October 17, 2015 01:27
October 16, 2015 22:22
October 15, 2015 01:20
October 15, 2015 01:16
October 13, 2015 11:05
October 13, 2015 01:00
snowmonetwrites-blog: Have you ever had to work while sick to meet deadlines? If so, any tips you could spare?
I work sick all the time, you just have to do what you can do. When a doctor accidentally cut a blood vessel from my heart, and I almost died on the operating table during a routine operation, my hands were in casts and I couldn’t move, I still dictated a script to my husband to turn in.
I’m not saying ‘muscle through it,’ because that’s not always possible. I have had times where a script was behind because mentally I wasn’t there for whatever reason. But I always feel better HAVING written than worrying about NOT having written. So for me, it actually helps.
Also, write the pages out of order if you have to, write the sequence you KNOW or really WANT to write, save the rest for when you feel better and can concentrate. Good luck!
October 13, 2015 00:08
Anonymous: I never realized how beautiful trudeau really is?? like holy shit if his political career doesnt work out he could be a model or an actor.... like he and his wife are so hot yall know that theyre children are gonna be.. blessed with money and good looks, why cant I be his child.
I like to think that Justin Trudeau submitted this ask.
October 10, 2015 01:50
October 10, 2015 00:37
October 10, 2015 00:32
Anonymous: I think what bothers me most about Trudeau is that people assume just because his dad was "good" at what he did that he'll be just like him.
October 8, 2015 23:41
Anonymous: Somebody posted about large cuts to healthcare funding by the Conservatives, but I haven't heard anything. Is this legit?
It is true.
Stephen Harper did not renew the existing health accord and replaced it with a different funding model (tying it to GDP instead of equal payments). Which is going to create inequality in our healthcare system; the rich will get lots of money and the poor provinces will get less.
Here is some reading on the subject:
Canada’s top medical journal says Harper is undermining public health care
Premiers Say Ottawa Cutting Health Funding By $36 Billion Over 10 Years
How Harper killed medicare — and got away with it
October 7, 2015 20:40
theothermichael: Thoughts on "Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!"?
scooby doo ended forever with mystery inc
Are you implying that there was Scooby Doo before Mystery Inc?
i remember “a pup named scooby doo”
everything else is hazy
October 7, 2015 20:27
Anonymous: When did you seriously start writing comics (with the intent to publish)? How do you overcome self-doubt when it comes to working creatively? Any advice to writers out there with little confidence in their art abilities/just getting started?
Hey anon. I think I started going to shows and soliciting publishers when I was around 20; it took about 3 or 4 years of that before I made it into anything.
To be honest, I still carry a ton of self-doubt about my art; the validation I’ve received from the comics community is wonderful and appreciated, but hard to internalize. So you might be in it for the long haul with creative insecurity. My best advice for someone starting out would be to draw and write quickly, produce as much work as you can, and try not to worry about how much further you have to go. You’re probably better than you think.
October 7, 2015 20:20
October 7, 2015 19:55
October 7, 2015 19:52
October 7, 2015 19:51
So ya know how anti-choice trashcans say "what if the cure for cancer lives in the mind of a fetus that gets aborted?"
But since fetuses already knowing advanced medical sciences aren’t a thing, I figured I’d provide some more valid alternatives:
What if the cure for cancer lives in the mind of someone who has a “black sounding” name and gets their school application thrown out?
What if the cure for cancer lives in the mind of someone who accidentally becomes pregnant where abortion is illegal or very difficult to access and they are forced to quit the sciences to raise the child?
What if the cure for cancer lives in the mind of a fat person whose credibility in the medical field is destroyed because they are assumed to be “unhealthy” and a hypocrite?
What if the cure for cancer lives in the mind of a person who starves to death?
What if the cure for cancer lives in the mind of someone who is murdered by drones or police?
What if the cure for cancer lives in the mind of someone who is raped and cannot continue their research due to trauma?
What if the cure for cancer lives in the mind of someone who is killed in a shooting because some below average teen boy couldn’t get laid?
I mean if you wanna talk about real life actual things that prevent scientific advancement look no further than capitalism, misogyny, ableism, racism, violence, oppression. But I guess that doesn’t allow you to control people’s bodies and push your gross agenda.
This shit needs a million reblogs
October 7, 2015 17:59
October 7, 2015 03:11
October 7, 2015 01:44
About This Blog
Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.
About My Work
I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at www.lemon-inc.com.
I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.
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Anonymous: The more I try to rationalize the Globe's endorsement of a Harperless Conservative Party, the more my brain hurts. Do they expect Harper to step down if he wins the election because one newspaper said they don't like him? If they think the Tories deserve another mandate but Harper doesn't, who do they think was running the party for the last nine years?