The year is 1995, congress member Bernie Sanders stands in opposition of a homophobic statement said by Duke Cunningham. Cunningham derisively refers to “homos in the military” to support his argument while (strangely) discussing the Clean Water Act. Sanders, having none of it, quickly rises to the defense of thousands of men and women everywhere. Sanders ire is such that he repeatedly disrespects the Chairman by speaking over him in order to say his piece. [Video Source]
What does this say for Sanders? Well, that’s for you to decide. But to me, it says that for 20+ years strong he has shown his public support for LGBT+ persons everywhere, even in the face of ridicule and disrespect. Unlike some, Sanders has always been vocal about his beliefs concerning the LGBT+ community, and he has always held them. Key word always, and not just when doing so might garner him support for his campaigns.
but, i’m getting ahead of myself. ahem. let’s take a look at a little gif that’s been floating around the internet recently, one of my favorites, actually.
That whole “favorite” thing was sarcasm. Don’t know if I communicated that directly.
I fucking despisethis gif. It’s so god damn simple. The fucking head shape has to morph like 3x to transition to each character. It’s literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen try and validate the similarities in today’s cartoons, because it’s a BASIC FUCKING HEADSHAPE. THAT MOST CHARACTERS HAVE. Yet somehow, it’s kind of a centerpiece to this anti-CalArts sentiment that’s spreading. So uh, let’s break it down, shall we?
The Amazing World of Gumball was created by Ben Bocquelet, who didn’t go to CalArts because he lives in the UK, fuck you. Like, i’m not even gonna make an argument for this.
also have you seen the fucking plethora of creative designs on this show in a fucking multitude of mediums? why is this even in this gif
Steven Universe
Steven Universe was created by Rebecca Sugar, who went to the School of Visual Arts in New York, fuck you.
also, uh remember the fucking pilot?
oh man so simplistic and generic
wOW tHe FuCK?? ? they A L L LOok the SAme
jesus okay, how about the 3 shows from this gif actually made by CalArts grads, Gravity Falls, Clarence, and SvTFOE.
you ever considered that CalArts grads (or art student grads in general) don’t just come out the school tassel to the left, directly to the studio, and sit down at a table and draw for nine months until the show is born, with the show looking exactly the same way as the first sketch? ever considered that studios, simplify design for appeal or due to constraints? That maybe some studios have a style that no matter the initial design the creator has to adhere to? That maybe some execs MAKE the creators draw in a way that’s similar to other shows, in order to bring in an audience?
also have you considered the plethora of cartoons that exist not spearheaded by calarts alums? cause there’s a lot.
TL;DR stop demonizing CalArts (and its alums). It did nothing to you. It was sitting across the schoolyard minding it’s own business and you threw a dodgeball at it’s head. Now apologize or you can go stand on the wall for 5 more minutes.
Wow… I’m speechless. Finally, someone who sees how ridiculous this whole “CalArts” thing was! Thank you for putting actual facts into this post. I couldn’t have said this any better.
Terry Crews of Brooklyn 99 gives the best advice on physical fitness.
Seriously, his Reddit AMAis the most genuinely upbeat, positive actor interview ever. Another great bit:
To be honest, this was the healthiest advice for getting into working out I’ve ever read, and it really was the inspiration for me to start running and going to the gym.
No judgement, no “you need to be doing this” mess. Just a simple “do what you can. and feel comfortable”
As Bernie Sanders took the stage on Tuesday night, the cable networks continued doing what they do best – talking.
Fox News, CNN and MSNBC all declined to carry Sanders’ speech, instead offering jokes about the evening while showing live coverage of Trumps empty podium while promising that we were all, “AWAITING TRUMP” and “STANDING BY FOR TRUMP.“
As if these stations couldn’t get any more corrupt, The Huffington Post’s Michael Calderone reported that the media have collectively given Trump some $2 billion worth of free air time.
Don’t be fooled by the media ya’ll. You can watch his incredible speech here & remember You ARE his media
Anonymous: Dear ADs, I am a working artist who has not 'broken through'. I am in my mid 30's and not yet 'a big deal'. It's difficult at this point to start new projects because I despair of ever reaching the career goal posts I have set for myself. I intellectually understand that I am not old, but it is hard to see artist after artist in their early 20s being lifted aloft and not judge myself as wanting in comparison. Sincerely- 'Wasn't cool when I was young, either'.
This is both a really personal, and also a really universal issue. Let me answer you in a bit of stream of consciousness here, bear with me.
1—”Breaking thru” and “Big Deal” are completely arbitrary concepts, depending entirely on your POV. I am friends with artists who were (and still are) heroes to me. They’re so famous, and so goddamn good, that you’d think they could rest on their laurels and finally relax and just go about being great and enjoying it. But it’s not true, because that feeling of never being where you want to be, not having made it yet, never goes away. It doesn’t matter how far you climb, that feeling climbs with you. So get used to it. In a way, you need it. The artists that don’t have that drive never rise above mediocre. It’s that dissatisfaction that keeps you striving. Unfortunately it can also make you miserable. Each of us needs to find a way to balance and walk the tightrope between being dissatisfied enough to keep growing, while letting ourselves be pleased with what we’ve accomplished at the same time.
And remember, no matter where you are on the ladder - you’re only looking up the ladder to your heroes. Remember there’s also people below you on the ladder looking to YOU and wishing they could be where you are.
2—Don’t fall into the trap of comparing the 100% of your life that you know with the 10% or 25% or even 50% of someone else’s life that you can see. Social media and the internet in general is the worst for this, but it happens in real life too…you’ll see someone’s successes and not see their hardships. We do this naturally as human beings. We don’t put our chronic diseases, our divorces, our depressions, our failures, out there for the world to see nearly as much as we celebrate our wins. You see the artist suddenly getting all the book cover commissions, but you don’t see that they’re stuck in the house 5 out of 7 days with Crohn’s Disease. You see someone get into Spectrum or American Illustration, but you don’t see that they’re going through a period of depression and intense dissatisfaction with their work to the point that they haven’t made anything new in six months. You see the concept artist working on a bunch of big movies, but you don’t see them struggling with overwork injuries. The key here is to just assume, just know, that you’re not seeing the whole story. Don’t compare your lows to another person’s highs.
3—Goals are both critical to your success, but at the same time, can defeat you before you begin. Instead of setting really big goals that immediately overwhelm you with how far you have to climb to get there, try setting priorities instead. This exercise might help.
4—The solution is to stop caring about what everyone else is doing, how young or old everyone else is, and especially worrying that you’re too old, too late, not where you want to be yet, haven’t hit an arbitrary goalpost. Just put your head down and make great work. Show it to the right people. Repeat. You’ll get there. Everyone who has gotten there ahead of you got there this way.
Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.
About My Work
I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at
I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.