
Calendar January 22, 2015 19:19

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dansfloor-blog: I won't hold not answering this against you haha- how did you become so confident with your art, I feel like I've overcharged people & sometimes just do pieces for free bc I feel guilty & people have a way of really making me feel like shit if I expect compensation, like my work isn't good enough for people to spend $ on? Obviously you're not amateur like I am, but were you always very confident artistically even when you were starting out?


I think it’s an easy trap to fall into when you’re starting out. I used to balk at the idea of charging people for my art because my art “wasn’t worth money.” It’s a ridiculous concept, really. I’m still not sure what to charge people sometimes.

When I think about it… For me, making digital art, I mean, when I’m charging you, it’s because it takes:

A) Time, which I don’t have tons of because I have lots of projects/deadlines

B) Supplies, like a laptop/tablet/pens/sketchbooks, which shockingly are NOT free

C) Experience, which for many people means art school and tuition is, also, not free

D) Skill, which you may not have or have in different ways, and in that way it’s the same as paying a plumber to fix a toilet because you don’t know how or don’t want to or want your toilet fixed extra special for someone’s birthday.

Also, when you DON’T charge for your work or undercharge drastically, it makes other people who are charging reasonable amounts and definitely deserve it look bad. “Why would I get a commission for $100 when x is doing them for $15?” I’m talking fully-rendered illustrations here, not sketches. For $15. Things that obviously take HOURS. That’s not good. That’s a bad cycle!


Nobody should EVER make you feel bad about wanting to be compensated for your work.

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Calendar January 18, 2015 22:12

Calendar January 18, 2015 20:43

Calendar January 17, 2015 00:33

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Truly iconic.

What the hell is this?

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Calendar January 16, 2015 00:24

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I have to draw a four panel comic every day for the rest of the semester. I’m only going to post this one, I think, and save the rest for a gumroad package.
This one is about first time I smoked and drank hot chocolate out of a comically oversized ladel for an hour while hitting my head against a cabinet and laughing at myself.

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Calendar January 15, 2015 23:52

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Dear my great ” What It Is” class,

RE: Stories read out loud tonight: GOOOOOD!!!

Your homework:

Four Minute Diary every day (click here for video)


Seven and a Half Minutes Worth of Writing (click video above)


First write ten nouns on ten little pieces of paper

Number a page from one to ten

Relax your whole body from top to bottom and say the alphabet to yourself or something else you have memorized and think back to early days in your life

turn over one of the pieces of paper and that’s your word.

Write down the first ten memories that come to you from that word

Read the list over

Circle one that seems vivid or has trouble in it and write it on a clean sheet of paper like it was a title to a story and then draw a big X on the page.

Then start the video.

Remember to skip a line as you go so your page is double spaced -that’s important- and if you get stuck to use the alphabet. It likes it!


Professor Lynda (who looks forward to seeing you on Thursday)

PS: Even if you are not in our class these assignments are good to try just for fun.

P.P.S. Remember to monkey around

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Calendar January 12, 2015 20:12

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The men in Hollywood event is every day—it’s called Hollywood. Fifty-one percent of the population should not have to have to schedule a special event to celebrate the fact that in an art that tells the story of what it means to be human and alive, we get to play a part.

My husband and I do kind of the same job — a little bit. Not long ago we both had one of those magical days which we call a junket, where we both attended these lovely events where people come in every four minutes and they ask the same questions over and over again, you know the drill. We got home at night and we compared notes.

And I told him every single person who interviewed me, I mean every single one, and this is true of the red carpet here tonight, Elle, asked me, ‘How do you balance work and family?’ and he said the only thing that people asked him repeatedly was about the tits on the ‘Blurred Lines’ girl [Emily Ratajkowski his co-star in Gone Girl].

As for work-life balance, he said no one asked him about it that day. As a matter of fact, no one had ever asked him about it. And we do share the same family. Isn’t it time to kinda change that conversation?

Jennifer Garner on Hollywood sexism (via lawn-of-del-rey)

“The men in Hollywood event is every day—it’s called Hollywood.”

I don’t know if people outside of the Entertainment industry know how true this is, but holy shit this is on point.

(via spytap)

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Calendar January 12, 2015 20:03

Calendar January 10, 2015 23:34

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Dreamwork’s Me And My Shadow (2018). Property of 20th Century Fox. Not to be duplicated.

Oh, thank goodness! I was afraid Dreamworks had completely scrapped this movie. I’m excited to know it’s still in the works!

Still really excited for this!

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Calendar January 10, 2015 19:28

Calendar January 10, 2015 18:48

Calendar January 10, 2015 18:03

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Recent google searches from this week.

Are you dying? Don’t die.

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Calendar January 9, 2015 23:34

Calendar January 9, 2015 01:46

Calendar January 9, 2015 01:15

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so you guys still like vaguely human object heads, right?

reblog for the later night crowd

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Calendar January 8, 2015 16:02

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banister crumblebench is a good person for saying this and a+ to her response too

In the first GIF her eyes shoot up like did this motherfucker just say what I think they said?

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Calendar January 7, 2015 02:53

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Calendar January 6, 2015 18:50

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Calendar January 6, 2015 18:49

Calendar January 6, 2015 18:47

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Why do people act like being a vampire is so fucking great. You can’t eat garlic bread so what’s the point

Okay first of all fuck garlic bread

What the fuck. What thef. Uck. You come on here, you come into my house, you take a shit on my post you shit on garlic bread, you shit on everything I stand for, on this, the day of my daughter’s wedding… .

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About This Blog

Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.


About My Work

I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at

I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.

 uploaded image 

My Sites

Lemon Inc.

Lai Guys Comics




Ink Bomb Comics

Ink Bomb Site


Stale Bacon 

Zoo Dot Com 


Other Comics I Like

Woody After Hours

Cucumber Quest

Boxer Hockey



Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name 



Artists & Designers

Shane Kirshenblatt

Sean Mclean Art 

Ryan Estrada

Matt McCray

Kevin Coulston

Paul Westover

