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at

I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.

 uploaded image 

My Sites

Lemon Inc.

Lai Guys Comics




Ink Bomb Comics

Ink Bomb Site


Stale Bacon 

Zoo Dot Com 


Other Comics I Like

Woody After Hours

Cucumber Quest

Boxer Hockey



Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name 



Artists & Designers

Shane Kirshenblatt

Sean Mclean Art 

Ryan Estrada

Matt McCray

Kevin Coulston

Paul Westover

