November 22, 2014 11:37
November 22, 2014 11:36

Bill Nye’s lecture ended at 8:30. At the end, he promised to sign every copy of his book. He stayed there for over 5 hours and signed almost 1000 books and THANKED ME when it was my turn to have my book sign. I’m so unbelievably inspired. He is the embodiment of everything I want to be.
November 22, 2014 11:32

November 21, 2014 21:51

A finished double-page spread from a project in my children’s books class. I struggled with this project the entire semester but I actually really like this.
November 21, 2014 21:42

E-Mi the Vocalist - Ver. 4
So, there’s this music-related comic I was thinking of making, and I had redrawn the vocalist’s design in 3-4 different styles now. This render had my traditional doodle version as the template.
E-mi (Eh-mee) was human in the first version, and a new species of human in the second version, but I’ll never upload those. In both the third and fourth version posted, they have the legs of a horse/cow/calf/animals with hind legs and hooves. They got tiny stubs for horns and a tail that is almost.. dragon/devil like. I’d say they’re part gargoyle, but that sounds silly. I could say they’re part demon, but that’s cliché.
Hm, I guess it’s more amusing to have them introduce themselves as, “I’m kind of part naked satyr,” and just run with it.
Oh, the reason why I rendered my doodle is that I can use it as a sample piece for when I start doing commissions. Yes, I am still organizing that, but once it’s done and I figured out PayPal, I am ready to start any time. I’d just have to advertise it.. heavily. /Ihavenofollowers. /orafanbase. /I’manobody. /huuhuu.
November 21, 2014 21:25
How do you guys in art school not get burnt out every day from drawing, outside of college work? Any tips or secrets? I feel so incredibly stale and I really want to rekindle my passion for drawing, because now it’s a chore and that’s a little scary.
I think I feel this way 100% of the time. I mean drawing is fun for me but it’s challenging enough that there is not a moment when it does not feel like work. I rarely ever just draw stuff for fun without giving myself deadlines or other motivating incentives. I’ve always been jealous of people who can just open their sketchbook at any time and get lost in the process. Despite this there isn’t anything that I find as rewarding either. For me the best way for me to motivate myself is to look at the work of other artists and remind myself why I love art and want to produce it.
November 19, 2014 23:15

