
Calendar August 15, 2015 12:08

Calendar August 15, 2015 12:06

Calendar August 15, 2015 01:21

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“Riley’s First Date” - D23 Expo Stills

“Riley’s First Date” will be a bonus feature on the Digital HD (Oct. 13) & Blu-ray (Nov. 3) releases of @PixarInsideOut! #D23EXPO (x)

“Riley’s First Date?” ventures into the minds of Riley’s parents when a boy shows up at the front door. #D23EXPO (x)

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Calendar August 15, 2015 01:13

Calendar August 15, 2015 01:11

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Hey Tumblr! I just wanted to send out that I’m looking to pick up a freelance gig or two- I still work full-time, but I’m really fed up with Student Loans, so trying to bury them faster! 

If you need some character designs or environment designs\painting, get in touch! More work and contact info at justinoaksford.com!

(also, you can follow me on twitter! https://twitter.com/Justinoaksford)

Thanks folks <3~

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Calendar August 15, 2015 01:09

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Anonymous: i was wondering if you know where all the candidates stand on transgender rights??



The NDP have been the most vocal on transgender issues:

They made a big promise at the Toronto Pride this year to recognize and grant legal protection to trans Canadians if elected:

Mulcair celebrates Pride with pledge to recognize transgender rights and build a more inclusive Canada

The NDP also have a section of their policy book dedicated to LGBT rights:

  • Halting any rollback of achieved rights, including spousal benefits and same-sex marriage. 
  • Supporting international struggles against discrimination against LGBT persons, particularly against the criminalization of homosexual relationships between consenting adults. 
  • Including gender identity and expression as prohibited grounds for discrimination in the Canadian Human Rights Act. 
  • Strengthening laws against hate propaganda and hate crimes. e Eliminating any discrimination in the justice system based on sexual orientation or identity. 
  • Ending censorship of artistic works dealing with questions of sexual orientation or identity.
  • Stopping discriminatory practices against LGBT persons in immigration and refugee procedures. 
  • Investing in programs to promote equity for LGBT persons, offering more help and support to young LGBT people who face discrimination, violence or hate. 
  • Respond to the concerns of gay and lesbian veterans who were forced out the military with an eye to removing the “dishounourable discharge” from their records.

While I have not seen any particular policies specific to trans people in the Liberal platform it is well known that the party is supportive of LGBT issues.

The Green Party has an LGBT platform which can be viewed below:

4.10.4 Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights

Specifically it says:

  • Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act to explicitly include gender identity and gender expression as protected grounds of discrimination;
  • Amend the Criminal Code to include gender identity and gender expression in the hate sentencing and hate propaganda provisions;
  • Repeal s.159 of the Criminal Code;
  • Support public education to end prejudice and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity;
  • End the targeting by Canada Customs of LGBTQ+ bookstores and other LGBTQ+ businesses;
  • Ensure Canada advocates internationally for an end to state-sanctioned discrimination and violence against LGBTQ+ people.

The Conservatives are not allies to any LGBT rights or freedoms. They’re responsible for an NDP bill that would have granted trans Canadians legal protection being killed in the Senate.

allthecanadianpolitics the Strength in Democracy/Forces et Democratie candidate for Avalon is transgender. They’re a fairly new party but it’s evident they support LGBT rights from that.

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Calendar August 15, 2015 01:01

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this reminds me of timlai for some reason

I have no idea why… but I like it haha.

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Calendar August 14, 2015 02:29

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You Could Be Watching This Show Right Now if Network Execs Weren’t Stupid



Lauren Faust just posted the concept work for a Superbest Friends Forever Series from 2012. 

Oh, the agony.

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Calendar August 9, 2015 01:46

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Harley Quinn Valentine’s Day Special #1 - “Just Batty Over You” (2015)

written by Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti
art by John Timms, Ben Caldwell, Aaron Campbell, Thony Silas, & Paul Mounts, & Hi-Fi Design

Love this.

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Calendar August 9, 2015 01:36

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i’m actually dying right now this is from yesterday’s debate and this is canada’s prime minister why 

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Calendar August 9, 2015 01:31

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Justin Trudeau Can Go Fuck Himself Too


Okay, here we go, this might be the first post of mine that really pisses some people off, but I am getting sick of this guy’s shit. In the Huffington Post, Justin Trudeau is quoted as saying this about his position of Bill C-51:

“Perhaps it was naive, perhaps [it] was something that I put forward and said, ‘you know what, we can take a responsible position at a time of politics of attack and division’,” Trudeau said. 

The arrogance inherent in those words is just fucking infuriating to me. Not only is he saying that we’re all wrong about C-51, but he’s implying that if we weren’t blinded by Stephen Harper (or Tom Mulcair), we’d agree with him. We are, apparently, too stupid to realize the truth of the gospel of Trudeau.

