
Calendar February 27, 2016 11:29

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Got my cat his own couch. I think he likes (Source: http://ift.tt/1oEJwxw)

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Calendar February 27, 2016 02:55

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idk man I’m digging the abs sweater

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Calendar February 27, 2016 02:49

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“Why I Wasn’t Contracted to Write Beauty and the Beast” by I have no idea who, and desperately want to know.  If anyone does, please tell me!

Edit:  Through knmajorblogs I have discovered the genius behind this piece of art.  The genius in question is LordJazor !  Thank you!

“she warned him not to be such an apocalyptic fuck hat to strangers”

“for who could ever learn to love such a cock waffle”



Reblogged recently, but worth reblogging again.

Nothing can top this lol


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Calendar February 27, 2016 02:45

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ted cruz is being controlled by a powerful warlock

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Calendar February 27, 2016 02:44

Calendar February 27, 2016 02:38

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I made Ted Cruz in Dark Souls 2

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Calendar February 26, 2016 03:23

Calendar February 26, 2016 03:18

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The Very Best of Alexander Robert Hirsch.


(bonus bonus) My personal favorite:


What a wonderful man. I want to be like him when I grow up.

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Calendar February 26, 2016 03:07

Calendar February 25, 2016 00:33

Calendar February 24, 2016 20:42

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What have i done.

Tag yourself I’m Devious Han

I’m yoda having a stroke

I’m Leia’s entire face structure going flat.

I’m Luke realizing that lightsabers aren’t dildos

I’m Poe lurking 47 weeks deep in someone’s social media and not liking what I’m finding

i’m padmé who told her best friend she was going to wear the chanel boots tonight and is real pissed that she got copied

i’m anakin who just walked into the kitchen to discover that he forgot about the apple pie he was baking and now it’s burnt so he’s extremely upset about the waste of time and energy

I’m finn who just missed a step down into the next room

i’m rey who just knocked a full plate of food off the counter and is trying to catch it before it falls

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Calendar February 24, 2016 20:40

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Anonymous: How do you come up with character personalities and develop them throughout the comic book? Do you have any tips or methods you use?


I don’t know that I have a foolproof method for developing character personalities, but here are some tips:

- Make sure each character has a purpose, something they can contribute to the story as a whole. I see a lot of stories jam-packed with characters and none of them have enough to do so the whole thing feels thin.

- Create contrast and variety within the cast. Give characters different approaches to life, relationships, and conflict that exemplify their personalities.

- In the same vein, try not to write characters that all have the same voice! Even if two characters relayed the same information, they should do it in a way that feels true to them. I see a lot of stories where I could switch every line of dialogue and it wouldn’t matter because everyone has the same cadence.

- Don’t think of character personalities as static and unchanging. It can be helpful to create a starting position and a possible end goal for each character when you’re story building. Your plans may change as you go (and that’s okay), but it’s still good to have a possible route mapped out at the start.

- Put your characters through the wringer. Test their moral or emotional approach throughout the story the same way we build our own ideas/assumptions. Give them hard choices to make, take away the things they rely on, push them into unfamiliar and/or difficult scenarios and ‘play through’ how they’d react and possibly change from those experiences. That’s where you’ll find opportunities for drama and build empathy with your audience.

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Calendar February 24, 2016 17:37

Calendar February 24, 2016 17:35

Calendar February 24, 2016 17:33

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Boarding all day yesterday and sometimes its fun to look back at select drawings from a hundred or so you jot down. 

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Calendar February 22, 2016 19:08

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Some of my favorite tweets from Alex.

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Calendar February 22, 2016 19:05

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Deadpool is the most financially successfully superhero movie in the history of the world so everybody buckle down I guess for at least a decade of self-aware edgy superhero comedies scrambling for geek cred before the well dries up. Hollywood has pretty much found its Adult Swim.

Oh boy. I can hardly contain my excitement for this golden new era of cinema. Let me find the perfect image summarizing my boundless enthusiasm.