November 18, 2014 03:33
November 17, 2014 12:47
zenpencils: Dude this is Gav from Zen Pencils - stop using my art. I'm not really sure who Dril is, but I don't want my work associated with his tweets. I appreciate you've gone to alot of effort in editing the art, but I've gone to way more effort producing it. Thanks
I wondered when this would come. Can’t say I’m surprised in the least. Is there a compromise we could reach, such as running a tweet by you before using it? :)
out of all the legions of artists i’ve mocked, the only time someone tells me to stop, it’s a guy who tells people to follow their dreams. smh.
“Stop using my art” says the guy who reinterprets others’ quotes for his own purposes.
“Stop using my quotes. I’m not sure who Gav is, but I don’t want my words associated with his art.” Fair’s fair, buddy.While I agree with this point, further hypocrisy does not prove anything, it just makes you look like as much of a hypocrite as he is. I think there is also something to be said for the fact that he is at least TRYING to represent the quotes he uses faithfully even though he isn’t always successful.
honestly if youve read the dril pencils comics and think the quotations arent accurately represented with the art (both in subject matter and quality) i dont know what to say to you because theyre honestly really good fits
Some of them are decent fits but I think it would be pretty hard to argue that it’s dril pencil’s intention to faithfully represent the original intentions of the art with the quotes.
November 17, 2014 12:43
zenpencils: Dude this is Gav from Zen Pencils - stop using my art. I'm not really sure who Dril is, but I don't want my work associated with his tweets. I appreciate you've gone to alot of effort in editing the art, but I've gone to way more effort producing it. Thanks
I wondered when this would come. Can’t say I’m surprised in the least. Is there a compromise we could reach, such as running a tweet by you before using it? :)
out of all the legions of artists i’ve mocked, the only time someone tells me to stop, it’s a guy who tells people to follow their dreams. smh.
No offense but if editing Zen Pencils comics is your dream you have a pretty shitty dream. I like how people are totally against people stealing and repurposing peoples art until it happens to an artist that they don’t like.
No-one complained about Garfield minus Garfield; Jim Davis actually supported and produced a book for it. drilpencils doesn’t profit from Gav’s work in any way - it’s fair use, just like Garfield minus Garfield was. And it cites Zen Pencils in every post. It is within Gav’s right to request a halt as it IS still his art, but there is nothing wrong with what drilpencils is doing. They are not claiming that the art is theirs. That is stealing. drilpencils is not stealing.
Good point. Stealing was the wrong word. My only point was that Gavin totally has a right to ask him to stop, as you said, and that it should hardly be seen as preventing anyone’s “dreams.” Likewise, it would have been more than fair for Jim Davis to ask Garfield minus Garfield to stop.
jesus people are jumping on that “dream” line as if it were serious
I can see that the line is in jest but you can only invest so much time into producing any type of content without any sort of passion. Some people don’t have very ambitious dreams. Anyway I’ll admit that I probably overreacted to this but it bothers me that people are hating on Gavin for politely making a completely reasonable request.
November 17, 2014 12:05
zenpencils: Dude this is Gav from Zen Pencils - stop using my art. I'm not really sure who Dril is, but I don't want my work associated with his tweets. I appreciate you've gone to alot of effort in editing the art, but I've gone to way more effort producing it. Thanks
I wondered when this would come. Can’t say I’m surprised in the least. Is there a compromise we could reach, such as running a tweet by you before using it? :)
out of all the legions of artists i’ve mocked, the only time someone tells me to stop, it’s a guy who tells people to follow their dreams. smh.
“Stop using my art” says the guy who reinterprets others’ quotes for his own purposes.
“Stop using my quotes. I’m not sure who Gav is, but I don’t want my words associated with his art.” Fair’s fair, buddy.
While I agree with this point, further hypocrisy does not prove anything, it just makes you look like as much of a hypocrite as he is. I think there is also something to be said for the fact that he is at least TRYING to represent the quotes he uses faithfully even though he isn’t always successful.
November 17, 2014 11:56
zenpencils: Dude this is Gav from Zen Pencils - stop using my art. I'm not really sure who Dril is, but I don't want my work associated with his tweets. I appreciate you've gone to alot of effort in editing the art, but I've gone to way more effort producing it. Thanks
I wondered when this would come. Can’t say I’m surprised in the least. Is there a compromise we could reach, such as running a tweet by you before using it? :)
out of all the legions of artists i’ve mocked, the only time someone tells me to stop, it’s a guy who tells people to follow their dreams. smh.
No offense but if editing Zen Pencils comics is your dream you have a pretty shitty dream. I like how people are totally against people stealing and repurposing peoples art until it happens to an artist that they don’t like.
No-one complained about Garfield minus Garfield; Jim Davis actually supported and produced a book for it. drilpencils doesn’t profit from Gav’s work in any way - it’s fair use, just like Garfield minus Garfield was. And it cites Zen Pencils in every post. It is within Gav’s right to request a halt as it IS still his art, but there is nothing wrong with what drilpencils is doing. They are not claiming that the art is theirs. That is stealing. drilpencils is not stealing.
Good point. Stealing was the wrong word. My only point was that Gavin totally has a right to ask him to stop, as you said, and that it should hardly be seen as preventing anyone’s “dreams.” Likewise, it would have been more than fair for Jim Davis to ask Garfield minus Garfield to stop.
November 17, 2014 11:39

‘Scrooge’ by The Muppet Cast
We’re redesiging characters from A Christmas Carol for school. This is a good excuse to play the Muppet Christmas Carol soundtrack on repeat for the rest of the semester.
November 17, 2014 10:47
zenpencils: Dude this is Gav from Zen Pencils - stop using my art. I'm not really sure who Dril is, but I don't want my work associated with his tweets. I appreciate you've gone to alot of effort in editing the art, but I've gone to way more effort producing it. Thanks
I wondered when this would come. Can’t say I’m surprised in the least. Is there a compromise we could reach, such as running a tweet by you before using it? :)
out of all the legions of artists i’ve mocked, the only time someone tells me to stop, it’s a guy who tells people to follow their dreams. smh.
No offense but if editing Zen Pencils comics is your dream you have a pretty shitty dream. I like how people are totally against people stealing and repurposing peoples art until it happens to an artist that they don’t like.
November 17, 2014 10:40
November 17, 2014 10:39
November 17, 2014 10:38
November 17, 2014 03:34
Thought #002
I really wish I was confident about commission pricing. I’m not popular, so I can’t charge high, but I can’t undersell because that’s unfair to other artists. I’ve been thinking that $30 is reasonable for a commission that won’t be reproduced for printing, but am I wrong?
$30 is reasonable for a commission which will take you around 2 hours. If it will take you more than 2 hours you should charge more. If it will not take you less than 2 hours then do not charge less than $30 unless you just really want to do it. This is a good site for figuring how much to charge for commission work.
November 17, 2014 03:01

New images from the upcoming Peanuts movie from Blue Sky studio. Looking food! Directed by Steve Martino.
Out next year, Nov. 6th 2015.
Source: Animation Scoop
Wow, these actually look really good.
November 17, 2014 00:44
About This Blog
Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.
About My Work
I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at
I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.
My Sites
Ink Bomb Comics
Other Comics I Like
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Disney’s best movie in recent memory.