Frankly put. I am a FAKE GEEK GUY. I admit it. I like geek stuff, but I don’t love geek stuff. Not the way most geeks do. I’m an interloper on the geek scene. I’ve seen the movies, but I don’t know the canon. I am not a true fan.
All those things about not really loving the source material and “just watching the movies” or only reading the one book that everyone has read. That—all of that—applies to me.
But here are some things that have never happened to me. I have never been quizzed about who Data’s evil brother is to prove I like Star Trek. I have never had to justify my place in a midnight line to see Spider-man II by knowing who took up the mantle of Spider-man after Peter Parker’s death. (Peter Parker dies? Really? That’s so sad!) I have never had to explain who Nightwing is in order to participate in a conversation about Batman. (Nightwing is like….Robin on steroids, right?) I have never been asked how battle meditation works in order to voice my opinion that Enterprise shields would probably make a fight with Star Wars technology one sided. (Battle meditation is something that was in that Jedi role playing game, wasn’t it?) I have never had to beat everybody in the room (twice) at Mario Kart to prove I liked video games. I have never had my gender “honorarily” changed by having enough geek interests to be accepted (“you’re one of the guys now”). No one has ever insisted I tell them the difference between a tank and DPS in an MMORPG before allowing me to discuss raiding Molten Core. I have never been dismissed as a faker at a prequel screening because I didn’t know which admiral came out of light speed too close to the planet’s surface in The Empire Strikes Back. I have never been quizzed about Armor Class in order to get past someone who was blocking my path to the back of a game store where my friends were waiting at the tables. I have never been told I’m not a real fan. I have never been shamed for coming to a convention despite my lack of esoteric knowledge. And I have never, ever, EVER been invited to leave a fandom because I didn’t like [whatever it was] enough.
Every one of the things I have listed, I have personally witnessed happen. To women.
William H. Foster III, comic book historian, on representation in comic books. From PBS’s Superheroes: A Never-Ending Battle.
Because a post crossed my dash recently asking why we need to push for more representation in comic books and media in general. 50 years later, this man still tears up because in one panel, Peter Parker spoke to an unnamed black kid. That’s why we need representation.
Guys — something neat and exciting! I’m forming plans to do Octopus Pie in FULL COLOR in the near future! The comic has been in black & white for 7 years, and I think it’s time to try something new that will really enrich the comic.
To be sure, I’ll need your help for this. I would be employing a colorist, so I’ve made this a priority as the next goal of my Patreon Campaign. If we hit $2400 in pledges a month, it’ll be enough to keep me eating and happy, AND working with a great colorist to produce 10 full color pages.
If you love the comic but haven’t pledged, this is a great opportunity to do something that directly affects the art. It doesn’t need to be much - even a buck or two per month will help towards the goal! Pledges over $2 will also give you access to the sketches and vintage OP art I post to Patreon.
So much of the second chapter of this past season was Will rocketing toward his own doom, and willingly approaching that target, which has a sadness and a dread to it, at the same time as an inevitability. So much of what we’re doing in the third season, in the first three or four episodes certainly, is really exploring: what is Will Graham’s state?
Every season has various horror homages to it, in terms of production and also thematically, and season three has a Universal Monster sort of flair, because Will Graham is essentially Frankenstein’s monster. He died, for all intents and purposes, in the finale. He was gutted, and stitched back together as a new man. And who that man is will be a great part of the first part of season three.
I think he (Hannibal) is going to be as traumatised as the other characters, but with a stranger set of coping mechanisms! Part of the fun for us with Hannibal this season is how he stays the same, and how dramatically he changes, and the fact that he misses Will.
Bryan Fuller on “What state of mind are Will and Hannibal in going into season three?” (X)
I will never understand fans of media that show the exact qualities that said media hates. I do not understand misogynistic bronies I do not understand racist welcome to nightvale fans I do not understand how these people exist but they do and it’s incredible
Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.
About My Work
I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at
I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.