
Calendar May 6, 2017 23:58

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Apparently the creator of Pepe the Frog has just killed him off in a comic because he’s so upset by his use as a white supremacist symbol. Open casket and everything.

This is hilarious, yeah, but reading Matt Furie’s explanation is weirdly heartbreaking. He’s clearly emotionally invested in Pepe and finds him a meaningful expression of himself…

“The characters in ‘Boy’s Club’ will always be a part of me. Andy the wise guy, Landwolf the party animal, Brett the fashionable dancer, and Pepe the chill frog — they are all tweaked reflections of my own values and sensibilities. Their personalities unfolded and blossomed as time went on, but just like the person in your life that you love the most, one day they will die. And death can be as beautiful as life, because it’s what makes life important.”

damn dude I’m sorry the Internet turned your stoner frog son evil

sorry for the poor image quality - i’m standing in my bedroom photographing this strip from my phone!

even though it’s very tongue-in-cheek i have a hard time laughing at it… i guess because it’s every (decent) creator’s nightmare that something that represents a part of them will get turned into some kind of hate symbol

this is a compilation i picked up for free comics day - and i did it because furie was listed on the cover. he seems like a really nice guy. it’s worth noting before this, he tried his best to “reclaim” pepe, soliciting positive, non-nazi-affiliated drawings of him from anyone on the internet who wanted to submit one. but i think the symbolism has gotten away from him at this point, and he probably feels he can’t erase the baggage that has been attached to it. it’s a huge bummer and i feel bad for him

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Calendar May 4, 2017 00:41

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Calendar April 29, 2017 01:58

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Calendar April 26, 2017 02:30

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Even Kermit is getting in on the Face App fun!

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Calendar April 24, 2017 01:37

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amazing, truly


Ok, but in Carrie’s book, she definitely mentions more than one occasion when Mark showed up unannounced at Harrison’s early in the morning when Carrie was just there and they were clearly not having a breakfast hang out and Mark was just like “hey guys let’s hang”, and also Mark followed their car while they were making out and honked at them and was like “oh hey wow, we’re all heading to the same place! let’s all go eat together!”

honestly that’s just how Luke would canonically react to Han and Leia trying to have lone time and him not realizing shit 

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Calendar April 24, 2017 01:32

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Calendar April 24, 2017 01:25

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Calendar April 24, 2017 01:20

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If you can’t find a place on your blog for Patrick Stewart in a bathtub dressed like a lobster, then your blog probably doesn’t deserve such majesty anyway.

It has returned to my dash and I cannot fight the compulsion to reblog…

the patrick lobster appears only once in a thousand years, reblog for good luck

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Calendar April 22, 2017 23:21

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gays: they’re literally beating and killing us

some straight dude inevitably: oh man, i know exactly how you feel, one time i refused to make a cake for one of u homos and everyone stopped shopping at my bakery :(

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Calendar April 18, 2017 02:34

Calendar April 18, 2017 01:43

Calendar April 17, 2017 00:40

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it’s sad that puppets are more accepting than people…


Y’all joke about it, but let me tell you a story: See, back in ‘94 (yeah, you youngins), our sociology teacher mentioned that today was the 25th anniversary of Sesame Street. And he proceeded to tell a story.

See, he was in kindergarten when Sesame Street first aired, and he saw the first episode, live, with his classmates. He described the experience of seeing this for the first time as incredible. The entire class loved it.

The next day, however, the teacher announced that they could no longer show it, due to some people upset that it showed interracial friendships, of kids of different ethnicities playing together. Keep in mind that this show was only two years after laws banning interracial marriages were overturned.

So yeah. They’ve been doing the right thing before many of us here were even alive.

Sesame Street is great but I am fairly certain that last one is fake.

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Calendar April 17, 2017 00:32

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Anonymous: Hello! Do you usually use clip studio for your art? What brushes (other than the pastel ones you jst found!) do you use?


Hi! Yea, it’s my default drawing program atm 😄

I pretty much just use the default brushes - I don’t really even change the settings (aside from brush density). I use the “Simple Copic Marker” brush in the marker group, the “Chalk” brush in the pastel group, and I just use whatever basic pen/pencil brush.

My favourite brush is definitely the simple copic marker brush.

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Calendar April 15, 2017 02:14

Calendar April 6, 2017 00:46

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Hear me out here:

A television show done in the style of The Office or Parks and Recreation, except it takes place backstage in a touring company of a failing Broadway musical.

We never find out what the musical is ever about. We just get shown bits and pieces of dialogue, songs, and choreography throughout the episodes. But every new piece of the musical that’s revealed only adds to the mystery… it’s just a confusing hodgepodge of genres and seemingly unrelated side plots and characters.

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Calendar March 31, 2017 22:48

Calendar March 30, 2017 23:47

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memorille: hi! i really adore your work ;v; i love your style and it might be weird to say but i really admire the draftsmanship in each of your drawings.. im trying to get mine stronger / am currently studying art & i was wondering, do you have any kind of daily practice regimen that you do?





I’m a very unstructured person so no, not really. Just draw a lot. If there’s life drawing happening at your school, make sure you go to them. If you live in a city, go outside and draw people, dogs, trees etc. If you’re stuck alone in an attic somewhere in rural sweden, make up some imaginary shit and draw that. Use up as much paper as you can in as short a time span as possible quality be damned.

I haven’t drawn much at all since the semester started… u_u

Don’t feel guilty about it. What usually works for me when I’m trying to get myself out of a long period of inactivity is to just doodle without actually thinking of ‘improving’ or producing something i could post online or include in a portfolio or whatever. If you’re doing quick studies of paintings or random objects on your table you know from the start it won’t be a masterpiece and then when you’re done with it you can move on to greater things.

Then again I know I’m sort of promoting this Californian mentality of ‘work ALL THE TIME eat NOTHING BUT COFFEE AND LUNA BARS’ and of course that’s a not a reasonable way to live. Everyone goes through unproductive periods and forcing it when you don’t have time/motivation might not be the best thing for you, whatever your particular life circumstances are.

Well said

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Calendar March 29, 2017 20:33

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And if you have any questions just ask here or email me!

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Calendar March 29, 2017 20:30

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Ah, the world is full of creeps. That’s what I’m banking on.

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About This Blog

Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.


About My Work

I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at

I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.

 uploaded image 

My Sites

Lemon Inc.

Lai Guys Comics




Ink Bomb Comics

Ink Bomb Site


Stale Bacon 

Zoo Dot Com 


Other Comics I Like

Woody After Hours

Cucumber Quest

Boxer Hockey



Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name 



Artists & Designers

Shane Kirshenblatt

Sean Mclean Art 

Ryan Estrada

Matt McCray

Kevin Coulston

Paul Westover

