December 29, 2015 00:51
December 29, 2015 00:50

I’m so pleased that “tousled hair” is an essential aspect of this outfit that needs to be included in the official guides.
All part of a grand tradition of these DK Star Wars books. Like Lando’s “winning smile”
December 29, 2015 00:49
“Your art makes me feel bad about my art” is not a compliment
ono I see this every so often in some of the reblog tags on of my posts and tbh, I feel terrible when i see it! I never intend for anyone to feel bad or discouraged!
It took years of practice and dedication to get to where I am now as an artist. I didn’t get here in a matter of days or by just “believing” in myself. I actually worked to get to this point!
Please dont make an artist feel remorse over their hard work. Instead take it as a note of inspiration! You can get there too! Art is a pursued craft! You get better as you work at it!
bOuOb Dont give up!
December 26, 2015 00:50
- writing a bitchy character (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
- writing a cocky character (1,2,3,4)
- writing a emotion character (1,2)
- How to play a hippie
- Playing the quiet character.
- Portraying the shopaholic.
- Portraying a mute character.
- Portraying a kleptomaniac.
- How to play the stalker.
- Writing distant, indifferent characters.
- How to write a character who stutters.
- Writing a character who is sassy.
- A guide to playing a southern character.
- Portraying characters with crushes.
- How to portray a teen mom.
- How to play a character who is mean.
- How to portray a character high on cocaine.
- Writing a character who is high on amphetamines.
- Playing an efficient male character.
- Portraying the asshole.
- Playing a character who suffers from shyness.
- How to play a mentally ill/insane character.
- Writing a character who self-harms.
- Writing a happy character.
- Writing a character who suffers from night terrors.
- Writing a character with paranoid personality disorder.
- How to play a victim of rape.
- How to RP a blind character.
- Writing a leader.
- Writing a character with Dissociative Identity Disorder.
- Writing a character with depression.
- Writing a character who is homosexual.
- Writing a character with schizophrenia.
- Playing a fe/male character.
- Writing a character with Nymphomania.
- How to write a worry wart.
- How to write a character with HPD.
- How to write a bad ass character.
- Playing a pansexual.
- Tips on writing a drug addict.
- Tips on writing the pregnant female.
- Writing insane characters.
- Playing a character under the influence of marijuana.
- Portraying a character with diabetes.
- How to play a prankster.
- Playing a character who has been adopted.
- Portraying a vampire.
- Playing a character with an eating disorder.
- Portraying a character who is anti-social.
- Portraying a character who is depressed.
- How to portray someone with dyslexia.
- How to portray a character with bipolar disorder.
- Portraying a character with severe depression.
- How to play a serial killer.
- Writing a tomboy.
- Playing a pyromaniac.
- How to write a mute character.
- How to write a character with an OCD.
- How to play a stoner.
- How to write an asexual character.
- How to play a bitchy/vicious character.
- How to play a character with HPD.
- Playing a pregnant woman.
- Playing the burn-out.
- Writing a “nice” character.
- How to play a gentleman.
- How to play a shy/introvert character.
- How to play a naive character.
- Playing characters with memory loss.
- How to write a character who smokes.
- How to write pirates.
- How to write characters with PTSD.
- How to play a character who isn’t ready for sex.
- How to play the geek.
- Playing the manipulative character.
- Portraying a character with borderline personality disorder.
- Playing a character with Orthorexia Nervosa.
- Writing a character who lost someone important.
- Playing the bullies.
- Portraying the drug dealer.
- Playing a rebellious character.
- How to portray a sociopath.
- How to play a swimmer.
- Portraying a ballerina.
- Playing a promiscuous male.
- Playing a character with cancer.
- How to portray a bubbly character.
- How to portray a power driven character.
- How to portray the shy character.
- Playing a character under the influence of drugs.
- Playing a character who struggles with Bulimia.
- Portraying a hippie.
- Portraying sexually/emotionally abused characters.
- Playing a character with asthma.
- Portraying characters who have secrets.
- Portraying a recovering alcoholic.
- Portraying a sex addict.
- How to play someone creepy.
- Portraying a foreigner.
- Portraying an emotionally detatched character.
- How to play a character with social anxiety.