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Calendar February 22, 2016 18:07

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hello to all my loyal followers!

as many of you know, aside from memes and Bubbline, I’ve officially started my own toy company! I’ll be releasing a line of products very soon, but I also take on personalized commissions for toys, as well as promotional products for businesses!

if you’re interested in supporting, please like the Facebook page! it’ll allow me to get to know you all better :-)


if you guys have any questions, send me a message via Facebook or to my email:

thanks everyone!! much love

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Calendar February 22, 2016 00:55

Calendar February 22, 2016 00:53

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For anyone who wants a free pose-able human reference for drawing






The other day I came across this awesome program by accident (I don’t even remember what I was actually searching for, but on the several times I’ve looked for a program like this I’ve had no luck). It’s cool enough that I wanted to share it.

It’s called DesignDoll (website here) and it’s a program that lets you shape and pose a human figure pretty much however you want.

There’s a trial version with no expiration date that can be downloaded for free, as well as the “pro license” version priced at $79. I’ve only had the free version for two days so far, so I’m not an expert and I haven’t figured out all of the features yet, but I’ve got the basics down. The website’s tutorials are actually pretty helpful for the basics, as well. 

Here’s the page for download, which has a list of the features available in both versions.

There are three features the free version doesn’t have:

  • Can’t save OBJ files for export
  • Can’t download models and poses from Doll Atelier (a sharing site for users; note that the site is in Japanese, though)
  • It can’t load saved files

The third one means that if you make a pose, save it, and close the program, you can’t load that pose/modified model later. You have to start with the default model. I found that out when I tried to load a file from the day before (this is why reading is important…). Whether saving your modifications (and downloading models and poses) is worth $80 is up to you. 

But, the default model is pretty nice and honestly if all you’re looking for is a basic pose reference it should work fairly well as it is. Here’s what it looks like:

There’s a pose tag that lets you drag each joint into place and rotate body parts. The torso and waist can be twisted separately, and it seems like everything pretty much follows the range of movement it would have on an actual human.

Even the entire shoulder area is actually movable along with the joint! See, like how the scapular area of the back raises with the arm:

The morphing tag is one of the coolest features, in my opinion. It lets you pick and choose from a library of pre-set forms for the head, chest, arms, legs, etc. It has some more realistic body shapes in addition to more anime-like ones. Don’t like the options there? Mix a few to get what you want! Each option has a slider that lets you blend as much or as little as you want into the design. 

So you, too, can create beautiful things like kawaii Muscle-chan!!

The scale tag lets you mess with the proportions and connection points of different joints. This feature combined with the morphing feature not only allows more body shape variations, but it also means that you can do things like make a more digitigrade model if you want. (The feet only have an ankle joint, but for regular human poses that’s all that you really need, so whatever.)

Or you can make a weird chubby alien-like thing with giant hands and balloon tiddies if that’s more your thing.

The ability to pose hands to the extent it allows is far more than I could have hoped for from a free program. Seriously, you can change the position of each finger joint individually, as well as how spread out the fingers are from each other. Each crease on the diagram below is a point of movement, and the circles are for spread between fingers. 

And to make it a bit more convenient, there’s a library of pre-set hand poses you can pick from as well, and then change the pose from that if you like. 

In both versions, you can also import OBJ files from other places for the model to hold, like if you wanted to have them hold a sword or something.

Basically, this program is awesome and free and you should totally check it out if you want a good program for creating pose references.

I just wanted to add a little more to this. If you have trouble figuring out how light sources work in your drawings this also allows you to choose where to have a light source.

That shaded ball on the left is your light source. You can see how moving the point changed the shadow cast.

Oh and all those other nifty looking things in that bottom bar there, yeah it’s what you think. You can change the model color to one of these presets or even customize your own palette.

Plus for all you lovely people who want something a little more simplified to use as a pose reference

You can turn your model into the classic wire frame.

Why reblog this? Because for more visual creators, this will be like the lumberjack discovering chainsaws. “Reblog to save lives” as the saying goes.


Yesssssssss thank you @cupcakesandfucks

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About This Blog

Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.


About My Work

I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at

I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.

 uploaded image 

My Sites

Lemon Inc.

Lai Guys Comics




Ink Bomb Comics

Ink Bomb Site


Stale Bacon 

Zoo Dot Com 


Other Comics I Like

Woody After Hours

Cucumber Quest

Boxer Hockey



Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name 



Artists & Designers

Shane Kirshenblatt

Sean Mclean Art 

Ryan Estrada

Matt McCray

Kevin Coulston

Paul Westover

