
Calendar December 18, 2017 23:45

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drifbilim: hi i just read the post about bell ending net neutrality in canada and tracked the source provided - which is a claim that the website canadaland made dec 4th that hasn't been substantiated or picked up by major canadian news outlets since. additionally crtc's recent statements suggest that they are for net-neutrality and a search of the exact wording of bell canada's statements is that they want a govnt agency (1/2)


(2/2) to set up a blacklist - but for the express purposes of blocking sites infringing on copyright and piracy laws - with the blacklist being maintained by the CRTC. um i hope this doesn’t come out rude i just wanted to set the facts straight - or as straight as i could manage cross checking sources and reading the context behind the quotes used in the article. i’m not denying the potential threat of repealed net neutrality just wanna make sure there’s no misinformation going around. thanks!

Canadaland is credible, though. This isn’t just a source; they obtained actual documents of draft proposals sent from Bell Media to Canada’s telecommuncations regulator, the CRTC.

Canadaland’s findings have been picked up by The Huffington Post Canada, and Vice news’s Motherboard, as well as Canadian Privacy expert Michael Geist.

As for no Canadian media reporting on this? That’s not really true.

The CBC covered this, back in September:

‘Radical and overreaching’: Bell wants Canadians blocked from piracy websites

Which leads directly to what Bell is apparently doing now.

Yes, be skeptical, but there’s a lot backing up these claims from what I can see.

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Calendar November 27, 2017 00:49

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littleredspaces: How will the US net neutrality vote affect Canadians?



Since the majority of large websites are based in the USA, what the USA does in regards to net neutrally will effect every person that uses the Internet.

This is an old article but its on this topic:

Net neutrality changes in U.S. could impact Canada

“We may not live in the U.S., but many of our favourite websites do,” he said. “Canadians rely on a lot of American services… to go about their daily lives.

“If a proposal were to go through that would allow slow lanes on the internet, that could impact how those services operate and what new services are able to emerge.”

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Calendar November 27, 2017 00:48

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okayjacklynn: Do you know if the FCC’s net neutrality vote will affect Canadians? I’m trying to read up on it but I don’t fully understand 😭


Yes, it will. Because the majority of the world’s most used and popular websites are hosted on American servers (Facebook, Google, Netflix, Twitter, Tumblr, etc) they will be subject to American laws on Net Neutrality.

Some large companies may have Canadians servers and in that case there shouldn’t be a slowdown on this end, but for many smaller websites/companies I’m sure it could have a negative effect. Cost pressures in the USA could be shifted to Canadian providers as well.

This is from a reddit discussion board on the topic (up voted almost 200 times):

Whatever happens in the states regards to Net Neutrality is going to also affect us here in Canada. The internet isn’t easily divided up into regions, it’s essentially one massive entity and as such it’s inevitable that some of our traffic is going to come through the states. On top of, many of the services we use on the net are US based, Reddit for example. If the states allows their telecos to prioritize and price different traffic that inevitably going to spill out into additional costs for our services and telecos who buy bandwidth from the US backbone. The cost and consequence of which will be passed on to us.

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Calendar November 6, 2017 00:11

Calendar November 5, 2017 01:59

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The droid the droids are looking for. 

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Calendar October 31, 2017 19:05

Calendar October 31, 2017 18:57

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Mr Pumpkin

This is how I imagine Pumpkids are born now

Yep, same <3

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The Ghostbusters and the Ghost that wants to be found.

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Calendar October 25, 2017 00:15

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Calendar September 22, 2017 00:36

Calendar September 19, 2017 23:35

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In my quest for more themed pubs in Toronto, I ventured to the Victorian Monkey Steampunk Edwardian pub  on Kingston Road. It’s So Awesome. The food is amazing and there’s a steamer trunk of board games.

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Calendar September 19, 2017 23:31

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As an educator, I hate the bell curve system, but I really hate teachers who say, “You won’t get an A in my class.” It’s not just because it causes students to begin the semester with a feeling that they will fail the course: it’s because it is the teacher admitting to their own failure to teach. 

We are literally paid to teach a full curriculum. “I don’t give out A’s” to me translates to “I cannot 100% do my job.” There is no reason a good teacher can’t give you an 80-100% understanding of what is in the course. It’s our job to make sure you understand as much as we can. 

A class average of 50 is isn’t a statement of how hard the material is. It’s a statement that the teacher cannot complete 50% of their job.

My grandfather was a professor and he always felt this way. He had colleagues who were very proud of their failing statistics and he always said that if students were failing, the teacher was failing. Your job is to teach them to understand the subject matter.

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Calendar September 19, 2017 23:26

Calendar September 19, 2017 00:05

Calendar September 15, 2017 01:10

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I seriously could have done something far more useful with my time…

 don’t ever regret the time spent on this

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Calendar September 15, 2017 00:56

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More early research on Ducktales ! Secondary characters this time. I ha a lot of fun playing with those Disney codes (very unusual for me) ! Ducktales is available on Disney XD. (All images are Disney TV property).

Part 1: Here.

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Calendar September 14, 2017 00:30

Calendar September 4, 2017 01:55

Calendar September 4, 2017 00:39

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Mr. Rogers once sued the Klan.

Mr. Rogers was the GOAT

To all those “You shouldn’t fight hate with hate!” people, here is Mr Rogers, the kidnest, nicest, most calm and loving person in America and possibly in the whole world, saying that bigotry is the one thing that makes him angry

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Calendar September 4, 2017 00:23

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why would the article headline from a right-wing tabloid omit context though?? what would they have to gain????

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About This Blog

Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.


About My Work

I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at

I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.

 uploaded image 

My Sites

Lemon Inc.

Lai Guys Comics




Ink Bomb Comics

Ink Bomb Site


Stale Bacon 

Zoo Dot Com 


Other Comics I Like

Woody After Hours

Cucumber Quest

Boxer Hockey



Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name 



Artists & Designers

Shane Kirshenblatt

Sean Mclean Art 

Ryan Estrada

Matt McCray

Kevin Coulston

Paul Westover