- Portraying a character who is high.
- How to play a strong, female character.
- Writing a character with a hangover.
- Playing angry characters.
- Playing a character who is smarter than you.
- Playing and writing autistic characters.
- Portraying a trans character.
- How to portray a dominant character.
- Playing a character who is faking a disorder.
- Playing a prisoner.
- Playing the opposite sex.
- Portraying a character who has PTSD.
- Playing a character who stutters.
- Portraying characters with Aspergers Syndrome.
- How to play a depressed character who selfharms.
- Portraying the “dumb” character.
- How to portray a lesbian.
- How to play a blind character.
- How to play a sexual assault victim.
- Writing a compulsive gambler.
- Writing a closeted character.
- Playing a werewolf.
- Writing a character with an addiction to sex.
- Writing a character who is drunk.
- Portraying a character who is British.
- Playing a Brit.
- Portraying a character with amnesia.
- Playing heroes.
- Portraying a witty character.
- How to play an INTJ.
- How to play a vampire.
- How to play a character who is manipulative.
- Portraying the natural born leader.
- Portraying the character who is flirtatious.
- Writing a nice character.
- How to portray a character who has asthma.
- Playing a character with ADHD.
- Writing characters with anxiety.
- Amnesia
- Children
- A Death Scene
- Loosing Someone (2)
- Old Persons
- Physical Injuries (2, 3)
- Sexual Abuse (2)
- Fight Scenes (2, 3, 4)
- Horror
- Torture
- How to Describe the Body Shape of Female Characters
- Character Apperance Help
- Words to Describe Voice
- Body Language Cheat Sheet
- Character Development Exercises
- 101 Character Development Questions
- Art of Character Development
- Introducing Characters
- Characters You Need to Reinvent
- Making Characters Likeable
- Heros and Villains
- Describing Clothing
- Understanding Body Language
- 100 Positive Traits
- Mental Illness in Writing
- Conflicts and Characters
- Actors
- Ballet Dancer (2)
- Christianity
- Foreigners
- Gamblers
- Hinduism
- Hitmen
- Satanism
- Smokers
- Stoners
- Taoism
- Journalists
- Vegetarians
- Australia
- Boston
- California (2, 3)
- England/Britain (2, 3, 4, 5)
- New York
- Prison
- London
- The South (2)
- Females (2)
- Males (2)
- Transgender People
- Female Names (2, 3, 4, 5)
- Male Names (2, 3, 4, 5)
- Last Names (2, 3, 4)
- Song Lyrics Masterlist
- Songs for Biographies
- Favorite Quotes: TV and Movies
- Favorite Quotes: Notable Authors
- Favorite Quotes: Celebrities
- Favorite Quotes: Popular Books (2)
- Quotes From Songs
- Character Quotes
- Masterlist of Bio Lyrics
- Masterlist of Bio Quotes
- Masterlist of Song Lyrics
- Biography Lyrics
- A Masterlist of Quotes
- Smut Guide: Casual Sex
- Smut Guide: For Beginners
- How to: Write a First Time Sex Scene Romantically
- How to: Smut - The Bare Bones
- How to: Smut (For Virgins)
- How to: Write Lesbian Smut
- How to: Write Smut (2, 3)
- How to: Write a Blowjob/Prepping for Smut
- Smut Guides of Tumblr
- Tips on Writing Sex Scenes
- A Guide to Language in Smut
- Domination and Submission
- Making Love
- A Smut Guide
- How to: Write a Kiss (2)
- Different Types of Kisses
- Writing Out the First Kiss
- Placement of Speech Tags
- Grammar and Spelling
- Grammar Slammer!
- American vs. British Grammar
- HyperGrammar
- Grammar Girl
- Punctuating Dialogue
- How to Use the Semicolon
- Introduction to the Basic Rules of Punctuation
- Comma 101
- All About Dialouge
- 11 Grammar Tips
- Comma Usage
- Correct Use of Apostrophe
- Proofreading
- Transition Words
- 40+ Tips to Improve your Grammar and Punctuation
- Better Writing: Grammar & Spelling
- Semicolons and Colons
- Underlining and Italicizing
- Dashes and Parentheses
- Hyphens
- Apostrophes
- The Ellipsis
- List of 1000+ Adjectives
- painting tutorial
- colour palette (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
- drawing clothe folding
- avoiding drawing the same face
- draw ice
- anatomy help
- free drawing program (1) (2)
- sai brushes (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
- draw hair
- drawing ref
- dont know what to draw?
