
Calendar November 12, 2015 23:20

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Lamar Abrams (storyboard artist & voice actor on Steven Universe) made some interesting commentary about how we present our characters in media a while back.

You guys should follow his twitter, it’s great.

I really relate to this. I just didn’t think of putting more diversity in my work for a long time for some reason.

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Calendar November 11, 2015 21:46

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Acrylic and gouache on Rives BFK mounted on wood panel
9″ x 12″

Here’s my piece inspired by Princess Leia for Gallery 1988’s Star Wars: Art Awakens gallery show and charity auction, a collaboration between Gallery 1988, Disney, LucasFilm, and Bad Robot. Pieces in the show will be auctioned off for charity on eBay on Friday, November 13th. If you’re in Los Angeles, you can see the artwork in person on Saturday and Sunday (November 14th and 15th) from 11am–10pm at Gallery 1988 (West). Find out more info here and support a good cause!

Almost everything in this piece is a reference from the original Star Wars trilogy: the symbols of the Rebel Alliance and the Empire, band patches for Max Rebo Band and the Mos Eisley Cantina band, “Rebel scum,” tattoos of Alderaan and Leia’s blaster, modified X-wing pilot gloves, the vest Leia wore on Hoth, her pants from Endor, the chain she used to strangle Jabba, and of course her hair from A New Hope. If you couldn’t tell, I had a lot of fun with this!

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Calendar November 11, 2015 20:36

Calendar November 11, 2015 20:33

Calendar November 11, 2015 20:29

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3 golden rules of art

  1. flip your canvas
  2. dont shade with black
  3. dra w something other than ¾ bust shots facing left its gonna be ok i promi

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Calendar November 11, 2015 20:23

Calendar November 11, 2015 20:15

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Anonymous: Don't you worry that women + minorities + gays are eating up all the projects in the name of ""diversity"" and making harder for you to keep working in comics?



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Calendar November 11, 2015 15:29

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Ah, the Christmas season. All my childhood favourites are here- Santa, Rudolph, Frosty, the Angel of Death

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Calendar November 11, 2015 15:23

Calendar November 11, 2015 15:15

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Steven Universe & Zamii070


Hey guys,

I’ve just recently caught up on everything regarding Tumblr user zamii070 and the Steven Universe fandom and I’m actually really disgusted at how vile people can be on this site. I may receive the same retaliation for defending them, but hopefully you can read through this post unbiasedly.

First and foremost, please think about your words when you address someone; it’s so easy to be hateful towards someone who is hurting you that we begin to believe being understanding is harder. This person has received constant hate mail, death threats, and strangers telling her that her life is worth nothing and that she’d be better off dead over her fan art.

No one should ever feel like their place on this earth has no value.

Yes, I understand that this show gives representation to minority groups and gives many viewers a sense of comfort knowing that they have something to relate to. Yes, I understand that you felt undermined when you saw this person had drawn non-canon versions of the characters (e.g. skinny Rose Quartz) because you look up to Rose Quartz as being a figure for plus sized people, and so forth.

But there is a difference between:

“Hey, I’m not sure why you drew this character like that, but I just want you to know it offends me because I don’t believe it’s fair to pose this character as something they physically are not and that trait is what made them relatable to me. Why did you choose to do this?”


“Please fucking kill yourself you do not deserve to walk this earth you piece of fucking shit don’t ever come around here with that fucking filth you’re better off dead”

How does that help anyone? It doesn’t.

You got your wish fandom, this person has attempted suicide(s?). But thankfully, they failed and are currently recovering (whilst still receiving threats sigh).

It’s disgusting and wrong and goes against EVERYTHING Steven Universe was aiming to project when the creators had this show in mind. The fandom of a cartoon that was supposed to allow you to connect and unify people has become elitist and terrifying.

Please think about your words. You have the power to hurt people. You have the power to kill people.

You can be responsible for a person’s death if you are not careful and I really want you to think about that. Can you be the kind of person who can look themselves in the mirror and say, “Thank god that person offed themselves today, I won’t have to see their disgusting fan art in the tags anymore.”

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Calendar November 9, 2015 18:30

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so i’ve been taking photos for quite some time now but this


is quite possibly



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Calendar November 9, 2015 01:14

Calendar November 8, 2015 01:59

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I have family (an uncle and two cousins) living in Winnipeg, and my mom and baby sister go there sometimes. I worry for them. I worry because there’s a high chance of them being in danger because of sick fucks targeting Native people and attacking them like the poster above. If you’re Native and in Winnipeg, PLEASE watch out for sick, racist fucks like these. Winnipeg is not a safe place for Native people.

