I’m so tired. Here are some morning doodles. Hope everyone isn’t as tired as I am…
Also, proud to say that this comic is at about a 45% completion rate in terms of planning. I should be able to start thumb-nailing as soon as films are done!
Reblogging because I redrew these as a warm up! Now I’m going to knock out some commissions!
Also, I started production on The Third Sight! I’ll post more info within these next couple weeks!
Honestly, the whole thing about China sales smelled like bullshit from the beginning. They just wanted to try appear not racist while in turn appearing to be very racist. Tilda Swinton does not deserve this role nor is she hurting for roles. She should have refused this and since she didn’t, my lost some major respect from her.
mattykinsel-deactivated20190210: Just curious: I'm assuming you don't support pipelines, so regarding The Issue (as it were) (i.e., the energy easy pipeline), what are we to do if we don't go forth with it? We need the jobs desperately on both sides of the country. What else are we going to do? You know? Idk. I feel like I'm against them myself but I really feel the labour side of the "opposition's" argument ,
Its not just environmentally. It is going to be just about impossible for Canada to meet even weak climate change targets if any large pipeline is built. That is a fact. I’m an Environmental Chemistry major. I know the science of climate change deeply. If we build these pipelines we are screwed.
The other issue is that building pipelines no longer makes economic sense. These are good reads on the subject:
Renewable energy is outpacing the oil sands despite not receiving billions of dollars of investment and subsidies as oil has.
Obviously I feel bad for oil workers who lose their jobs. The Canadian and Alberta governments should financially invest in them and provide them access to education and retraining programs so that they can get new, high paying energy jobs.
i just realized i have a real actual story that easily sounds like some crazy made up 2012 tumblr post
so about two weekends ago i was hopping on a plane to get back from an out-of-state convention. because i like to keep a tighter budget on con travel, i got a seat almost at the back of the plane where all the people with kids usually get seated because it’s near the toilets and far from the vip class.
anyways i lug my carry-on bags to the 28th row where im supposed to sit my ass the fuck down for about 4 hours and get placed next to a lady and her 2 year old son who is mega energetic. thankfully i actually like kids, so i struck up conversation with her and started playing with her son. the little dude and i got along swimmingly and he even fed me animal crackers while we were up in the air and it was chill.
this totally scored me some points with mom and so when the boy got busy on the tablet, i got to talk to her too. turns out she was roughly my age and working in the marketing department of an all-natural medicine research group. i’m a business student, so i decided to actually try networking for once in my life and ask her about her life and her interests. of all the things she could have listed she says to me:
video games.
and i’m like cool awesome i like video games what kind of games do you play? she lists off a couple, including kingdom hearts, which i was super big on in like high school, when i was a huge fucking axel/roxas (akuroku) and sora/riku (soriku) shipper (like obsessed shipping trash with omg yaoi squee and all holy hot damn). i was trying to establish common ground so i say oh hey i love kingdom hearts
and i swear to god she looks straight at me IN PUBLIC with her TWO YEAR OLD SON SITTING BETWEEN US and said “do you ship akuroku and soriku? they’re so cute together.”
the story ends with me being totally mortified and also admitting that i totally do and us adding each other on facebook and now she and her son are gonna come up and hang out with me this weekend and is also trying to help me get a job at the company she’s currently working at?? i successfully networked?? on a professional level?? because of gay ships and nerd culture?? anime wasn’t a mistake??
“I’m not a fucking genius. I work my ass off. Hamilton could have written what I wrote in about three weeks. That’s genius. It took me a very long time to wrestle this onto the stage, to even be able to understand the worldviews of the characters that inhabit my show, and then be able to distill that.” — Lin-Manuel Miranda
“Men give me credit for some genius. All the genius I have lies in this; when I have a subject in hand, I study it profoundly. Day and night it is before me. My mind becomes pervaded with it. Then the effort that I have made is what people are pleased to call the fruit of genius. It is the fruit of labor and thought.” —
Alexander Hamilton
Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.
About My Work
I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at www.lemon-inc.com.
I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.
I’m so into this interpretation of these characters.