- draw 3D room tut
- drawing eyes
- lip tutorial
- how to draw jeans
- how to draw arms
- expression tutorial
- drawing hair and fur
- drawing cats
- pose reference blog [its actually a blog full of references i-]
- download photoshop
- paint blood
- color blender
- draw hands
- hands 2
- photoshop help (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
- remove backgrounds from images online
- clouds
- brush setting ref (SAI)
- kissing ref
- how to draw curls
- realistic woman body ref
- draw knees
- draw feet
- shadow help
- male body
- lips ref
- contouring and highlighting
- draw wings
- change images using blur (PS)
- gray
- hat ref
- glowing stuff
- pastel colors
- draw grass
- eyeliner ref
- Painting tutorial
- Female/male arms
- Kneeling + Sitting ref
- Dragon head view tutorial
- SAI brushes 86786
- Drawing expressions
- Sai Brushes 1
- NGE colour palette 1
- 100+ colour palletes
- Avoiding same face
- Face contours/highlighting
- free art MyPaint
- Body anatomy help 1
- How to shift images using blur in PS
- Drawing clothe folding
- How to draw ice
- Colour palette 1
- Colour palette 2
- SAI brush settings 2
- SAI/PS pixel brushes
- Warm/Cool gray
- Flower crown tutorial
- Skin colour palette
- Pink colour sheet
- How to draw butts&thighs
- The male torso
- Drawing glowing stuff in SAI
- Drawing horse/animal legs on humans
- Drawing clouds
- Muscular male with bow stock photos
- Pastel colours
- Drawing grass fields in SAI
- Expressions&Legs
- All about the human body
- 20+ colour palettes
- Colour conversion
- Kissing ref
- Creature design
- Colour meanings
- Creating expression
- Tutorial masterpost (100+)
- Lineart
- Canine
- How to colour
- Pose studies
- Feline comparisons
- How to draw penis
- Leaf pressing
- 100+ anatomy references
- How to draw folds
- SAI brushes 3
- Sitting poses
- Colour palette 4
- Cloud painting
- How to draw 3D rooms
- Colour info
- Colouring ref
- Hair tutorial
- Clothing ref
- Bodies and poses
- SAI brushes 5
- Colour scheme designer
- Folding ref
- Heads&Angles
- Paint tool SAI masterpost
- Drawing ref masterpost (10+)
- Hair+Fur
- How to draw faces
- SAI brushes 4
- Anatomy of mutant humans
- What should I draw?
- Free art software
- pastel colour ref
- Mass art ref
- Soft SAI brushes
- ways to draw stuff
- SAI brush settings
- baseball cap ref
- Penis ref
- Drawing human wings
- Cool free art software
- Huge art ref
- Colour blender
- 2 SAI brushes
- Photoshop for free
- eyeliner
- how to apply blush
- how to draw eyebrows
- ombre eyeliner
- lipstick trick
- the kitty eye ^.^
- nude lips
- smokey eye make up
- what you need to know about beauty
- 5 of the best foundations
- best powder foundations
- quick foundation tip
- how to apply liquid foundation
- breaking it down
- makeup highlights tutorial
- blush for your skin tone
- how to apply bronzer
- how to contour your face
- apply blush like a pro
- blush according to your face shape
- d.i.y. gel liner
- get the perfect winged liner
- get winged liner using tape
- awesome eyeliner tricks
- 9 different eyeliner looks
- different eyeliner styles
- guide to applying eyeshadow
- suit your eyeshadow to your eyes
- glittery smoky eye
- get the perfect smoky eye
- a shade for every occasion
- kool-aid lip stain
- best lipsticks for blondes
- hot red lips
- how to get gradient lips
- lipstick shades for fall
- how to make any lipstick look matte
- get soft kissable lips
- long lasting makeup tricks
- victoria’s secret model tips
- saving face
- beginner’s guide
- when will it expire?