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Calendar November 7, 2015 20:27

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captainearayos: How did you make the website? I'm planning on making a webcomic of my own but i have no idea where to publish it. I don't want to use twitter nor facebook for it.


Publish it on your own website, of course! Don’t use social media as your primary platform. What will you do when the Kochs buy up Twitter? When Monsanto merges with Yahoo and Tumblr? Maybe…. they already have??

My website has a good chunk of traffic and costs $9.50 a month to host and $15 a year for a domain name. Learn basic HTML, install Wordpress or another archiving system, and pay the $3 a month for a basic web hosting plan. Or get a friend to help set it up/host it for you. It really is easy, and it’s empowering to own and control your thing! Don’t buy into the pre-installed internet! And tell my students to listen to me too! :(

THIS. Social media is great and important but it shouldn’t be your primary distribution channel. Nothing is as good as having your own website.

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Calendar November 7, 2015 20:24

Calendar November 7, 2015 20:23

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not-the-conversation-starter: If you could be the greatest comic artist in the world, but had to eat your own feces to do so, would you?


I already do this, and I am

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Calendar November 7, 2015 20:19

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ashleyhollaback: Is Octopus Pie your first comic?


No, I made tons before it! Starting in grade school I made xerox paper comics about my pets. I had a few original characters:

“Poosh the Penguin & God” - a lot like Calvin & Hobbes/Bloom County. Poosh was commanded by God (represented by an anthropomorphic cloud) to save the world. Kind of like if Sinfest was drawn by an 8 year old girl.

“Flatfoot & Misty” - frog and turtle duo with Ren & Stimpy type slapstick humor. Misty was also my pet turtle. I got pretty mad when The Swan Princess (1994) had a similar frog and turtle team, because I’d intended for this to be my ticket to fame. These were the first comics I “self published” by taking them to the deli around the block and photocopying them.

I got really into this 1995 computer game “The Dig” and made a sorta original comic based on that. It was about a German scientist trying to escape an alien planet with his 2 other crew members, who were always busy fucking and not helping him. My sister made a parallel series with the same characters – if one of the pages turned out bad, she’d fold it up, staple it closed and write “REJECT - Don’t Open, Don’t Throw Away” on the outside.

“Spice’s Picture Book” was a series I made in a notebook over multiple years, but would only do a couple of entries per year, when my family was on vacation. Spice the cat would terrorize her neighbor, The Man. Pretty heady stuff. My brother spoke fondly of this comic at my wedding.

I made a bunch of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle comics over the years. Probably a few Lion King comics too. I made a Beavis and Butthead comic episode called “Crapper Jacks” in 7th grade that got chocolate all over it and it looked like crap.

I made a lot of Final Fantasy 7 comics during my “chibi” phase. These were probably the first ones I scanned onto the computer, with a handheld scanner at my friend’s house. I shared the images in AOL chatrooms by e-mailing them to anyone who wanted to see them. Shortly after this I got sick of comics and just wrote fanfiction for 2 years.

I returned to comics and did my first webcomic in 2000, a magical furry teen cat romance. My pet bird Kiwi was in it, too. No I don’t have any evidence of it. Sometimes people come up to me at cons and scare me by saying they remember it. I’m glad furries are considered cool now.

In 2004 or so I did my 2nd webcomic, a tongue in cheek superhero fashion college student adventure. It was sort of proto-OP in some ways, and is mostly lost to the ages. A few people remember this one; I gave it up to finish my thesis. My next comic was OP in 2007.

All right, this is probably a good note to end the Asks on. Thanks guys!

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Calendar November 7, 2015 20:15

Calendar November 5, 2015 23:04

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I drew this for today’s Wall Street Journal. They gave me a list of characters and told me to illustrate them all fighting. Given the very tight deadline, and the fact that the actual format (!) of the art changed midway through the assignment, due to their layout, I am pleased with the drawing. And, this is only the second time in my career that I have been paid to do some Star Wars art. Also, I’m glad they let me keep the bit with Chewbacca keeping Jar-Jar in a headlock. : )

By the way, I drew this piece with my ‘Belgian Comics’ brush from my Photoshop Megapack brush set

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About This Blog

Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.


About My Work

I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at

I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.

 uploaded image 

My Sites

Lemon Inc.

Lai Guys Comics




Ink Bomb Comics

Ink Bomb Site


Stale Bacon 

Zoo Dot Com 


Other Comics I Like

Woody After Hours

Cucumber Quest

Boxer Hockey



Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name 



Artists & Designers

Shane Kirshenblatt

Sean Mclean Art 

Ryan Estrada

Matt McCray

Kevin Coulston

Paul Westover

