Because he says one thing one day and the complete opposite the next. What is commonly called flip-flopping. He’s made a slew of embarrassing verbal gaffes and errors, which make him look inexperienced. He has not been as good of an opposition leader as Mulcair has, not by a long shot. He’s fairly quiet in question period. He should be holding the government more to account. He does not appear confident.
He puts forward policies only when he’s falling in the polls. He fucking voted for bill C-51 and seemingly is ok with this. He is seemingly ok with a bill which by definition destroys the charter of rights and freedoms that his father helped create.
He is in favour of an investor protection agreement with China (which we’re now locked into for 40+ years) that allows Chinese companies to sue the Canadian government if we infringe on their profits. He took under his wing Eve Adams an untrustworthy Harper Government MP and her husband Dimitri Soudas (Harper’s former right hand man). He took on former police chief Bill Blair as a Liberal candidate (responsible for the G20 mass arrests in Toronto & he supports the racist carding policy). He also voted against a motion to implement proportional representation. He refuses to cooperate in a coalition scenario with the NDP if Harper wins this fall. He’d rather burden us with 4 more years of Stephen Harper than work together with other parties.
Most of Justin’s new ‘progressive’ policies look like they were cut and pasted from the NDP. There is very little original coming from the Liberal Party.
Suffice to say, I don’t trust Justin and he’s doing very little to prove that he should be trusted. A lot of the things he’s done recently I’d expect from Stephen Harper, not someone who says he wants to replace him.
i’d like to have a place to write about my depression! i hate this!! but i don’t want to lay it out on any of my existing sites. that is not their function. and yet here it is, preventing me from working.
there is a sensation i associate with making things, and i haven’t really felt it for a couple months. which has made it hard to produce anything. there is also a sensation i associate with my ADD, and it’s been a lot more present recently – it feels like i have a shot put in the center of my brain. there is a dullness, a heaviness, a lack of concentration. i get angry much quicker. i can’t string together thoughts as easily.
i am frustrated by it, but more than frustrated, i’m ashamed. because so much of who and what i am, is wrapped up in being creative, in being able to have ideas in any circumstance. to be quick. to be clever. it’s not here right now. i’m embarrassed that it’s not. i’m embarrassed that i’ve promised everyone that i’d update my comics and things on certain days and haven’t felt like i had anything to bring. i’ve had dry spells before, but not like this.
i’m going to a doctor next week and see what’s what. i’ve been aware that i’ve been self-medicating with caffeine for a long while, but that’s lost a lot of its efficacy.
No society that regulates firearms suffers from the absence of any liberty at all, save the liberty of lunatics to murder their neighbors as they choose.
angryartistsanonymous: Hey Rad as an artist do you do any kind of training everyday to stay sharp and productive at what you do? Kind of like a basketball player might shoot 800 baskets a day to train their shooting etc, etc, etc.
Yes, I need to spend at least 2 hours every morning copying drawings or I absolutely cannot draw. I pop in some anime or disney dvd and pause it and do studies. If I don’t do that, I can’t draw.
I work out 6 days a week. Either run for an hour, lift weights, or go to crossfit. As long as I do that, my back is fine. If I skip a few days, I’ll feel it.
“For the first time, Pixar has two original films that will be released this year. The Good Dinosaur will follow Inside Out in November, and with it, a brand new short.
‘Sanjay’s Super Team’ will be the first Pixar film starring a character of color. Director Sanjay Patel drew on his childhood experiences to create the 7 minute short, which chronicles a Hindu prayer ritual with his father.
It’s also the first time religion is the subject in a Pixar film. The short concerns Sanjay daydreaming about the Hindu gods as ancient superheroes, not unlike Marvel’s The Avengers…
Patel is the third Asian American director at Pixar, joining Ronnie del Carmen, co director of Inside Out, and Pete Sohn, director of The Good Dinosaur. He was candid in describing the difficulties of embracing his Indian heritage as a boy and even into adulthood…”
Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.
About My Work
I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at
I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.