When the Nazi concentration camps were liberated by the Allies, it was a time of great jubilation for the tens of thousands of people incarcerated in them. But an often forgotten fact of this time is that prisoners who happened to be wearing the pink triangle (the Nazis’ way of marking and identifying homosexuals) were forced to serve out the rest of their sentence. This was due to a part of German law simply known as “Paragraph 175” which criminalized homosexuality. The law wasn’t repealed until 1969.
This should be required learning, internationally.
You need to know this. You need to remember this. This is not something to swept under the carpet nor be forgotten.
Never. Too many have died for the way they have loved. That needs stop now.
Make it stop?
I did a report on this in my World History class my sophomore year of high school. It was incredibly unsettling.
My teacher shown the class this. Mostly everyone in the class felt uncomfortable.
I have reblogged this in the past, but it is so ironic that it comes across my dash right now. I a currently working as a docent at my city’s Holocaust Education Center (( I say currently because I’ve also done research and translation for them )) and out current exhibit is one on loan from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum ((USHMM)). This is a little known historical fact that Paragraph 175 was not repealed after the war and those convicted under Nazi laws as a danger to society because they were gay were not released because they had be convicted in a court of law. There was no liberation or justice for them as they weren’t considered criminals, or even victims for that matter. They were criminals who remained persecuted and ostracized and kept on the fringes of society for decades after the war had been won. Paragraph175 wasn’t actually repealed until 1994. And it was only in May 2002, that the German parliament completed legislation to pardon all homosexuals convicted under Paragraph175 during the Nazi era. History has forgotten about these men and women — please educate yourselves so this does not happen again. Remember this history. Remember them.
@mindlesshumor ok how the fuck did I miss this when I’ve studied The Holocaust like nobody’s business??? wtf
Because the history we have left regarding it is literally the contents of this first hand account.
It is a thin little book.
When I first opened it, I wondered why it was so thin.
Why there wasn’t other books like it.
Other first hand accounts.
By the time I finished it, I didn’t wonder anymore.
Bent by Martin Sherman (fiction; however, it’s often credited with bringing attention to gay Holocaust victims for the first time since the war ended)
This is one of the memorial sculptures in Dachau. It was erected in the early 60s and is missing the pink triangles. Because in the early 60s, homosexuality was still a crime in most of the world. Our tour guide explained why the pink triangles have not been added later - if they were, then folks would assume that they had always been there. This way people ask “why aren’t there pink triangles?” and somebody can explain why - because in some ways, the rest of the world was as bass-ackwards as Nazi Germany.
can i just say i was literately in a genocide and holocaust class and i didnt even learn this
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1. The more you hate a trait in someone else, the more likely you are avoiding it in yourself. Carl Jung believed that characteristics in others that bother us are reflections of the parts of ourselves that we deny. Freud referred to it as “projection.” Most people call it “being an asshole.” For example, the woman who is insecure about her weight will call everyone else fat. The man who’s insecure about his money will criticize others for theirs.
2. People who can’t trust, can’t be trusted. People who are chronically insecure in their relationships are more likely to sabotage them. Call it the Good Will Hunting syndrome, but one way people protect themselves from getting hurt is by hurting others first.
3. The more you try to impress people, the less impressed they’ll be. Nobody likes a try-hard.
4. The more you fail, the more likely you are to succeed. Insert inspirational famous person quote here. You’ve probably heard many of them. Edison tried over 10,000 prototypes before getting the lightbulb right. Michael Jordan got cut from his high school team. Success comes from improvement and improvement comes from failure. There’s no shortcut around it.
[Image description: drawing of a pink seahorse saying “This can be the year you start that new project you’ve been wanting to start for a while. You can do this! It’s going to be awesome.” in a blue speech bubble.]
I know this isn’t Bojack related, but recently instead of turning men down by saying “no, thank you”, I experimented with saying “I’m engaged” and flashing a ring instead.
Needless to say, I am not engaged. It still worked better than just saying “no”, but then came questions like “so where is your fiancé?” and “he let you go out by yourself looking like that?” or just remaining persistent in asking for my number.
So I went into my closet, and pulled out a fiancé.
Now when I turn men down and they need further proof, they can know that I would rather lug around a 5 foot tall plastic skeleton to Steak n Shake and fake a proposal than give them my number.
His name is Braunschweiger Last-Name and I think I’m going to take his last name.
Ok, so I just fell into a misinformation trap out of my own panic, so I did some more research. Here are a few important notes on the Canadian Net Neutrality stuff, so people don’t get too confused or panicky:
It’s bad, but it’s not the same as what’s happening in the United States.
