
Calendar February 14, 2016 02:21

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So I went to see deadpool and sitting next to me there were two guys complaining about how many girls there were, all fake geek girls watching the movie just because Ryan Reynolds is hot.
I mean, yeah, he’s hot.
Anyway, at the end of the movie these two guys stand and leave because “there are just the credits, anyway”.
I mean, even my mother knows that you need to wait until the end of every marvel movie.
But sure, fake geek girls.

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Calendar February 14, 2016 02:14

Calendar February 13, 2016 14:31

Calendar February 12, 2016 23:05

Calendar February 12, 2016 23:04

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i… i don’t know what to say…

what the fuck is that second thing

republican presidential candidate ted cruz

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Ok so I’ve had a lot of asks in the past about my materials so I decided to just do one big masterpost so I have something to link people to.


I don’t like to tie myself down to just one standby pen because my needs change depending on what my drawing calls for.


-A simple dual-tip pen that’s easy to find at most art supply stores. Good for lettering. You can get one on Amazon for $6.83


-OK SO WHEN I WAS PREPARING THE TEST FOR THIS PEN I FOUND OUT IT HAD DRIED OUT. So sorry you can’t get a good idea of the line/variation of this guy. But, to be honest, I’m not a big fan. I found the pigma sensei ink to be too thin and the tips didn’t stay crisp for long. It’s not a BAD pen, just not a remarkably good one. You can find it cheaply on Jetpens for only $2 so that’s a plus. Good price point for beginners. I used this guy a lot for quick sketches and simple lettering.


-MY BOY RIGHT HERE. The closest thing I have to a ‘standby’ pen. I used to ink almost exclusively with this in my sketchbook in college. It’s a great, long-lasting, disposable pen and the ink is really black. You can get one on Jetpens for $3.50


-I have dual opinions on this weird little dual-tip. The fine tip has a great point and the ink is nice and black. However, it’s a pretty juicy pen. Lots of ink flow. This can cause a little bit of bleeding at the points of lines leaving them not as crisp as would be ideal. Good for larger work rather than fine detail. You can get it on Jetpens for $3.30


-This one is a bit of an outlier. It’s technically a japanese writing pen and I snagged it in the Japanese Village Plaza here in LA. A fude pen is a kind of pen used mostly for Japanese calligraphy and writing (Kuretake and pentel make many kinds) and they tend to be the type I like to work with because of line variation. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT BRAND THIS PEN IS THOUGH. I could read that it was a fude pen on the side because I can read hiragana but my kanji knowledge is so rusty that I couldn’t read the logo stamp. There are many kinds of fude pens but one thing to keep in mind is that not many of them are ‘copic-proof’ since they technically aren’t made for drawing. Always check to avoid bleeding/smudging!


-Oh pocket brush, you old son-of-a-gun! A really great and long-lasting ink pen. The only issue is that it’s got a crazy learning curve. It’s tough to wield at first and you need to have patience with it. However, once you master it, it’s a great and versatile pen. It’s a bit expensive, though. You can snag one on Jetpens for $13 which is slightly less than at many art supply stores. I wouldn’t recommend this for a beginner, and I suggest learning traditional brush inking first.


-I know this guy isn’t a brush pen, I know it. The thing is, you can still get lots of line variation from it and I love it. It has a thick blunt point that has some nice bounce to it and allows the ink flow to change depending on pressure. It works nicely with copics and it’s easy to build up line weight. I’ve been using these suckers since high school and they’re great for artists who want line variation but are too intimidated by brushwork (like I was at first). You can find these at most art suppliers but they’re hard to find individually online. You can get a multipack on Amazon for around $11.50.


I’ve used the same ink in all the brush (and dip pen) tests and it is FW Black Acrylic ink because that’s what I had nearest to me. It’s not a great ink but it’s not bad either. I usually like Deleter brand ink but this and some old sumi ink is all I have right now *sad trombone*


-Can’t find a link to this one online but I got it at Michael’s on a whim. It’s got longer bristles than my other inking brushes which makes it good for fine lines on larger pieces. Good variation and holds ink decently. Made from synthetic taklon fibers. Since it’s a bit long, it’s a bit more expensive and goes for around $5.


-You can find many sizes of these suckers online on Blick’s website. It’s a watercolor brush so it holds ink pretty well and can keep a crisp line. The bristles are shorter so it’s great for tiny details, however that might increase how often you’ll need to dip it. It’s a good li’l buddy also made from synthetic taklon fibers (although Grumbacher gets fancy and calls it ‘synthetic sable’). Due to the small 000 size, it tends to cost anywhere between $2-4.