Why wouldn’t he think that, though? He is the chosen one, the son of his of father, heir to the Liberal’s position as the “natural party of Government.” He spent his four years in the wilderness, and emerged a leader, ready to heal this broken country, or raise it from the dead, or maybe just walk on water (which is not a particularly impressive feat during a Canadian winter). He seems to be of the opinion that a few years in the wilderness, a leadership change, and some empty words of reconciliation are going to be enough, and I think it will be a very fucking rude awakening for him in October if he doesn’t bring something real to the table, and soon.

In contrast, of course, we have the excellent words of Brad Lavigne on the difference between Mulcair and Trudeau:

“Mulcair opposed the bill because it was flawed, despite its initial popularity. Trudeau [supported] the bill because it was popular, despite its flaws. That’s not leadership.”

He’s not wrong. Leadership involves more than the belief that we should assume Trudeau is right because he’s a Liberal, and Liberals are the self-appointed “natural party of government” in Canada. Leadership involves more than blaming the people who hear your message for your failure to make it stick. And leadership has to involve more than cynicism dressed up as naiveté, innocence, and youth.

So Justin Trudeau, for all this bullshit, you can go fuck yourself, repeatedly and without joy.

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Calendar August 9, 2015 01:19

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Calendar August 9, 2015 01:02

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Anonymous: why don't you trust Justin Trudeau?


Because he says one thing one day and the complete opposite the next. What is commonly called flip-flopping. He’s made a slew of embarrassing verbal gaffes and errors, which make him look inexperienced. He has not been as good of an opposition leader as Mulcair has, not by a long shot. He’s fairly quiet in question period. He should be holding the government more to account. He does not appear confident.

He puts forward policies only when he’s falling in the polls. He fucking voted for bill C-51 and seemingly is ok with this. He is seemingly ok with a bill which by definition destroys the charter of rights and freedoms that his father helped create. 

He is in favour of an investor protection agreement with China (which we’re now locked into for 40+ years) that allows Chinese companies to sue the Canadian government if we infringe on their profits. He took under his wing Eve Adams an untrustworthy Harper Government MP and her husband Dimitri Soudas (Harper’s former right hand man). He took on former police chief Bill Blair as a Liberal candidate (responsible for the G20 mass arrests in Toronto & he supports the racist carding policy). He also voted against a motion to implement proportional representation. He refuses to cooperate in a coalition scenario with the NDP if Harper wins this fall. He’d rather burden us with 4 more years of Stephen Harper than work together with other parties.

Most of Justin’s new ‘progressive’ policies look like they were cut and pasted from the NDP. There is very little original coming from the Liberal Party.

Suffice to say, I don’t trust Justin and he’s doing very little to prove that he should be trusted. A lot of the things he’s done recently I’d expect from Stephen Harper, not someone who says he wants to replace him.

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Calendar August 8, 2015 23:33

Calendar August 8, 2015 11:10

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loooool wtf Trudeau. “we are who we are and canada is what it is”

how to say Nothing At All 101

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Calendar August 6, 2015 20:24

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Does anyone else have this terrible, nagging feeling that you should be drawing 24/7? Or is that just me???

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It’s the end of an era. Jon Stewart’s super-sized final episode of The Daily Show airs in just three hours.

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Calendar August 6, 2015 02:52

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This is legitimately surreal

Source: Twitter

Did Harper just make up a tax so that he can say he’s against it….

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Calendar August 6, 2015 01:56

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i’d like to have a place to write about my depression! i hate this!! but i don’t want to lay it out on any of my existing sites. that is not their function. and yet here it is, preventing me from working.

there is a sensation i associate with making things, and i haven’t really felt it for a couple months. which has made it hard to produce anything. there is also a sensation i associate with my ADD, and it’s been a lot more present recently – it feels like i have a shot put in the center of my brain. there is a dullness, a heaviness, a lack of concentration. i get angry much quicker. i can’t string together thoughts as easily. 

i am frustrated by it, but more than frustrated, i’m ashamed. because so much of who and what i am, is wrapped up in being creative, in being able to have ideas in any circumstance. to be quick. to be clever. it’s not here right now. i’m embarrassed that it’s not. i’m embarrassed that i’ve promised everyone that i’d update my comics and things on certain days and haven’t felt like i had anything to bring. i’ve had dry spells before, but not like this.

i’m going to a doctor next week and see what’s what. i’ve been aware that i’ve been self-medicating with caffeine for a long while, but that’s lost a lot of its efficacy. 

anyway, i just wanted to get it out there.

I relate to this a lot right now.

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Calendar August 5, 2015 23:34

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This is what it’s like applying for jobs

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About This Blog

Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.


About My Work

I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at

I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.

 uploaded image 

My Sites

Lemon Inc.

Lai Guys Comics




Ink Bomb Comics

Ink Bomb Site


Stale Bacon 

Zoo Dot Com 


Other Comics I Like

Woody After Hours

Cucumber Quest

Boxer Hockey



Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name 



Artists & Designers

Shane Kirshenblatt

Sean Mclean Art 

Ryan Estrada

Matt McCray

Kevin Coulston

Paul Westover

