
Calendar June 6, 2015 00:55

Calendar June 5, 2015 23:58

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Since I see people talking about it.

Yep. Fuck him.

Mordechai Anielewicz would like to have a word with you, Mr. Dahl, and by ‘have a word’, I mean ‘break your jaw’.

This breaks my heart. How could a man write such whimsical and wonderful stories and actually believe shit like this?

Having just spent eight months of my life deeply immersed in researching and redesigning the creations of Roald Dahl this is deeply upsetting to me.

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Calendar June 3, 2015 09:58

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A Fresh Start

Me all the fucking time.

I’m not sure that I would want to say that I frequently relate to R. Crumb but I relate highly to this.

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Calendar June 1, 2015 00:04

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Calendar May 31, 2015 16:14

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Quick fucking hint



If you see a fat person riding a bike, or jogging, or anything to lose weight and you make fun of them for it. Know that people like you are part of the reason they give up and I coringly invite you to


When I still lived with my parents and was in high school I would see the same guy huffing his way down the road. Really big guy, you could tell he was struggling and miserable and losing motivation so I honked at him and yelled something along the lines of “you got this bro don’t give up”. I waved at him, gave him a thumbs up or just grinned at him every school day. By the end of the school year he went from obese to slightly chubby (but still shrinking). I ended up buying him coffee and chatting for a while. He told me that me encouraging him on that first day and acknowledging him every day after had been a factor in his not giving up since his family was pretty unsupportive and thought he would give up quickly.

Encourage people that are trying to change their lives for the better. It doesn’t take much and it might make a difference.

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Calendar May 31, 2015 12:40

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Over the Garden Wall is such a beautiful animated show!

Made a print~~~

Me and possumproblem are going to try and make some sort of themed print every week!

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Calendar May 30, 2015 22:54

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this is the money dog, repost in the next 24 hours and money will come your way!!

ehh what the hell

OH MY GOD SO NO FUCKIN BULLSHIT I SWEAR To GOD. I reblogged this an hour ago and IM NOT Lying My Tax Refund which I did in late march popped into my Bank Account, and it was a Decent sized amount……

WHAT THE FUCK Is THIS MAGIC!??!?!?! Im trying this again IM NOT BSing hahahaha thats actually pretty cool xD




no BULLSHIT I KID YOU NOT! Look what I found while walking Home…..





Im Going to reblog this every day to test this, its MAGIC ITS FRIGGIN MAGIC 

I need to believe in the heart of the post…

Oh? Well… *reblag*

i reblogged this and now my uncle is giving me 250 to dye my hair nani the fucko

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Calendar May 30, 2015 22:33

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this is the greatest moment of my life tbh

>whoever invented the word bae
…i-isnt…isnt it AAVE??? … i’M??? 

yeah it’s an AAVE acronym meaning “before anyone else” and can refer to someone of any gender which is why a lot of people i know use it since their parents may not be okay with them having a partner of the same gender as them

so this is really shitty of him

Isn’t it possible that he just has no idea what it actually means rather than that he is being shitty? I’m sure he just thinks of it as a weird new slang term that all the kids are using. Most people just think that “bae” is short for “baby.” This is a silly tweet, not a 100% serious essay on why the word bae is a plague to society.

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Calendar May 30, 2015 11:51

Calendar May 29, 2015 14:15

Calendar May 28, 2015 23:41

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I don’t know what happened after that…

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Calendar May 28, 2015 14:15

Calendar May 28, 2015 12:00

Calendar May 28, 2015 11:51

Calendar May 28, 2015 11:50

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Get over it

This is just a little too real.

This is every waking moment of my life.

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Calendar May 25, 2015 23:12

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Calendar May 25, 2015 16:25

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Honored to have my hometown City Paper draw me and my pal John in a story about the wonderful Little Pete’s diner, a Philadelphia institution that is slated to go the way of the idea of the idea of the turkey as our national bird. 

If you live in Philadelphia, go to Little Pete’s while you still can! I hope to make at least one more serving of scrapple there before it’s too late. Perhaps Hodgman and I will make this story come true? Or mostly true? I’ll let you know. We’ll definitely take pictures and try to match the outfits as illustrated.

Thank you, Mike Sgier, thank you Little Pete’s, thank you Philadelphia, and thank you scrapple.

Paul F. Tompkins wrote some incredibly kind words about the comic I made for this week’s City Paper in Philly, which featured him and John Hodgman having one last meal at Little Pete’s. I would encourage all of you to follow his advice!

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Calendar May 25, 2015 16:24

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#Daredevil #MattMurdock #fanart #Marvel #drawings #sketches

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Calendar May 25, 2015 16:22

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Audrey Horne - ‘Red Room’ relief prints

A few alternatives to the standard edition print that I posted yesterday.

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Calendar May 25, 2015 02:19

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I can come to terms
With slowly going mad
Things we used to fear in the dark
And what ever lies beyond that

But I’ve come to resemble
My own shadow
As it falls into the sidewalk
I’m no longer anyone I know

No-one here reminds me of you
Yet I see no-one else
On the crowded sidewalk

Well I’m
I’m gonna hold on to you
I’m gonna hold on to you

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About This Blog

Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.


About My Work

I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at

I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.

 uploaded image 

My Sites

Lemon Inc.

Lai Guys Comics




Ink Bomb Comics

Ink Bomb Site


Stale Bacon 

Zoo Dot Com 


Other Comics I Like

Woody After Hours

Cucumber Quest

Boxer Hockey



Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name 



Artists & Designers

Shane Kirshenblatt

Sean Mclean Art 

Ryan Estrada

Matt McCray

Kevin Coulston

Paul Westover