- 10 makeup tips from mac
- best tips from professionals
- 18 beauty essentials
- basics you should own
- make-up brush tutorial
- brush tricks
- clean your makeup brushes
- make-up brush guide
- make up hacks
- easy make up tips
- the runaway to gorgeous skin
- winter dryness
- acne foundation routine
- wash your face correctly
- how to wash your face 101
- messy bun tutorial
- different ways to braid
- three-braid updo
- waterfall braid
- how to fishtail
- romantic curls
- braid + bun updo
- how to do pastel hair
- 8 ways to wear a bow
- 4-strand braid
- braided bun
- braided headband
- dutch braid crown
- pin curls!
- how to contour
- everyday makeup routine
- lipstick using crayons
- eyeliner ref wow
- filling in eyebrows
- banana facial mask (moisturizes)
- strawberry facial mask (acne prone skin)
- avocado facial mask (dry skin)
- yogurt facial mask (sensitive skin)
- list of oils to add to your face masks
- already made masterpost :*
- sleep calculator
- survive nature
- rain
- tumblr music
- calming rain
- need a hug?
- like the sound of a coffee shop?
- can’t remember the name of a song?
- the thoughts room
- how to love yourself
- upload anything from your iPhone etc. to your laptop
- learn another language
- make HUGE unpoppable bubbles
- play some piano
- draw a stick man and watch the story!
- thousands of stars (you can zoom in/out and learn about them)
- check if a username is taken (any site! twitter/tumblr, etc)
- draws stuff as you move your curser
- tell your thoughts to no one
- play with cob web
- make music with balloons
- learn to play the guitar
- learn to build a ship in a bottle
- learn origami
- learn some yoyo tricks
- make your own stuffed animals
- how to decorate iphone cases
- make a candle
- important things you should remember
- how to kill your anxiety
- how to help someone with their anxiety
- look for literally any book you want (free)
- waterproof your shoes
- know what your emotion is
- how to love yourself
- ultimate writers resources masterpost
- learn how to make punk edits without photoshop
- dont know what to read?
- learn a new habit
- how to answer the top 35 asked questions when applying for a job
- want to draw?
- The quiet place
- Giant Movie masterpost
- Disney movies masterpost
- Superhero movies masterpost
- Movies for when you’re sick
- Scary movies masterpost
- Tumblr dedicated to finding movie links
- When to pee during a movie
December 26, 2015 00:43
December 24, 2015 11:24

Amihan / “Ami” - character exploration (2015 Portfolio)
December 24, 2015 11:22
December 24, 2015 11:05
December 24, 2015 11:03
the screencaps dont do this scene justice
star wars described by a fan of lego star wars
December 24, 2015 02:54

Lightaber Escape is a fun game (and impressive technical achievement) that allows you to use your phone as a lightsaber to deflect laser blasts and attack Stormtropers on your PC screen (or any device with a browser).
You don’t have to install anything on your PC or download any apps on your phone, you just need a to load up the website, load up the specified URL on the browser of your (motion sensitive) mobile device, and enjoy some saber swinging fun!
Askagamedev linked me this the other day!! It was pretty neat.
Be prepared to make a lot of internal jokes to yourself involving the word “calibration”.
December 24, 2015 02:31
who is tim horton and why does everyone in canada know him
oh ya timmy’s just a good bud there eh
what does this say
December 23, 2015 15:39

God knows why I drew the joker this way but Seasons greetings nonetheless.
The Joker looks like Jay Leno.
December 23, 2015 15:38
December 23, 2015 15:37

when Finn gets scared he picks up the people he cares about and runs
December 23, 2015 13:49
December 23, 2015 00:15
December 22, 2015 18:43
pottertardiss: any advice for who had a bad day ?
sit down and create something. just for you. put something into the world. it feels great.
if you don’t have it in you the comic stores are FILLED with great comics, the theaters are FILLED with great movies, the video games this season are MWAH. treat yourself to a little you time. transport yourself.
December 22, 2015 18:34
About This Blog
Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.
About My Work
I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at
I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.
My Sites
Ink Bomb Comics
Other Comics I Like
Artists & Designers
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