The US telecommunications regulatory agency is called the FCC. That’s where Ajit Pai and his two Republican cronies voted to overturn net neutrality in the US.
The Canadian equivalent is the CRTC. Unlike the FCC board, which is staffed by representatives of the Republican and Democratic parties, the CRTC is non-partisan.
So, in the US, the Republican-controlled FCC decided to throw out net neutrality. That is why we all sent angry emails to Ajit Pai and the FCC.
In Canada, the CRTC has actually done a fairly good job of protecting net neutrality for almost 25 years. Remember, they’re not the bad guys here.
The bad guys are Bell, Rodgers, Cineplex and Shaw. These are the companies that are petitioning the CRTC to block access to websites that rely on piracy. Unfortunately, this is a “slippery slope” proposal in that it could basically lead to a blank check for internet censorship. This is NOT the same as what happened in the US - it’s not a case where you might have to pay more to access certain websites, it’s an attempt by these companies to block certain websites altogether.
The CRTC hasn’t commented on this proposal or evaluated it yet, but keep your eye on the news. Most experts agree that Bell and co. are on extremely shaky legal ground, however - so it’s worth being concerned, but it’s not worth panicking yet. The CRTC have been pretty consistently fair about internet regulations in the past.
Still - it’s disturbing.
So what do you do? Well, for now, you keep watch. There is a petition to sign:
…..which is a good start, but I am extremely suspicious of online petitions. If you care about this, that’s where you start, not where you finish.
The post I reblogged earlier also had a major error in it. That’s the wrong CRTC petition! :) As far as the internet knows, there’s no method to send comments to the CRTC directly yet (aside from phoning people who work there I guess?) but I will keep a lookout and double-check next time
drifbilim: hi i just read the post about bell ending net neutrality in canada and tracked the source provided - which is a claim that the website canadaland made dec 4th that hasn't been substantiated or picked up by major canadian news outlets since. additionally crtc's recent statements suggest that they are for net-neutrality and a search of the exact wording of bell canada's statements is that they want a govnt agency (1/2)
(2/2) to set up a blacklist - but for the express purposes of blocking sites infringing on copyright and piracy laws - with the blacklist being maintained by the CRTC. um i hope this doesn’t come out rude i just wanted to set the facts straight - or as straight as i could manage cross checking sources and reading the context behind the quotes used in the article. i’m not denying the potential threat of repealed net neutrality just wanna make sure there’s no misinformation going around. thanks!
Canadaland is credible, though. This isn’t just a source; they obtained actual documents of draft proposals sent from Bell Media to Canada’s telecommuncations regulator, the CRTC.
Since the majority of large websites are based in the USA, what the USA does in regards to net neutrally will effect every person that uses the Internet.
“We may not live in the U.S., but many of our favourite websites do,” he said. “Canadians rely on a lot of American services… to go about their daily lives.
“If a proposal were to go through that would allow slow lanes on the internet, that could impact how those services operate and what new services are able to emerge.”
Yes, it will. Because the majority of the world’s most used and popular websites are hosted on American servers (Facebook, Google, Netflix, Twitter, Tumblr, etc) they will be subject to American laws on Net Neutrality.
Some large companies may have Canadians servers and in that case there shouldn’t be a slowdown on this end, but for many smaller websites/companies I’m sure it could have a negative effect. Cost pressures in the USA could be shifted to Canadian providers as well.
Whatever happens in the states regards to Net Neutrality is going to also affect us here in Canada. The internet isn’t easily divided up into regions, it’s essentially one massive entity and as such it’s inevitable that some of our traffic is going to come through the states. On top of, many of the services we use on the net are US based, Reddit for example. If the states allows their telecos to prioritize and price different traffic that inevitably going to spill out into additional costs for our services and telecos who buy bandwidth from the US backbone. The cost and consequence of which will be passed on to us.
Hi, I'm Tim Lai! I'm a cartoonist living in Ontario, Canada. I like drawing cute and colourful things. This blog is a hub where you can find all of my Tumblr, DeviantArt, Flickr, Blogspot, and other posts in one place.
About My Work
I write and draw Lemon Inc., a comic about a seven-year-old who wants to be a business tycoon when he grows up. Until then, he runs a lemonade stand. You can read it at www.lemon-inc.com.
I have done some professional web and graphic design work, including designing the website for the webcomic, Just Joel. I'm also a member of the webcomic collective, Ink Bomb Comics.