I apologize for the humungo post, I wanted all the images together in a master post instead of separate installments.
Remember the Jedi Knight Japanese Dictionary I posted about, with the artists Chifuyu Sasaki and Naoko Kawano? Well, @ciette on tumblr actually purchased the book (so lucky!) and was so kind in letting me see the inside by scanning all the A/P images. I haven’t gotten the book myself yet (I will someday, hopefully) but getting these scans was a major relief as I’m not all over the place wondering what I was missing out on. To top it off, it was right near my birthday; such a great gift! I wanted to post these one the 16th but circumstances made it too difficult. I’m just happy all over. I did my best; ran them through lots of filters, and with some personal touches, I think I just about re-created the look as they are in the book.
For more inside, check out ciette’s post as she also shares images from the Padawan Learners Dictionary. :D
I think when starting out the thing anybody needs to focus on is the building of an idiom, of a craft, of discipline. The tautological version of it is ‘write every day’ but that’s a tautology; the act of doing the thing is a thing you do every day whether you physically put words down or not. Build your idiom, learn your craft. that’s where you start. Literally no one has to read a word of it, that’s not what ‘write every day’ means; it’s about you. Your notebook is a sketchbook not a novel; your notebook is a gym not an arena.
Like a physical endeavor where an athlete has to train their way up and then maintain a kind of baseline, if you’re starting, you start, and you don’t stop without having to starting a few paces back when you start up again. It’s a war of inches and a pit dug by teaspoons and you start by starting.
positivity is cool and all but repressing negative feelings is toxic to yr mind and body. dont feel guilt for having an array of emotions. its corny to fake positivity when it isnt sincere, feeling stuff even bad stuff is nothing to be guilty over. its okay to feel bad sometimes
i walked in on my 4 year old nephew sitting alone on his bed eating grapes in the dark and i didn’t even get a chance to say anything before he said “i don’t have answers”
Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.
About My Work
I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at www.lemon-inc.com.
I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.