-You can get these babies at Blick as well and they’re pretty comparable to the Grumbacher. Both are marketed as ‘synthetic sable’ and both do their jobs pretty nicely. This one is slightly longer so it’s a good kind of all-purpose inking brush and can handle detail as well as some thicker lines. Not sure what synthetic fibers (it’s a blend) are used here but I’m assuming taklon is in there as well. Goes for around $4.


-OK YEAH I GET IT. EVERYBODY’S ALL INTO THIS FLIPPIN BRUSH. This is the most expensive brush I own and I still feel weird having spent SO MUCH DAMN MONEY on it. It was everybody’s baby while I was at Pratt and it’s basically industry standard for comic pros. It’s a natural fiber sable brush (hair from a male siberian weasel). Not sure if the hair is gathered in a cruelty-free fashion so I will not advertise it as such. I have heard mixed things, though. Still trying to figure this thing out. It doesn’t have the same spring as a synthetic brush but it definitely passes the ‘flick test’ perfectly and holds a point well (the ‘flick test’ is when you wet a brush and flick your wrist while holding it. The bristles should come to a sharp point after flicking it). I’m used to working with synthetic so this is an adventure. I dropped about $25 (list price) on this sucker at a local art store but Amazon has them on sale for less than half that price (says my salty over-charged ass).


-The comic artist staple. The good ol’ G-nib. Great variation, great control. But dip pens are a BITCH to learn! This guy takes practice but it really pays off. Nib inking is really tactile and feels like a strange middle ground between brush and fineliner. Plus, I feel so cool and oldschool whenever I use one. I got this nib 3 pack on Jetpens for $4. MAKE SURE TO RUN THE TIP OF THE PEN OVER A FLAME BEFORE USING IT TO GET RID OF THE PROTECTIVE COATING. It’ll hold ink much more nicely.



-Decent cheap fineliner. Gets the job done and I don’t feel guilty if I write with it. Jetpens for $2. ‘Nuff said.


-Great fineliner. The tip doesn’t fray like a micron’s tip does and it works well with copics and ink washes. A good lil pen and widely available. In the same multipack on Amazon ($11.50) as the M size one above.

So yeah! I hope this messy post answered a few questions!

If you’re looking for a kind of pen I didn’t list here, some great brands to look into are Kuretake, Faber Castell, Pentel, and Pilot. Generally, Japanese-made pens tend to work the best, I find.

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Calendar February 12, 2016 20:57

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The Toronto Comic Arts Festival is proud to present its first official poster art for TCAF 2016, from the incredibly talented KATE BEATON!

Kate has created something really special here, showcasing the many different ways that readers and fans enter and interact with the medium of comics. This poster will also be produced on a slightly thicker and more rigid paper stock, so that any of you our there that want to actually cut up and play with your poster will be able to do so. Look for it this spring!

Our thanks to Kate Beaton for turning in a phenomenal poster that embodies a lot of what we love about comics.


Kate Beaton is a Canadian cartoonist who appeared in the comics scene in 2007 with her online comics strip Hark! A Vagrant! Since then, she has become a fan favourite and has garnered a significant following, with comics & illustrations appearing in places like the New Yorker, Harper’s, and Marvel’s Strange Tales anthology. Her collection,Never Learn Anything from History, is published by Topatoco, and her next title, Hark! A Vagrant published by Drawn & Quarterly, spent five months on the New York Times bestseller list, and topped best of the year lists from Time, E!, Amazon, and Publishers Weekly. Beaton’s cartoons often display a wonderfully light touch on historical and literary topics. The jokes are a knowing look at history through a very modern perspective, and a campaign against anyone with the idea that history is boring. In 2015, Kate released Step Aside, Pops with D+Q, as well as her first children’s book, The Princess and the Pony, with Scholastic.

see you there!!  

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Calendar February 11, 2016 01:26

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1) Another place I lived (spoopy elevator)

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2) Hiding (seeing my parents fight)

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3) Church (*Take Me to Church* plays in the distance)

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4) Spiders (those small, creepy motherfuckers)

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5) Haircuts (how my hair came to be)

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6) Blood (tfw your bleeding but don't care cuz you wanna fucking score a goal)

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7) Any word you want: Anatomy (the first time seeing a zucchini)




Memory Stories for my Specialization class. My classmates and I got to choose a specialization course to get into for our final semester, I chose Independent Comics, mainly because I was really intrigued after doing that zine assignment for my Concept Development/Creativity II class last semester. So far, it’s been a blast!

