
Calendar August 18, 2016 01:16

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Netflix’s new site is a giant “f*ck you” to Comcast and Time Warner

Netflix launched a site late Wednesday night called Fast.com, where — in one click — anyone browsing the internet can see how fast their internet speed is. Although it’s great for consumers, some internet providers might not be happy about the new website.

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Fuck Comcast

Netflix didn’t invent that it’s been around

Netflix didn’t invent speed checks, but this site is Netflix’s.

Okay, so here’s why Netflix speedtest is so brilliant. 

Most of us know about Speedtest.net, right? Well Comcast and Time Warner know about it too. They know customers use it to check to see if they’re getting what they are paying for. Comcast techs even tell customers to check their speed with Speedtest.net. 

So, to make sure people think they are getting good speeds, Comcast and Time Warner prioritize traffic going to Speedtest.net. When you check your speed there it’s artificially inflated. That is NOT the speed you are getting when you browse tumblr and that is definitely not the speed you get when you watch Netflix. 

Comcast and Time Warner can not artificially inflate the results by prioritizing traffic to Fast.net unless they also prioritize traffic to Netflix, and they definitely do not want to do that. 

I am actually peeing a little at how beautiful this piece of bastardry is.    All ISPs oversubscribe their lines, you never really get what  you’re promised (this is why they use phrasing like “UP TO”)   It’s an endless game of spinning plates, hiding this fact behind prioritisation and local caching.

But now Netflix has essentially given them two options:   Show your entire arse or prioritise netflix.

(Source: mic.com)

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Calendar August 18, 2016 00:31

Calendar August 6, 2016 19:21

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painting characters in dramatic lighting while keeping them recognizable 1/3

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painting characters in dramatic lighting while keeping them recognizable 2/3

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painting characters in dramatic lighting while keeping them recognizable 3/3

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on unifying color palettes

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on shading with yellow

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supplement (aka "please still shade with yellow though")


a collection of things i wrote about color. these aren’t necessarily “tutorials", just things i’ve discovered that work for me and might help others. i’m still learning.

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Calendar August 6, 2016 00:46

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So the #FarewelltotheFalls art show is tomorrow! I have two pieces showcasing but here’s my main one! Hope to see some of you there :)

This is soooo freaking good.

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Calendar August 6, 2016 00:38

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someone: where do you see yourself in 10 years?



i like all those secret dogs underneath very stealthy

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Calendar August 5, 2016 21:31

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these tweets are so important to me

I love this a lot aaa

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Calendar August 4, 2016 15:58

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‘This Is Fine’ Plush

Kickstarter campaign from KC Green brings to physical life a familiar meme, the content coffee-drinking dog in a burning house:

From that far away year of 2013 comes a set of images so powerful, it stayed relevant for 3 more years and possibly beyond. 

From my old webcomic “Gunshow,” this dark horse of a comic rose into prominent usage among the college testing crowd and grew from there. Normally the first two panels are only seen. Brevity is the soul of wit, after all! But it continued to seep into the consciousness of America and the world as things seemingly just got… worse.

I, for one, hope there’ll be a day when we no longer have to look for the dog on fire to support our feelings, but until that day comes, maybe a nice big plush of the boy will help.

More Here

This is a better write up than I could do for my kickstarter which started A-JUST NOW. Please spread the word and back if possible. Thank you.

(Source: kickstarter.com)

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Calendar August 4, 2016 15:52

Calendar July 8, 2016 02:13

Calendar July 8, 2016 02:11

Calendar July 8, 2016 01:55

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I used it, I’m a fat ugly bastard, I matched with a girl who wasn’t too shabby looking, texted for a few days until we were both off. I picked her up, she was very cute, went to dinner at a Japanese steak house and had a good time, drank some sake. She suggested we go back to my place (woo!)

We stop by her apartment to get her car and she wants to get clothes. She follows me to my house and we make out in my driveway for a few and start to move towards the house, I’m excited, gunna get laid and all yessir, been a while.

So we are on my front porch and she goes “eew, what’s that” and points to this baseball sized toad that hangs out on my porch, this is his 2nd year it there. Anyways I explain he is cool and I knock beetles off my porch light for to eat and stuff she walks over to him, looks at me, like intense eye contact and proceeded to slowly stomp on my toad.

Now at this point I was experiencing several emotions, shock, anger, rage. I shouted at her “wtf, why’d you do that” to which she replied “I wanted to make you mad so you’d Fuck me hard” I was speechless while I processed what I had just witnessed. I told her to get the Fuck of my property, she flips out, we yell back and forth, I sprayed her with the hose and she finally leaves only to show up 20 min later topless on my deck in the back yard. She had walked from down the road and pulled like 6 pickets down from my fence to get in the back yard.

Cops came, she cried her way out of trouble with them and left.

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Calendar June 26, 2016 01:19

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Calendar June 26, 2016 01:08

Calendar June 25, 2016 22:27

Calendar June 25, 2016 22:18

Calendar June 22, 2016 16:40

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My birthday and goodbye party. I can’t thank these amazingly loving people enough.

Selling my THESE FEELS zines to such great supporters.

Keep reading

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Calendar June 22, 2016 16:39

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“Little Rebels” (Star Wars / Norman Rockwell) - Original, Signed, Hand Built Wooden 3D Wall Art - Up on Etsy, right now!

Thank you for your niceness, as always :)


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Calendar June 21, 2016 21:10

Calendar June 21, 2016 21:09

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Neykulele semi-original:

I decided to create a surprise “gift” for the great friends I have, especially those who were able to come to my private birthday and goodbye party. I used the melody from Closing Time by Semisonic and reworded the song to fit my own situation. 

What inspired me the most was Closing Time’s lyric “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”

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About This Blog

Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.


About My Work

I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at

I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.

 uploaded image 

My Sites

Lemon Inc.

Lai Guys Comics




Ink Bomb Comics

Ink Bomb Site


Stale Bacon 

Zoo Dot Com 


Other Comics I Like

Woody After Hours

Cucumber Quest

Boxer Hockey



Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name 



Artists & Designers

Shane Kirshenblatt

Sean Mclean Art 

Ryan Estrada

Matt McCray

Kevin Coulston

Paul Westover