For this assignment, I had to create a 4 panel comic of certain memories of my life that were associated with words given to me and had to do this for 7 days. I enjoyed this process, though I made a few mistakes on some panels here and there. I need to get better at inking… :/

Art © me

Dude these are so good, especially for daily comics. I love that Todd in the last one.

Thanks, Tim! Actually, the guy in the last comic is not Todd, but my old anatomy professor, Marc. The last comic is based off my experience in my Anatomy class when I attended Humber. It was my first time drawing a nude model lol

Hahaha! He just looked like Todd to me.

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Calendar February 11, 2016 00:29

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Over The Garden Wall [Chapter 1~10]

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Calendar February 11, 2016 00:27

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Recently got a connection who’s willing to refer me to a story board position! But, since I’ve been so focused on Vis Dev recently, my story board portfolio needs a lot of tidying. (Told them I’d have it ready by monday so we’ll see how this goes!)

I quickly these references together for myself, but I hope you guys find them useful too!

Story Portfolio Questions and Guidelines (from Ted Mathot)

Creating A Professional Storyboard Portfolio (from Chris Oatley)

Portfolio Advice for the Disney Animation Internship (from Matt-Mo Roberts)

Story/Design Notes (from Purge Theory)

Notes on Story Sketching (from Mark Kennedy)

Presentation of Story Boards (from Mark Kennedy)

What Makes a Good Story Portfolio/Story Artist? (from Mark Kennedy)

7 Hidden Patterns of Successful Story Boards (from Sherm Cohen)

Story Board Revisionist Portfolios (from Sherm Cohen)

Story Board Process: How Clean is Clean? (from Sherm Cohen)

Need Story Ideas for Your Story Board Samples? (from Sherm Cohen)

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Calendar February 11, 2016 00:17

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Recently got the chance to work on the poster for TAAFI (Toronto Animation Arts Festival International)! I also did a quick video for them and an interview with Canadian Animation Blog! If you are in Toronto and love animation, you should check it out April 22-24!!!

Interview: http://www.canadiananimation.com/2016/02/artist-nneka-myers.html

Making of Video: http://taafi.com/blog/2016/02/08/designing-the-taafi-poster-nneka-myers/

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Calendar February 7, 2016 03:15

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Furbonacci Sequence Proves That Cats Are Purrfect

Before I got to the bottom, I was sooo like “I’m gonna say ‘proof,cats are perfect!!’” But the headline beat me to it.

But they are purrfect.

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Calendar February 7, 2016 03:10

Calendar February 5, 2016 05:01

Calendar February 4, 2016 01:01

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when you find out your friend only shares 99% of your politics 


(Source: dieselsweeties.com)

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Calendar February 2, 2016 01:35

Calendar February 1, 2016 12:26

Calendar February 1, 2016 12:25

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In case you need more Joker Leto nonsense.


“the joker would probably just say ‘fuck you,’ and hang up” 

the joker is basically an evil criminal clown.

he’s a fucking ludicrous over-the-top showman, he loves publicity and attention and would be so excited to do a phone interview he’d be making grotesque murder puns out the ass

how can someone get the core of such a clearly defined character so wrong

at this point i’m convinced Leto is confusing the Joker with Banksy

I’m feeling actual secondhand embarrassment. 

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Calendar February 1, 2016 00:58

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Gwendoline Christie with all her Captain Phasma merch :))



(Source: mobile.twitter.com)

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Calendar January 30, 2016 13:10

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Ok so I have to talk about how excited I am about this book. It’s an upcoming children’s novel called George, written by genderqueer author Alex Gino. It’s about a little trans girl who wants the world to see her for who she is.

I’ve poked around the author’s website and was really pleased by what I found and this looks like it could be a terrific read.
You can pre order it at alexgino.com (which I am about to do right now) but if you can’t afford an expensive hardback bother your rich friends to get a copy or something idk in any case this looks exciting and I want people to know about it

Also ask your local public library to order a copy!

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About This Blog

Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.


About My Work

I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at

I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.

 uploaded image 

My Sites

Lemon Inc.

Lai Guys Comics




Ink Bomb Comics

Ink Bomb Site


Stale Bacon 

Zoo Dot Com 


Other Comics I Like

Woody After Hours

Cucumber Quest

Boxer Hockey



Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name 



Artists & Designers

Shane Kirshenblatt

Sean Mclean Art 

Ryan Estrada

Matt McCray

Kevin Coulston

Paul Westover

